

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 16

"Hoo, it's finally over."

This was what Jin Wi-kyung said while laying down his brush. As always,

the stomach was raised in a chair by the door.

"You're getting faster and faster.

You suffered again today... …

Stomach clouded the horsetail. It was because he found the documents still

piled up on the table.

It turned out that it was only around noon. It wasn't time to get rid of that

amount of work.

'Did you hear it wrong?'

"Good. This much... …

It was not hallucination this time. Jin Wi-kyung's face rising above the pile

of documents was evidence.

"Break. Come here and see. It's very important."

The voice was so sincere, and I was a little worried.

Did something big happen?

A serious corruption may have been found on the papers, or a major

incident may have occurred in the elders who are looking for a chance to

find a hostamtam.

'It's a big deal. I haven't even finished the work of the sanitation check.'

And after a while, Weifang's expression was oddly distorted as he received

the papers in question.

"… … What is it? this?"

"Don't you see it? It's a picture."

It was as Jin Wei-kyung said. There was no document in question that

Vifang thought of, and what he was handed was a piece of hwaseon paper

with a picture on it.

"No, you're not saying that. What am I going to do... …

Jin Wei-kyung cut the horse with a secret smile.

"Look closely. It's not an ordinary picture."

Isn't it an ordinary picture? At the moment, Vifang's eyes opened up.

In my head, all kinds of legends wandering in Moorim passed by.

A master who looks at a picture and is allegorical. The absolute master who

was enlightened by seeing the murals of the old cave!

At some point, Vifang's gaze, who had been traversing Hwaseonji for a long

time, trembled as if being hit by lightning.

"This, this is no way… … !"

"You know. That's right."

Jin Wei-kyung smiled and talked to him.

I drew the dance of yesterday."

"Taekyung standing proudly with Lee So-gun! The sky spreads over the

head of a young hero who will become the first in the world in the future!"

"I deliberately drew it in a composition looking up from the bottom, but

how do you feel?

I drew well. Huh? Did you draw well?"

Wifang's hand holding Hwaseonji trembled. I wanted to crumple it, tear it,

grind feces on it for a week, then dry it well and burn it.

"… … You drew well."

Wifang was a rational man. The unmanned man's great spirit has been

shown to the peak. Of course, he also had the courage to reproach his

suspected mental state.

"How much work is behind you now, does it make sense that you only drew

this picture from morning until now!"

"Of course it doesn't make sense."

"Anyone who knows that… … ."

"Would I have been holding on to only one during the three exams?"


"Of course I drew one more. I was going to show it later, but I'm aware of


With his trembling hands, Weifang accepted the Hwaseonji handed by Jin

Wei-kyung. Jin Wi-kyung smiled and started explaining the picture.

"I pictured the situation right after the rain. A young hero who is not

satisfied with the present and declares that he will return to the training

center! And those who look up to it!"

"Well, I agree to a great extent on that. Samkongja, you have changed a


"right? I am also surprised, something."

Jin Tae-gyeong, who won the secret dance with Lee So-gun, broke

everyone's expectations and returned to the training center. Jin Yu-kyung's

eyes, recalling the memories of the previous day, became hazy.

"I knew when this day would come.

The youngest is Chun-eung (天鷹). Vipin, can't you hear me? The sound of

Taekyung's powerful wings... … 「

"I don't know the sound of the wings, I hear bullshit."

It was the moment when Weifang gave up everything and put down the


"Look! You can hear it!"

Wifang's gaze turned to the window. A hawk that had just landed was

picking feathers.

There was a small barrel hanging from the ankle.

"This is Jeon Seo-eung."

A contact solvent that has been introduced through high training since


Jeon Seo-eung, who had only two horses in Taewon Jinga, was supposed to

only fly in extremely urgent matters.

"There is a problem."

Jin Wei-kyung muttered in a subdued voice.

And it soon came into reality.

"It's called Hanyeop."


"It is an honor to meet you."

It was an unexpected self-introduction. Of course, it was a face I knew.

It was the person I saw most often after entering the training center.

'Should I say that I was a security guard at the training center?'

security. Security guard. Regardless of the terminology, the NPC in front of

you was Taewon Jinga's warrior in charge of the training center. One of his

duties is to bring me meals and medicine.

'By the way, what kind of voice is suddenly?'

It is an NPC who has never mixed a word so far. It seemed to me that I

didn't feel bad, but it wasn't particularly favorable.

"Oh, yes. Nice to meet you, too."

The face of the guard, or Hanyeop, brightened even with the fluttering

answer. What, why are you doing this all of a sudden?

"I was also there yesterday."

"That place? Ah."

You mean bimu. So many people flocked, so it is not surprising that there

was one of them.

"I watched from start to finish. The heroic appearance of Confucius, who

fought against Lee So-gun at that vicious anti-sanction checkpoint!"

Are you wicked? Heroic look?

'Is that so?'

Honestly, from the perspective of modern people, he is him.

No, I rather want to raise Lee So-gun's hand. As an older brother, even

though my younger sister's personality is so damn good, if I say that I'm

dating a guy like Jin Tae-gyeong, it's likely to be overturned. That's why I

fought unavoidably

"The whole time I saw it, my heart trembled.

Not only me, but everyone who was there would have the same heart."

Hanyeop continued to speak with a reminiscent face. You seem to be

mistaken for this, but I don't know when to stop.

"I also once misunderstood Confucius. But now everyone in the family

knows the truth."

This time I couldn't help but question.

"truth? What truth?"


Hanyeop whispered in a deeply breathless voice. Secondly, the hot breath

that touched the ear is second, and the content is creepy.

So, the content is

"Am I the secret weapon of Taewon Jinga?"

"Yes Yes!"

