

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 7

<p>I am dreaming.<br/>If you ask how you thought it was a dream, well.<br/>'Because I'm looking at me?'<br/>Literally. I am visiting me. To be precise, I am watching Jin Tae-kyung in<br/>the game, not the real me.<br/>"Oh, huh."<br/>Jin Tae-kyung breathed a tight breath.<br/>His clothes were torn, and his face and body were bruised and swollen.<br/>On the other hand.<br/>'That new look is fine.'<br/>Moojin Hyeok was quick. There was even room to laugh at the other<br/>person.<br/>"It's way more than I thought… … It's only after fighting so ignorant. If you<br/>are unmanned, you should use martial arts."<br/>Oww, that yalmiun cubs. I wanted to run right away and hit him in the<br/>back of the head, but I couldn't move my body or say it out loud.<br/>'I'm more pissed at seeing it like this.'<br/>right. This dream was showing me the fight with Hyeok Moo-jin from the<br/>perspective of a third person.<br/>"These dogs brat ah!"<br/>Jin Tae-kyung rushed in with evil, but it was useless. I know it.<br/>'I was already exhausted back then.'<br/>The limbs are heavy and the breath is short. As the movement increases,<br/>there are many gaps.<br/>Not surprisingly, Hyeok Moo-jin, who simply escaped his fist, knocked Jin<br/>Tae-kyung's leg down and broke the center.<br/><br/>It's a smooth and agile motion like water flows.<br/>The fight with him was a repetition of that scene.<br/>"Long'm kittens, good fight."<br/>You have to admit it. Hyeok Moo-jin is stronger than me.<br/>I used my Qi efficiently and each time he neutralized me with<br/>unknown martial arts.<br/>In a word, he was'Murim warrior'.<br/>'It was a shock.'<br/>He was in pride immediately after he had destroyed the Heavenly strength . A vague expectation that this will work to some extent. I<br/>thought that logging out was a matter of time when the combat experience I<br/>had as a hunter and the power of the system were combined.<br/>'It was just a good idea to die.'<br/>The Heavenly strength and its bandits are nothing more than<br/>tutorial monsters.<br/>He caught the level 1 rabbit in the beginner's hunting ground and fell in<br/>joy. Seven-year hunter? My career was ridiculously shallow.<br/>'You have to learn martial arts.'<br/>This is not just a game. My life is at stake.<br/>You have to do anything to survive. Level up, no gong. I am ready to learn<br/>anything and struggle.<br/>He is determined to become a Murim warrior, not an F-class hunter.<br/>puck. puck. puck.<br/>"Fuck. I only like the goodness dirty. Let it go, let it go!"<br/>"Ahhhhhh!"<br/>Even if I fell, I could see Jin Tae-kyung, who keeps happening even if I fell.<br/>'I ended up feeding one at the end'<br/><br/>Tight!<br/>Yes, that's how it is. Like the last 7 years, like it has been until now<br/>'By the way, what level is Hyukmujin that guy?'<br/>At that moment, a system window popped up above Hyeok Moo-jin's head<br/>as if anyone was answering.<br/>[Lv.20 Hyeokmujin]<br/>… … Should I shut up and level up?<br/>-Sleep mode has ended.<br/>I woke up with the system voice.<br/>For a moment, I imagined waking up in my room in Gosiwon, but it was<br/>useless.<br/>"Are you in mind?"<br/>I looked around at the man in white clothes. There was a strange smell in<br/>the cleanly arranged room.<br/>Where is this?<br/>The man replied as if he had noticed my question.<br/>"This is Yakwangdang. Young lord woke up halfway through fainting."<br/>It was an oriental medicine clinic. This NPC is a lawmaker.<br/>'If it's a half examination... … You've been fainted for an hour?'<br/>Hyeok Moo-jin hit the child hardly.<br/>"You will be very sick from the bruise. Stay still and lie down for a while."<br/>After saying that, the lawmaker left the room. As I saw the sound of the<br/>footsteps moving away, I muttered quietly.<br/>"Open status window."<br/>Tiring.<br/>[Lv.11 Jin Tae-kyung]<br/>Occupation: Second-rate unmanned.