

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 9



You have learned [True Gabo].


You can get several effects when you battle the martial arts.



[You have achieved martial arts.

-Title as a reward for achievement,

Acquires [Super Trainer].


The moment the system notification popped up, I sat down. The dust has

risen, but what does it matter, I'm already a beggar anyway.

'What's so tough?'

There were only two types of books in Jin Tae-kyung's study.

Night snow. And it's not a nightmare. Of the four hundred books, the night

story was excluded, leaving more than a hundred.

'A great guy.'

If you were born in Korea, you would be an illegal adult site operator, and if

you were born in the United States, you would have lived in prison.

Anyway, after finishing the classification, the military secret was only about

thirty books.

'Even if I collected only half of the secrets of the story.'

It was a pity for me, but there was a harvest. I found the military secret I

needed right now.

Jingachangbeop and Jingabobeop. It is Taewon Jinga's home appliance

martial arts that he has forgotten because he has not practiced for too long.

'Confirm the true value method.'


[The true value method]

Ground: 1 star.

Kind: Walk.

Class: First Class

Limit: Direct line of Taewon Jinga.

Description: A step created by the founder of Taewon Jinga. Less change and

monotonous or practical? The explanation of ⼔ Jingachangbeop was not

very different. However,'there is little change and it is monotonous.'

The home appliance martial arts, said to have been made by the ancestors or

sijosae, were dirty and complicated. When I think about what happened last

night, my teeth can be cut to that section.


Start learning [True Gabo].


I am memorizing the phrase. The speed varies depending on the rank and

intelligence level of the military.

Yes, it was okay until here.

The problem came after that.

-Displays the path of [True Gabor].

(0 / 100)

They follow the footsteps marked by the system, but fail if they deviate a

little from the footsteps marked by how long they are and how long they are

like swords. It fails even if the next action is late.

That's how it can be completed once when the entire path is accurately


'Crazy fucking game.'

There is a big difference in physique between me and the current character

in reality. His height was shortened by half and his reach was short.

Mistakes were made one after another because fine adjustments could not

be made.

'Success is a miracle.'

After filling 100 reps, my limbs were less trembling.

'But I got one.'

Battles, especially in group battles, were a win for long hunter life. The most

important thing in a fight between life and death is luck first and wig


Advance. retreat. Or stop. Even if your arm is cut, you can live by moving

your legs. But when the leg is cut, that's it.

Arms come out only when the feet go out. The battles I went through were

like that, and that was the reason I learned the walk first.

'But… …

too slow. Even with the power of the system, half a day passed quickly, how

much more time would it take to learn spear skills?

'Fifth day today.'

Virtual reality games are said to pass faster than reality. However, even

considering the time multiplication, 5 days is a long time.


I sighed and tried to shake off my thoughts.

rescue? Log out? Now is the time to keep moving on your own, rather than

cling to the possibilities.

'Then, that's it for today.'

I woke up with military secrets.

And when I arrived at the bedroom on the second floor, I realized that there

was an unusual book among the secretaries.

[Yawang Daemulnam]


Oh my, this mistake.

* * *

"Did you cough already?"

The servant looked at me with open eyes. In his hand he held a tray with


"I can't sleep well...

My answer is true. The cause was luck breakfast.

'This effect kills.'

In addition to clearing the mind and the five senses, fortune breakfast was

effective in relieving fatigue. When I thought about it, it seems that I have

never been tired since I had a fortune breakfast.

'The pain almost disappeared.'

"Don't overdo it because it may hurt."

The servant's words warm up a corner of my heart. Even in this beggar-like

game, there is an NPC like a ray of light. I finally met a normal person.

'What does this mean?'

I started eating breakfast with a dull face.

All of them were salty or light side dishes, but I took away hunger as a side

dish and took a bowl of potion at once.


It tastes like a frown by itself. Before long, the servant who had cleared all

the prizes shook his head.

"Then the child is twenty."

"Ah, wait a minute."

"Lower your word. How do you speak up to me?"

Come to think of it.

At first, the graphics and artificial intelligence were so realistic that each

NPC I met was respectful, but now I am somewhat familiar with it.

The time has come to regain the dignity of the user. I replied strictly.

"For the time being, I'll do whatever I'm comfortable with."

Shiva, I can't stop talking. Isn't this something that can't be done to an uncle

who looks over forty at first glance.

Damn game, you can't even talk about it because you just like the graphics


'In this way, I'll eat NPCs and friends.'

When I appealed to my head injury, the servant nodded reluctantly.

"I can't help it. What do you want me to do?"

"It's because there's no room for rain."

The servant tilted his head.

"I can get you, but what is the purpose?"

"I want to practice martial arts."


"The rooms here are all dirty or stuffy… … But why is your expression like


The place where the servant left the hall ran straight to the office of the

Gaju office.

When the servant's report was over, Jin Wei-kyung's stern voice rang over

the top of the papers.

"Good job."

Jin Wei-kyung, who jumped in fear of leaving the servant, scattered the

documents in the air.

"It's a slope! Do not you work today!"

"Who wants to be?"

The whipping sighed, grabbing all the scattered documents.

"If others know about this, it will come out again."

"What is more important now that the third person will learn martial arts

in earnest!"

"It's more important than that that you're working in the elders."

Elders. Jin Yu-kyung's expression subsided at the word.

"Fuck old friends."

"The street meeting may be held sooner or later. From their point of view,

there is a gap, so it is natural to bite."

The meeting agenda is obvious. It will start with Jin Tae-kyung's usual

behavior and end with an attack on the rumor owner himself.

"They are also very persistent."

"Is it a day or two? Worms boil on old pillars."

"Is there no way?"

