
Mushroom family in another world

The story is about a single mother and her two children reincarnated into another world, where they become...mushrooms Together they rebuilt the village in the countryside. Together with people in another world. But it seems that life in another world is not as simple as the mother imagined, as forces collide with each other. A mother and her children need to do more to survive in this world. Because nothing in life is beautiful and peaceful forever. It will always get dirty someday.

Hysteria_Hope · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

The little daughter, Sophie

More than two months have passed. In the classroom of the famous magic academy, there was a pink mushroom that attracted everyone's attention. Not only is he a walking mushroom monster, but he is also very smart in learning.

"Sophie, quickly solve the problem on the board" - Teacher

"Yes!"- Sophie

When she went up to the table according to the teacher's words, the students competed to discuss it with each other.

"This is the fifth time she has been invited to the board" - Student

"I know, it's unbelievable!" - Student

"I heard that she even makes the most difficult teacher in the academy respect her" - Student

Because she has a very short mushroom body, Sophie often uses furniture-moving magic to move the white chalk on the blackboard.

"Is the answer correct?" - Sophie

"As expected of a mushroom genius, the answer is very accurate" - Teacher

Since Sophie enrolled in this academy, she found it easier than she thought. From writing the magical language to practicing, it was all very easy for her. Thanks to the system helping her a little with translation, she was able to understand.

At the same time, Sophie also developed relationships in the academy space, many people began to like Sophie. To her, they were no different from normal students.

Only not everyone thinks like that.

There are many people who are children of nobility who don't like accepting monsters like her into this academy. For example, the red-headed male student always tries to cause trouble with her.

"Hey, walking mushroom, you're in my way!"- Kairen

'Not again?'- Sophie thought

"I'm just standing here leaning against the window looking at the scenery outside. Isn't the hallway space large enough for you and your friends to walk in?" - Sophie

"Shut up, monsters have no right to talk to nobles!"- Kairen

At this academy, everyone is too familiar with the scene of the pink mushroom genius and the fire mage arguing on the academy campus. Most of the time, they see those two arguing like cats and dogs, sometimes even almost perform more magic. But because Kairen's father reminded him, he could only suppress the anger in his heart.

After getting tired of arguing with Kairen, Sophie left to avoid trouble. She often pays attention to her information board. Because she and her brother share the same system, they can communicate without having to send letters with pen and paper, which is like chatting with each other on social networks.


<Heli: How's the situation over there?>

<Sophie: As usual, that guy always causes me trouble but I can solve it>

<Sophie: How is Mama?>

<Heli: It's normal, she seems very busy but don't worry too much< strong>

<Sophie: That's good. I really don't want Mama to remember the past anymore. To be honest, every time it, feel nauseous>

<Heli:…. >

<Heli: Don't think about it, after all, we escaped that despicable place. We just need to have a mother, that's enough>

<Sophie: All I want is to see Mama happy>

<Heli: Me too, we all want that>


"And now, I have to try using this wand again" - Sophie

This is a wand with a crystal stone on it. Mages use this type of wand to adjust the magic power in the body. The body of the stick can be any type of tree, but the stone attached to it is important, the crystal stone can balance the person using it. But the stone on Sophie's wand was already showing signs of cracking, and it wasn't the first stone.

It turns out that five crystal stones have been broken.

The crystal she used is now the sixth one, and is starting to show signs of cracking.

The Rica system told her that those low-level crystals were ineffective on her because the magic power inside her was very great. So Sophie tried different types of crystal, choosing the higher quality ones, but most of them broke. This sixth stone is a crystal stone that still exists, but it is unknown for how long.

Meanwhile, Kairen still couldn't get rid of the anger in his head.

Ever since that walking pink mushroom entered the academy, all the attention was on her, all the admiration of the students and teachers was taken away from him. Kairen has shown many times that he is better but still cannot overcome Sophie.

Apparently he is a descendant of the great fire mage who was instrumental in protecting the world from disaster. So why couldn't he be better than a low-level walking mushroom like Sophie?