<br/>Reputation: 10<br/>Title: Son of a noble family / Family shame (with title effect applied) <br/>Muscular strength: 40 Stamina: 40<br/> Agility: 50 Intellect: 10<br/>Charms: 10 Spirit: 10 years.<br/>Points Remaining: 10<br/>-Distribute the remaining points.<br/>Ten points obtained while holding the heavenly force remain unchanged. I<br/>delayed the distribution of the points in case of a situation that I did not<br/>know, but I did not know that he would fight Hyeok Moo-jin.<br/>'I didn't even know it would burst like this.'<br/>I thought about it for a while and then invested all 10 points in my physical<br/>strength.<br/>This is because I remembered myself gasping exhausted from the fight with<br/>Hyeok Moo-jin.<br/>'If the points had been distributed in advance, would there have been any<br/>odds?'<br/>I suddenly thought that, but I shook my head soon.<br/>'The result would not have changed.'<br/>Fight between adults and children. There was such a big gap between<br/>Hyeok Moo-jin and me.<br/>And I think it was not a matter of level and stats, but a gap that was<br/>widened by the presence or absence of martial arts.<br/>'How is such a response and movement possible?'<br/>Even in reality, there is something called martial arts. Boxing, Kravmaga,<br/>Jiu-Jitsu, etc. These are what are called practical martial arts in modern<br/>times.<br/>However, the martial arts here are different.<br/>Each movement is both practical and sophisticated. It is reminiscent of a<br/>cogwheel moving around aerodynamics.<br/><br/>'I have to learn martial arts.'<br/>What if it was Hyeokmujin, not the thousand Heavenly strength , that I<br/>encountered in the tutorial?<br/>The words defeat and death naturally came to mind.<br/>I have to learn martial arts. I need to master it to survive.<br/>"The haircut… …<br/>It was when I spit out a double bath from deep in the lungs.<br/>Popularity came from outside the door.<br/>"This is the room."<br/>"Thank you."<br/>Drool.<br/>The door opened without any reaction.<br/>And there… … .<br/>"It's a spectacle."<br/>There was a middle-aged man pouring out his cold eyes.<br/>"How is your condition?"<br/>"I have bruises, but not very severe."<br/>"Sorry. I should have broken my leg."<br/>The middle-aged man looked at me with a ugly gaze.<br/>"You like this thunderbolt!"<br/>I quietly lowered my eyes. It was the first person I saw in my life, no NPC,<br/>but for some reason I thought I should.<br/>No, it must be.<br/>[Lv.???]<br/>Three question marks. It is a high level that cannot be grasped even with<br/><br/>[Qi sense].<br/>'At least level 30 or higher.'<br/>Hyeokmujin looks cute. Most of all, it is not an ordinary NPC at all, based on<br/>the attitude of the lawmaker and the words and actions they say to me.<br/>At least, it seems that he has the authority to blow up the thrush of Taewon<br/>Jinga and Samkongja.<br/>'If one gets hit with that... …<br/>gulp.<br/>The moment I looked at the palm of the pot lid, I swallowed my saliva<br/>without my knowledge.<br/>It's a level and sleeps, and overall it just looks dangerous.<br/>It was close to 2 meters, and the muscles that covered the whole body were<br/>like a bulletproof vest, and the cold eyes made people freeze.<br/>It was a moment when I was curious about the identity of this middle-aged<br/>man, who seems to be both hobby and murder, and specialty and murder.<br/>'But it's a strangely familiar face.'<br/>Where did you see this man? I thought about it and realized it.<br/>'Jin Tae-kyung?'<br/>Middle-aged man resembles Jin Tae-kyung. No, it is correct to say that Jin<br/>Tae-kyung resembles him.<br/>The words and actions that crush Taewon Jinga Samkongja on a very high<br/>level. And finally the face.<br/>The conclusion is one. That's Jin Tae-kyung... … .<br/>"father?"<br/>A middle-aged man opened his eyes to the words he said without knowing.<br/>"Oh, father?"<br/>Even their fists tremble. Someone would think I was cursing my mother. I<br/>said, looking closely at his fist.