"In the end, you are also playing the role of a shield for the Three


The stomach sighed.

"Master. Can I post the words of Sukha?"

"I will refuse."

"Then I will refuse. There are only five embezzlement of public funds.

Others cannot be counted. It would be a miracle for the Three Confucius to

live if they were executed according to the statutes of the family.

"Oh huh. this person."

"I'm talking because I'm talking about it, but hold onto any of the family

members and ask.

It's my beloved younger brother from the perspective of the lord, others... …

Uh, I can't even speak."

"What complaints do you have with our youngest? Why is your tone?"

"It's frustrating. Frustrating.

When the Three Confucius accidents, the main army takes care of it, and

the elders' demands to block it. You're taking the initiative in metallurgical

metallurgy like this. Do you know any rumors these days?"

"What rumors?"

"There is also a saying that the Three Confucius is an elder. It is the elders'

side to receive allowance and spend it on purpose."

Jin Wei-kyung's eyelids trembled.

"Such heavenly anger!"

"I would rather do that. If the Elders side stabs even a silver coin, they will

not embezzle public money."

"You… …

"I have done everything to say. If you cut it, cut it."

Moh. Jin Wei-kyung sighed.

"I think it shouldn't be like this, too."

"It's good to think. It's a problem because you don't implement it."

"But I should try my best this time."

"Oh, my lord… …

"This is the last time. I definitely promise."

Jin Wei-kyung said in a consolation. Asked with a suspicious voice.

"Are you really?"

"He's a child who hasn't even remembered yet. Besides… … In one day, I

changed like someone else. Are you feeling it?"

"Is that so?

Stomach clouded the horsetail.

Certainly the Three Confucius has changed. Whether it's a lie or a fact that

you've lost your memory, what you're showing now is definitely hopeful.

Jin Wi-kyung, who had been contemplated for a moment, said to her.



"I'll make an order in my name."


"I took a few suitable crimes and forced them to close the training building

as punishment."


Wifang tapped his forehead. It's a way to show off, but it's a great first aid in

the current situation. This is because the level of punishment for Jin Tae-

kyung can be lowered while removing the pressure to be faced at the

upcoming street meeting.

In addition to that... … .

"You have also accepted the request of Sam Confucius. I was looking for a

place to practice."

Isn't this one stone and three trillions? Weifang truly admired.

"He is also the lord."

"The people in my family are like this. Oh, did I say that? Taekyung was

also very unique when he was young, but one day... …

"… … I'll go to write an order."

"Indefinitely, I order Jin Tae-gyeong, who has broken the discipline within

the door by violating 14 laws and regulations, to close the training center


The name… … Did you say it was a whip?

I listened silently to the bad-looking guy, and then raised my hand.

"I have a question."

"do it."

"What is the meaning of indefinite?"

Replied quiveringly.

"There is no set deadline."


I also thought the game language system was faulty. Fortunately, it is the

same as I know it. haha.


"Huh, huh."

Laughter is usually contagious.

The warriors who came with Vifang began to laugh after me.

In such a warm atmosphere, Weifang recited the last line.

"Jin Tae-kyung, the sinner, accept the aura."


X..? ,,

"No, Shiva."

The two guys approaching with a rope? It's not this, but I looked at the

stomach with my eyes. Or not, I said my words.

"I asked you to get one room for training. Did you ask him to put it in jail?"

They aren't completely psychotic, these?

"Now, the Three Confucius. Calm down and listen to me."

"There is everything necessary for training in the training hall, the battle to

hear. Well-being is also not bad. I'm not going to say anything like this."

When I looked at the expression, I put it on properly. I put a wedge.

"These are the guys who will happily go to the army because the salary of

the soldiers rises, this.

I don't know, I won't go in. I just want to practice alone in my room or in

the yard."

Honestly, a place called Suryun-dong, which is not bad when I think of it in

a piecemeal way, but the word "indefinite" hangs like a thorn. It is urgent

to learn and level up at the moment, but I can't wait to take out my neck

and take it out at the training center.

I lie down as it is.


"Three Confucius. Please do it in moderation and get up."

I stared with the impression of a stomach.

"It's all decided by Suzhou for Confucius."

"Jin Wi-kyung, no brother?"

That younger brother's fool gave this order?

At that time, Wifang's lips were sweet. At the same time, a voice came into

my ear.

It was a strange feeling that was different from Yook Sung.

-It's a whole tone. Do not be surprised and listen.

Whole sound. I have a memory that I saw in the martial arts. A kind of

telepathy that only adversaries use.

-You may not know it because you have lost your memory, but the Three

Confucius is a person of interest.

There may be more punishment sooner or later, so Sogaju is taking action in


I have lived hard for 27 years, but what is the aggravated punishment?

The whole sound of the stomach went into my sad ears.

-The words are indefinite, do you think So Ga-ju will put Confucius in the

training center for life?

I shook my head. If it's the noble class, it can't be. Wouldn't you know if you

wanted to be buried alone in the Suyeon-dong?

-Even if it is long, I will take it out in seven weeks. How is it?

Vipin's eyes showed a strong will. If I refuse to do this, I think I will be

beaten and take the beater.

'Simbal, all the NPCs here are gangsters, what are they?'

Hey, you bastard. Are you so good at fighting?

I lifted up [Consciousness] and checked the level of Vifang.


You're a bully. Level thug. He would be a human butcher as well as Jin Wei-

kyung. The stomach opened his eyes and asked.


What are you gonna do?

I trembled with fear and opened my three fingers.


??… ? You want it out in three days?

What are all these chicks? As he stared at me with that face, he quickly said

with a sigh.



An_ALPHA_Slayercreators' thoughts