
Musim Dingin

Autor: NavaKyud
Romansa Kontemporer
Contínuo · 2K Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is Musim Dingin

Leia o romance Musim Dingin escrito pelo autor NavaKyud publicado no WebNovel. Bertemu dengannya bukan hanya secara kebetulan, tapi takdir. Takdir yang mempertemukan mereka. Sayangnya... Salah satu dari mereka hanya bertahan selama sebentar, sampai akhirnya menghilang begitu saj...


Bertemu dengannya bukan hanya secara kebetulan, tapi takdir. Takdir yang mempertemukan mereka. Sayangnya... Salah satu dari mereka hanya bertahan selama sebentar, sampai akhirnya menghilang begitu saja. "Selamat tinggal..."

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In the sprawling metropolis of Star Fall, power shifts like shadows on a moonlit night. Picture it: **HAKER**, the enigmatic anti-hero collective, their masks concealing secrets darker than the city's alleys. They dance with danger, their every move a calculated rebellion against the mundane. Across the neon-lit streets, the **Association of Heroes (ASH)** glimmers like a constellation of hope. Their capes billow, and their eyes blaze with unwavering purpose. They're not just defenders; they're architects of destiny, stitching together the fragile fabric of order. But ah, the **villains**! They're the discordant notes in Star Fall's symphony. Their laughter echoes through shattered windows, graffiti etched in defiance. They wield chaos like a weapon, leaving behind a trail of shattered illusions. Their motives? As varied as the city's graffiti tags. And then there's the **police**, the arbiters of justice. They navigate the blurred lines, chasing shadows and unraveling mysteries. Their precincts hum with whispered secrets, and their coffee mugs bear witness to sleepless nights. They're the silent guardians, the bridge between law and anarchy. High above it all, the **government** perches like a watchful raven. Its bureaucracy weaves through the city's veins, pulling strings unseen. Policies shift like tides, and politicians dance a waltz of power. They're the puppeteers, their strings attached to every streetlamp and skyscraper. And so, in this urban tapestry, these five forces collide—a kaleidoscope of ambition, betrayal, and redemption. Star Fall's heartbeat thrums with their stories, each chapter etched in concrete and starlight.

Darkking_101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

The Test Player's Redemption

[REPOSTED] What happens if you suddenly wake up in a game-like world? Status Windows that decide your future, dungeons that bring destruction... This was the world where Clerion woke up. At first, he thought it was just a dream; however, he soon realized it wasn't on his second time. After dying once, he didn't want to leave the warm family he had found. But it seemed like even in this world, his life would be full of suffering... *** "Did... Did my whole family just die...?" [System Error System Error System Error] Watching them die one by one, Clerion felt helpless. He didn't have the strength to even try to save them. Was this the life of an Extra without any power? [Fixing the bug, please wait for the developer.] What the heck did this world do to him? Giving him a chance to have a family and then taking it away from him... Again? [System Update] Wasn't this world too cruel to him? He came here knowing nothing, and now he had lost everything. [System Update complete] "Should I just destroy this world?" [Hidden World Plot unlocked! The villain who lost everything—Clerion Vandayers—was just a simple character, but after losing all the important people in his life, he felt that the world was too cruel. He didn't want this world to exist anymore, so he started destroying everything around him.] Hearing the announcement, Clerion suddenly recalled that he was a Test Player for this new VR technology. "If I die, will I be able to start over?" With such thoughts in mind, he didn't hesitate to take a knife and directly pierce it into his chest. Clerion died once again. [Test Player EARTH01, your next trial will start in one week. Please prepare yourself during the remaining time.] *** Hello, guys! I am the author of this novel, Shateralyn! Still a newbie I writing a novel, so I accept criticism of my work. If you want more frequent updates every week, it goes as follows: Every 150 Power Stones +1 Bonus Chapter *** You are welcome in my discord server! Here's the link: https://discord.gg/zRVt9t98dn

Shateralyn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Prolog


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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