<br/><br/>"Well, just calm down over there... …<br/>"Calm? Is that sound coming out of your mouth? Even in this situation, play<br/>a joke!"<br/>"If not, I'm really sorry. Excuse me."<br/>"shut up."<br/>I closed my mouth with cool eyes, and turned my head to the lawmaker<br/>who was still waiting.<br/>"Thank you for guiding me. Let's go out."<br/>I sent a rescue signal with an earnest glance, but the lawmaker quickly<br/>turned around.<br/>'No Shiva... … Does the doctor turn away from the patient?'<br/>bang. The sound of the door closing sounds like the sound of entering the<br/>Hells Gate.<br/>Inside the room where only the two of us were left. He raised the palm of<br/>the pot and began to approach.<br/>"There's a lot of stupid stuff, how long will you live like this!"<br/>Suddenly, I was jumping up and taking a back step.<br/>bruise? pain? I haven't felt that already. Maybe it's a body that can no<br/>longer feel pain.<br/>"Well, just ten minutes for me. No, if you give me 5 minutes, I can explain<br/>it well. What makes you angry. Yeah? Are you doing that because of what<br/>you called him father? Are you a mother?"<br/>"Whaaaat!"<br/>My body stiffens at the moment of a blazing voice. I felt my back touching<br/>the wall.<br/>-You are in [confusion]. I can't move my body for 3 seconds!<br/>Have you seen a case like this dog... … .<br/>'It's over.'<br/><br/>27 years of life pass by like a kaleidoscope. With a little bit of lies, I even<br/>recall the fierce conception race when I was in sperm. It was very difficult<br/>then.<br/>'Mom, Dad, Ha Yuna... …<br/>It was the moment I closed my eyes while thinking of my family.<br/>"If I have a chance, I'll be a girl!"<br/>.<br/>"Going in and out of the gambling ground!"<br/>Frustration.<br/>"You're being despised by the family because you act like this!"<br/>Questionnaire.<br/>… … What are you doing now?<br/>With my mouth pouring out anger and reproach, my hands gently rubbed<br/>my body. The spine was creepy.<br/>'No way this.'<br/>Tiring.<br/>-You are engulfed in [horror]. I can't move my body for 5 seconds!<br/>"You are the shame of the family, shame!"<br/>I am feeling extreme shame. To artificial intelligence, it is also sexually<br/>molested by an NPC in the form of a middle-aged man.<br/>'Mom… … :<br/>It was after a while I realized that everything was my misunderstanding.<br/>The hands are busy. But that's exactly like that of a doctor looking at<br/>patients.<br/>Turn over your eyelids, look at the pulse, and look carefully at the bruise.<br/>Every time his hand was rubbed, it became cool and the pain disappeared as<br/>if receiving a massage.<br/><br/>"You guys! If you keep acting like this, huh? uh! It will be very respectful.<br/>Do you understand?"<br/>Finally, he stopped his hand and whispered in a small voice.<br/>"I'm glad it was milder than I thought. Why did you fight like that? The guy<br/>who usually doesn't even practice martial arts."<br/>I opened my mouth with sincerity.<br/>It was a word with many implications.<br/>"Who?"<br/>The next moment, strict. Solemnity. serious. The face that contained all<br/>three things suddenly turned into a wounded baby deer.<br/>"Why do you suddenly use honorifics? What I said earlier as a shame of the<br/>family was just asking people to listen... … Did you ever feel sad?"<br/>,,Yes? ,,<br/>"Your brother is sad. When you were young, I changed your poop and deaf<br/>every day, picked you up when you cried, soothed you to sleep, knowing how<br/>much I kept raising my baby<br/>"Yes? Brother?"<br/>Momentary silence came.<br/>'You weren't my father, but my brother?'<br/>I was amazed that this old man was my brother.<br/>"Oh, my youngest must have a head injury. Look. lawmaker! lawmaker!"<br/>The middle-aged man cried out and ran out. Looking at the back, I suddenly<br/>thought that a puzzle had been put together.<br/>'I can see the reason Jin Tae-kyung grew up in a bad plate.'<br/>This is a great example of wrong home education.<br/></p>