He was lost in thought, but when he regained his composure, he found himself somewhere deep inside the academy. A place his father said he was not allowed to enter because it was dangerous.

Out of curiosity, Kairen went inside to see what was there. The cold, gloomy atmosphere gave him chills.

At the end of the path, he saw an ancient seal, in the middle of which was a glass box, inside the glass box was a blue crystal.

"Isn't that the "spirit of water?"" - Kairen

"Come here quickly, you want power, right? You feel jealous when someone appears from nowhere and takes away the position that should be yours."

That voice came from the stone in the glass box, it was talking about Kairen.

"You have the right to take back what belongs to you. Why do you have to restrain yourself like that?

Prove that you are worthy of the title of descendant of the fire mage! Prove to the world how strong you are! Prove to your father that you are right!"

Kairen did not hesitate to break the seal. He picked up the stone and felt the power flowing through his body.

With this power, he feels like he can be equal to the gods.


A tremor shook the entire academy. In the center of the academy's courtyard, a lot of water erupted, and the students ran away in panic. The teachers appeared to stop the flow of water, but when they tried to stop it from erupting, it pushed even harder as if the water contained magic.

From the ground emerged a giant water bubble that continuously sprayed water to attack the teachers, destroying the academy with powerful water balls.


[Notice: There are signs of magic in the water]

[Start analysis...]

[Successful analysis: The reason why the water is stirred by the item "Spirit of water"]


"Spirit of water? What is that?"- Sophie

"It is an extremely rare item. It is a stone created by the god of water, in legend, the chosen one will become a great mage. Because that crystal stone is enchanted Ancient magic so anyone with a weak soul will be seduced by it" - Rica

"It seems like some idiot was tempted by it to touch the stone. Hm?"- Sophie

She briefly saw a figure inside the water balloon. Although it wasn't clear, she saw something flashing red.

That is the jewelry that Kairen often wears on his chest.


[Confirmed: There is a living person inside, named Kairen Flamme, descendant of the fire mage Flamme]


"Really?!" - Sophie was startled

Just a few hours ago he was arrogantly looking for trouble with her, now he's the one in trouble.

Wait, if the whole academy knew that the vice principal's son was the one who touched that stone, not only would the vice principal be criticized, the academy's reputation would be damaged, Kairen would also be at risk of being expelled and was thrown into jail.

But Kairen is the one who always teases her many times, he uses childish tricks just to get her out of the academy. Why did she have to take pity on him to save him?



When Sophie was little, she and her classmate quarreled because she was loved by her mother and her classmate was not. Her name is Helena, a person who always wants attention. This led to the two fighting so much that they had to call their parents to resolve it. Even though they had finished with the teacher, the girl who fought with Sophie had no sign of her parents.

At that time, they stayed at school for a long time until the teacher allowed Helena to return home. On the way home, Helena walked alone until Sophie's mother asked her about it.

"It's dangerous to go home alone. Maybe you should come with us" - Mae

"But..."- Helena

"It's okay, having someone with you will be safer" - Mae

Sophie was a little confused when her mother let Helena return home with them. On the way, the two of them didn't say a word to each other until they got home.

When they arrived, Sophie was extremely surprised by the house in front of her.

It was an orphanage, it was hard to imagine that this was where Helena lived. When that girl entered the house, they then left.

"Actually, Helena's parents abandoned Helena a long time ago. They don't want to raise that girl, the reason Helena acts like that towards you is because she just wants love. In life sometimes It's not fair to the children at all. So we have to sympathize with them a little."

Sophie just realized, she also has family, her brother and her mother. And Helena doesn't even have any relatives nearby,

From that moment on, Sophie often asked herself if she no longer had a family, would she act like that?


At this moment, Sophie felt confused, she jumped up on the window sill and pointed her wand at the water bubble. During the practical class, she learned that the water element is a basic element that has the ability to adapt to other elements. But there is only one element that water cannot assimilate.

That is the wind element!

Sophie's wand glowed and shot out a huge wind, causing the stream of water to split. It seemed that the stream of water understood her intention so it immediately chased after her.