

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

chapter 1

"It's garbage."

Jinho hyung was sentenced solemnly like a judge. He is the secretary of Go

Si-won, where I live, and was a 30-year-old high school student this year.

At the age of three, I was quite close, and I remembered that I was quick to

say that I was quick in the IT field. … .

"Isn't it so bad?"

"no. It's garbage."

Wow, I see no hesitation. I feel like my pride is hurting for some reason.

"You haven't even seen it properly."

Like I said, I didn't even look inside.

I just glanced up and down and it was garbage. It is a huge shock to me,

who was thinking of a suitable second-hand sale price.

"Taekyungah. Taekyungah. Jintaekyungah. You have a big



"Poop is just shit. You don't have to dig up the shit and check the bean

sprouts you ate yesterday. It's shit that looks right."


"Shh. Don't say more than that. I didn't mean to hear the public order

between us."


I want to kill it. Jinho hyung is amazed as his fists, reflecting the impulse,

tremble. Unlike him, who had been sitting at my desk all his life, I was a

rather menacing person.

"Taekyung. Let's recall Article 1, Paragraph 12 of the Special Act for Our

Awakeners. What you're trying to do now is assault civilians by awakeners... …

"You say that an F-class hunter like me is not an awakener?"

"I? when? Was I drunk?"

I only sighed when I saw the hustle and bustle.

My fists went down.

"Yes, I thought well. The floor is already narrow, but if it is rumored that a

civilian assaulted, it will be cut off in the guild... …

"It was cut off."


"As soon as I went to work, the team leader said that.

You've struggled so far."

It started when I was 20. Instead of my deceased father, I had to take

responsibility for the living, so the job I chose was the hunter.

Class F. He was the lowest-ranking hunter with no talent to say this, but he

is proud of his hard work. With the money he earned, he healed his

mother's illness and supported his only brother.

But now... … It feels like the last seven years have disappeared. A few hours

ago, my heart was sorrowed when I remembered the shy face of the team

leader who was notified of the dismissal.

"Uh, um."

A bloody laugh came out of Jinho hyung's hustle and bustle.

"I'm sorry?"

"To be honest. A little bit like that."

This human. Suddenly, making a serious expression that doesn't suit you.

"Then buy me a drink or a drink. In this case, you should act as an older


"Look at the cheap saying. Treat me as an older brother and say that."

The horse chinks out to come out while doing so. Looking at the expression,

I think I will drink with a crooked nose today.

The gate is the boundary of the world.

Outside the gate, that is, the modern world is a civilized society that we

know, but when you enter inside, monsters that you have not even heard of

or heard of.

The most common among them is the goblin, a weak monster that even an

F-class hunter like me can catch.

The reason why you're talking like this right now is, kuwar. Wow.

'How does a person do that?'

Is that a human or a monster?

Jinho hyung leans against a power pole and smacks like a goblin hit hard.

"Bosho, Jinho hyung. Seong Jinho. Let's wake up."


… … Just keep doing what you're doing.

'Because you need to drink slowly.'

From the first car, I poured myself in like crazy, and this shape looks like

this. Secondly, my whole body was soaked as I came to Gosiwon carrying a

human who had become uninformed.

Sweat is basic, vomit is optional. It is clear from whom it was flowing.

The intermittent vomiting sound was laid as the background sound, and I

looked at the setting sun.

'I'm sorry about the cut, Shiva.'

The memories of today pass by like a panorama.

Iljin is very just, awesome.

"Oh ugh. Turn it off. Where is this place, driver. Yes?"

Among them, you are the best.

"The house is where it is. You're all here, so wake up."

"House? My house is in Gangwon-do.

Oh, mom. Mom! I want to eat the miso stew that my mom gave me."

"Oh, please. It's Go Siwon."

"dorm? Hope Gosiwon?"

"Oh, so be mindful."

"Hope… … Yes, hope cannot be bought with money. My mom said it was in

everyone's heart. You boil the miso stew very well."

I waited patiently, then grind Jinho's belly at the doenjang stew section.

In the midst of vomiting, he proved that he was a high school student by

muttering Article 1, Clause 12 of the Special Act on the Awakened.

"It's dirty and grievous.

I went straight to the shower room in Gosiwon and washed it for 30

minutes, but the smell of vomit still seems to linger on my nose.

In the room that sniffed and came back, there was a jar waiting for me. Two

of them.

"Koowoo… … ."

One is Jinho hyung, who has become a bad person, and the other is.