Hanyeop nodded fiercely.

"Actually, all the appearances up to now are camouflage, and from

childhood through bone-sharpening training, having virtue and

righteousness in Munmugyeomjeon, sleep sleep… … "

I can't just say this. Ograd came out on behalf of me trying to protect my


"Sanseo Sleep Dragon! There is no one in the family that I do not know

right now. Confucius is a sleeping dragon in Shanxi Province who has not

yet climbed into the sky and hid himself in the water!"

Oh, please. help me. Don't even shout out loud.

Sleeping dragon. No one in the family knows!

'If I die, the cause of death is a shame, a shame.'

He asked me, struggling with excruciating mental pain, with gleaming eyes.

"Is it true? I know it's excuse me, but just a little bit... …

I can't. Not knowing who sowed it, this nonsense, Ograd, vowed to quell the

rumors and opened his mouth.

"I don't know who spread the rumors, but… …

It was then.



Rumors about [Sleeping Dragon] are spreading in Taewon Jinga.


Fame rises by 10 due to the influence of rumors.


The more people you believe in the rumor, the higher your reputation.

I was speaking with a stern face.

"It's all true."

"Also! I was believing it like you!"

Looking at Hanyeop's back leaving with a joyful face, I shed a single tear.

'Fuck... …

Oh, I miss my mom.

Through his relationship with So-gun Lee, he realized several facts.


'I am strong.'

At the beginning of the game, there was a case of defeating the heavenly

force that appeared as a tutorial NPC with a blow. Guessing at the time has

now turned into conviction.

I am strong. It was enough to defeat Lee So-gun at level 30 without

difficulty. The difference in combat experience may also have an effect, but

the stats are basically superior.

'Strength, stamina, agility. All the same or I'm a little ahead.'

Stat. That is, the difference in stats.

In this game, I am a user and have continued to grow using the system.

Through martial arts acquisition, training, and various quests, he quickly

raised his stats, and the results were revealed in Bimu.

And the second.

'I don't have enough energy. ,

Soo-gun Lee was ahead of me by one of his aerodynamics. No, it was


What I ate and grew up, even if I hit it dozens of times with a spear, even if

I unilaterally hit it in the mount position, he endured it. He even

counterattacked and raised his spirits at the last minute.

'Currently, my efforts are 10 years.'

Lee So-gun will be twice as long as mine, 20 years. Here I realized the third


'The difference in the aerodynamics determines the stage of martial arts.'

I defeated the first-class Soo-gun Lee. However, my level of display by the

system is still second-rate.

I thought the reason was in the aerodynamics. When I raise the single stat

that I lack, will my level not rise until then?

After finishing the tidy up there, I had a sudden thought.

'This is completely divided into hunter grades.'

The first awakener must check the possessed ability, aptitude, and mana

amount at the designated center. No matter how high the physical ability is,

if the mana amount is insufficient, the rating will be greeted with a cold


It is also the reason that wizards start with the lowest grade. Because of the

nature of wizards, their basic mana is full.

'But the game is better than reality.'

Don't grow up here. There is no such thing in reality. I've been stuck among

E-classes for seven years, because I haven't changed being an F-class hunter.

Anyway, a rough sketch is now drawn.

'The stats are enough, and the spirit is turned every time you have time, and

let's receive quests based on experience.'

It's been over a week since I've been trapped in this fucking game. I don't

know what kind of fuss I was doing in reality, but I wasn't getting rescued.

Make sure to prepare and finish.

"Quest window open."


[Log out]

Now you have to get through this tough murmur.

Become stronger and more famous.

For the day to come someday... … .

Rank: Main Quest

Limit: Taekyung Jin

Mission: Achieve [First Class] (Incomplete) Achieve Lv.30 (17 / 30) Achieve

Fame 500 (70 /500) Reward: ?Logout

"Ah, it's tough."

I turned cross-legged. Two days until closing. I was thinking of attracting as

much energy as possible.


[Reputation increases by 3 due to the influence of rumors about sleep.

The message of the rise of reputation reverberating in the gap was comforting.

Late at night. The lights were on in the conference hall. It was a secret street

meeting at the request of Soga owner Jin Wi-kyung.

It was very late, and there were some juniors who were showing a fat

expression because of a sudden call.

"Sudden call. What is this about?"

"So. I don't even tell you why, and at this late time."

"It's because Sogaju is still young. I don't know the procedure and


"I think yesterday has made a lot of momentum. Well, the only weakness is

gone. No one expected that the Three Confucius would be that much."

"You must have leaked some steam at the Elders' Center. I must have been

preparing to explode once with the Samkongja case."

"Hey, even now, the elder will have to go ahead and correct the family."

"Oh huh. Watch your words... …

At that time, all the sounds stopped. This was because the door of the

conference room opened to both sides and Jin Yu-kyung entered.

It was So Ga-ju, whose evaluation was divided among the juniors, but the

silence that fell down at the same time as Jin Wi-kyung's appearance was

evidence that he had the qualities of a leader.

"Thank you to everyone who responded to the convocation late at night."

Jin Wi-kyung, sitting at the top, spoke the first word, but couldn't easily


What to say, from where and how to get it out? My head was burning. But

it was something to be informed.

"Is this O I, who made this place today? "It was that moment.

"It's probably because of the harbor checkpoint."

It was a strange voice. At first it was of an old man, on the one hand it was

young, and it was rough or soft.

And there was an unknown resonance.


Jin Wei-kyung's face was distorted.

The door to the conference hall that was unlikely to open again was


That way. That way. That way.

Five old men slipping in.

And everyone who confirmed the old man in front of him got up in a hurry

and bowed his head.

"See Noya!"

Noya. It was the appearance of a blacksmith who had been out of business

for many years.