
Mushroom family in another world

The story is about a single mother and her two children reincarnated into another world, where they become...mushrooms Together they rebuilt the village in the countryside. Together with people in another world. But it seems that life in another world is not as simple as the mother imagined, as forces collide with each other. A mother and her children need to do more to survive in this world. Because nothing in life is beautiful and peaceful forever. It will always get dirty someday.

Hysteria_Hope · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

Mother's worries


"You don't need to exist in our lives anymore" - Sophie

"Sophie..."- Mae

"That's right, anyway, we don't need a weak person like you" - Heli"

"Why even you..."- Mae

"You have tied us down long enough" - Sophie

"Let's go, Sophie" - Heli

"Farewell, "Mama" we will never see each other again" - Sophie

"Wait...Ugh..."- Mae

Suddenly a mouthful of blood spewed out from Mae's mouth, she was extremely shocked.

She couldn't believe it would kick in now. Then she started coughing continuously and at the same time more and more blood spurted out.

"Wait, please don't leave me behind. Don't leave me here, I beg you two"- Mae


Mae opened her eyes, she sat up in a confused state, breathing heavily, she had just dreamed a nightmare, but why did it look so real?

Her trembling hand grabbed the glass of water and gulped it down, calming her down. That dream was really scary. Her two children in the dream both had their previous human appearances, but were cold towards her and even abandoned her. Mae was startled at the memory of her coughing up blood.

This is what she's most worried about. She just hopes that it won't spread to this body, because since she reincarnated, she hasn't felt any pain. So she can breathe a sigh of relief.

In the morning, Mae left for Drakenberg very early to go shopping.

Since the incident at the academy, all information about the crystal stone has been hidden, they only said that there was an intruder causing chaos with the aim of eliminating future magicians. Rumor has it that this is a conspiracy by hostile countries, because after all this country is a powerful country.

Mae felt less worried as her daughter gradually recovered, she cried a lot when she saw her daughter unconscious. As expected, this world is really dangerous, when everything happens suddenly and they can lose their lives at any time. As a mother, she will definitely protect the children.

But that's too protective, which is not what she wants. Her children are no longer children, they are gradually becoming adults. Any parent wants the best for their children, but there are limits because the child must grow up on their own to walk on their own path.


A voice caught her attention. It was Catherine, she was still sitting at that cafe.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other. How are you these days?" - Mae

"I'm still very healthy, and I've learned a lot of things in this era. But what about you, Mae, you don't look very healthy" - Catherine

It sounded like she couldn't hide anything from Catherine, so she had to share what she saw in her dream.

After listening, Catherine picked up the spoon and stirred the coffee in the tea cup.

"This is like a prophetic dream. It feels so real, it can only be a prophetic dream" - Catherine

"Prophetic dream?"- Mae

"Honestly, this is very rare, because prophetic dreams often have a premonition of death" - Catherine

Mae was startled and felt a chill run down her spine, saying that meant there was a high possibility that she might die. Perhaps her nightmares have something to do with her two children. Could she really die at the hands of the two children she loved?

Catherine looked at the walking mushroom trembling, tears falling continuously, then gently held her hand.

"But you don't need to worry, because not all prophetic dreams are related to yourself. Who knows, it could be someone else's prophecy and you're just seeing that person's" - Catherine

"What?"- Mae

"To tell you the truth, I don't really believe in prophetic dreams, almost all other witches do. Because prophecy is something that can easily turn life upside down. We'd rather not It's better to know about the future. Present life is what's important" - Catherine

"Catherine..." - Mae

"Like I said, you will have a difficult but no less interesting destiny. Because a kind mushroom monster like you deserves happiness" - Catherine

Mae's mood felt somewhat comforting.

While the two women were talking to each other, there was a figure in the distance looking at them, mainly at Mae.

After talking for a while, Catherine left, and Mae continued her shopping. Thinking back, Mae felt very confused, she had to do something. At least she needs to find out what the dream means. Heli and Sophie have been acting strange lately, as if they're hiding something behind her back. Even though they were all grown up and had many secret things they couldn't share with her, Mae always felt very insecure.