"Ah, I forgot this."

capsule. When I left a guy the size of a refrigerator in a room of about 3

pyeong, the room seems to be full. I took refuge on the bed and began to

figure out what to do with this guy.

'Take the road away?'

Or you can hand it over to the antique store. What is the price of scrap

metal these days? Even if you can't, it's a product that weighs 50 kilos, so it's

worth a snack.

'I thought it was pretty useful.'

It's shit. Is this such an old thing?

Then I didn't even open the inside. I suddenly started looking at the capsules

with curiosity.

"First of all, the exterior… … Not really."

Whether it is nicotine or something, the surface of the capsule is yellowish.

There seems to be rust everywhere. When I discarded my regrets and looked

into it, it was the moment when Jinho hyung's words made sense.

"Was it open like this?"

When I pressed the button that protrudes alone, the lid opened to reveal the

inside. I was expecting something great, but it's not too much.

An ergonomically designed chair for long-term play and a full-head VR

helmet… … uh?

"What, this is. User's Guide?"

To be precise, it is a small booklet that says'product instruction manual'.

Are there any cases where the instruction manual is put in the discarded

items? What's more, such junk?

I opened the first chapter out of curiosity.

[Product User Manual]

Product Name: Virtual Reality Connector Model Name: Ark-2020

Manufacturer: H Soft Date of Production: January 1, 2020 The place where

the pupils who were scanning the type without thinking stopped was the

date of manufacture.

It's January 1, 2020. Probably a printing error. Nothing.

'What kind of crazy guy is making a game machine on that day, or at that


That period is called'Cataclysm.

January 1, 2015. It wasn't just the New Year's sunrise that came to


Gates, or dungeons, were created all over the world, and monsters that were

unheard of were poured out through the gates.

Monsters and Awakens, War and Destruction... … .

Unreality invaded reality, and the unprecedented Great War in Earth's

history was ended with the death of Asmodeus, the lord of the monsters.

That day is January 1, 2020. It is the so-called'day of victory'.

'That's why it doesn't make sense.'

I turned the page with my tongue kicked.



Players cannot log out arbitrarily.


If you die during play, you cannot resurrect.

ah-ha, I see. I nodded and laid myself on the narrow mattress. There were a

few pages left, but I don't know.

"I have to sleep."

It's better to sleep at least as long as you're reading an instruction manual

like a psychopath. I pushed Jinho to the corner and closed my eyes.

Wow. Wow.

Wow. Wow.

Was that capsule, soundproof?

The chair was hard. It was made in 2020, so it is the same age as me. Chair,

27 years old. The cushion has been off for a long time.

Comforting the fact that it didn't smell, he pulled the blanket up to his neck.

Kuwar kuwar

… … I even wore a VR helmet.

'I have a sore throat when I sleep with this.'

The petty complaints disappeared the moment I put on the helmet. A world

of complete silence.

There was a silence without a small noise.

But what followed was thoughts instead of sleepiness.

'What should I do from tomorrow?'

Hunter is clearly a high-paid occupation, but it also depends on the level.

F-class hunters like me, who don't have much to see, are widespread, and

unless you belong to a guild, you have to stamp your manpower office from

early dawn.

The hunter who does not belong is sad. Government policies are never

favorable to independent hunters, and the tremendous tax rates imposed on

hunters are breathtaking just by hearing them.

'Now I'm like that.'

Unlike me, my mother and sister live in an apartment in the Safety Sector.

F-class hunter's income is a luxury, but for me, family safety was my top


Until now, the amount has been adjusted until the period of the charter

contract, which is barely renewed every year, but from now on, well.

'Shiba, I don't know.'

I remembered my father who died suddenly.

My father, who was dedicated to my family and was recognized socially,

died in the year I turned seven.

Monster attacks due to gate cracks. My father, who was an ordinary office

worker, would have had no way to escape.

If my father had been by my side, could he have given me the direction to


'But I've lived hard until now. Trust me.'

Whether the alcoholic energy I drank came up slowly or because of the old

thoughts, my body sagged and my eyes closed without knowing.

Accepting the pouring drowsiness, I thought.

'When I open my eyes, I'm getting better. Le, someone's voice pierced my

ears, but now it's okay. I fell asleep.


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Since there is no response for a long time, it is proceeded automatically.


One%… … 27%... … 94%... … complete.


The player, [Taekyung Jin] has been registered to the machine.


Go to the option. Would you like to connect to [Morim]?


Since there is no response for a long time, it is automatically proceeded.

Good luck!