
Murder brought us together

A man like Vin only preys on women for the kill. But Vin is surrounded by many hardships that his bloody hands can not take. When his ex pops up and his new girlfriend loves all over him, he is face-to-face with a hard decision to make.

Kaneecia17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Am I a creep?

I was still a little upset from not getting my skittles and butterfinger bar that I wanted, but I had to go home soon to my buddy before he starves. He hates being alone for this long but I didn't need to come home and make him feel sad about it. When I'm sad he gets under the blanket with me and cries, and it hurts me so deeply when he does. I drove down the straight, plain roads to my apartment complex near Dave and Tasha's. I never really liked it there, but it was a decent place to get sweet potatoe pie and coffee to go.

I parked in the parking area of the building and swiped my card to let me inside. I walked the long dreadful stairs up to the second floor. I stood in front of room number eight and I took out my keys and went in. As soon as I opened the door Fierce came jumping to my legs.

"Hi buddy! How's it going bud?!" I said as I bent down to rub his silky gray fur. I loved Fierce so much and he has been with me for 5 years. He's a hug, a breed of a husky and a pug. His fur is so soft and tender. I enjoy seeing his unique color of gray and white fur bouncing up and down with joy to see me.

"Come on, let me fill your bowl." I walked over into the kitchen which was broken off by the living room. All the appliances are hidden, so guests would have to go all the way in the kitchen to see the dirty mess you may have. Which I actually have and I need to clean up. After I poured Fierce's food and water I went down the hallway to the left and I closed the door. I sat on the toilet taking a big massive poop, then I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. I'm so pale. My skin is so colorless, like I have color on me obviously, but I wish I could get a tan. It's not summer so that won't be happening anytime soon. I got closer to the cabinet mirror and saw how green my eyes were. They would scare anyone during Halloween, especially if I was a zombie. I think I already look that part anyway.

Fierce came running to me as I was stepping out of the bathroom. I guess he was extremely excited to see me. I was gone for 7 hours so that's understandable. I went to the second bedroom of my apartment and Fierce tagged along with me. I'll say that Fierce will probably stay with me all day long and never leave my side. I went in the bedroom (well not really a bedroom, since there's no bed in there) and I went to the lovely pictures hanging on the wall. I didn't want a marking on these lovely pictures, they were prepossessing and didn't need something to ruin there charm.

I had the pictures in frames of the lovely women I wish I could get a hold of. Their photos that I personally took a picture of, was when they were out and about and I snagged a shot. I don't think it's totally weird, but maybe odd to others. If you think about it, if you're in public and decide to take a snap of yourself on Snapchat then you're gonna get a couple of heads in the shot. So what's the difference if I take one and you're just not noticing, it's the same situation. I had all the information on them to below the pictures. Each woman has a file with social media accounts, their daily schedule, phone numbers, address and spouses information too if they had one. I have more info I'm working on, I like doing my research and knowing everything about them. I usually track their schedules and see what they eat, and what clothes they buy. If I couldn't track them, then I always had a back up. I got their credit card information so whatever they bought I knew what it was.

Fierce kept biting on my leg, so I left the room and closed the door. I went to the living room and played with Fierce for awhile. His little bites don't hurt at all, and the ones that get deep into my skin I just laugh it off and keep playing with him. I bought him a couple of toys that we play with together. He always grabs the rope one where he wants to show off his tugging skills.

"Fierce! Go get the rope boy. Yea, go get it." He grabbed it and I kneeled on the floor to play with him. Even though I was lonely without another human around, I had Fierce and for this time being he is all I need. While we were playing for awhile, I saw through the sliding doors going to my balcony, a girl was on hers with just a robe on. I got up and left Fierce to keep playing with his rope toy. I had a telescope that I used to watch her everyday but my shade blocked the inside of my apartment, but I left a slither just to get sight of her through the telescope. I looked through and I couldn't believe it. All this time I've been waiting for this to happen and now she's gonna do it.

"Yes, yes. There you go.."