"Hey, walking mushroom!"

A voice pulled her back to reality. When she glanced at it, it was the child from before. She noticed that he was dressed in an Asian style, it seemed like he had dressed like that before but now she noticed.

"Why are you here?" - Child

"That's what I'm asking you, what are you doing here?" - Mae

"Wandering, that's all" - Child

"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to talk today" - Mae

"I want to go with you" - Child

"Hey, it's not okay to follow strangers" - Mae

"You look so sad? Is something wrong?"- Child

"What do little children know about grown-up matters? Go play somewhere else, child"- Mae

The child silently looked at Mae without leaving.

"…Rava…"- Child

"Huh? What?"- Mae

"My name is Rava, not "kid". I have a real name" - Rava

It seems like she accidentally said something, because she was thinking about the prophetic dream and instead she raised her voice to a child.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scold you. It's just that I've been having a lot of problems lately so I'm really sorry" - Mae

Rava looked at Mae and almost understood something. He took out a large cloth bag from his pocket and put it in Mae's hand, making her confused. But it seems very heavy and there is also a metal rattling sound inside, could it be...

"Take these coins and you and I will go shopping together. This will help cheer you up" - Rava

"…What?"- Mae

It seems like Rava misunderstood her, money is not the way to solve it, moreover, so much money, how can a child carry it in his body? Mae immediately returned the bag of money to Rava's hand

"Listen to me, it's not always possible to give money to others. Especially strangers, that's very dangerous!"- Mae

"Doesn't having a lot of money solve all problems?" Rava

"The main problem is that money doesn't always solve the problem, it just brings more problems!" - Mae

How did this child's parents teach their child to give him so much money?

"Even though I brought a lot of money, I don't know what to do with it. How about you take me out somewhere!"- Rava

"Shouldn't you go out with your parents? It'll be safer that way"- Mae

"But I want to go with you, because I'm new here so I don't know the way. Will you go with me?"- Rava

The child looked at her with pleading eyes, looking like an abandoned puppy, making Mae feel somehow guilty. So Mae reluctantly went with Rava.

Rava is a quite obedient child, if not frankly quiet. He seems a bit mature, but his appearance and speech are not very child-like. The things he wanted to buy were cloth, or jewelry, or magic tools that were not like what a child would want to buy. Every time he wants to buy something, his face looks very serious.

Wandering around the Bazaar for a while, finally... They couldn't buy anything, they only bought two ice cream cones, and stopped at a large old tree to enjoy ice cream.

"Walking is so tiring" - Mae

Rava didn't seem to show any signs of fatigue and just focused on eating his ice cream cone. It seemed that wandering around without buying anything probably made Rava sad. Mae didn't know what to do, then she remembered something that the Chinese often make as gifts.

Luckily she brought it with her. Mae felt that using green string was very suitable for Rava. When she was little, she used to tie it in knots to decorate it. Hopefully she still remembers how to do it.

After a while of fiddling with her hands, Mae finally finished and gave it to Rava.

"What is this?"- Rava

"Decorative knot, I think this is the best for your style of dress. It's very simple to make" - Mae

Rava picked up the decorative string button and saw that it looked like a four-petaled flower, with a shining crystal in the middle.

"It also has a crystal stone. You are really skillful" - Rava

It was one of the crystal stones that Mae was given by her daughter, and there were many more. Even though it was a crystal stone, it was useless without magic power. So Mae used them as decorations. Rava was staring at the decorative knot when he turned to Mae.

"I will cherish it" - Rava

"That's great, if you lose or break it, we can meet so I can fix it. It's late now, I should go back, you should too. See you again, Rava" - Mae

Looking at the walking mushroom waving at him and leaving, Rava seemed to feel something strange in his chest. He suddenly raised his hand and placed it on his chest where his heart was beating. What is this?