
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Enter Arakan!!

[The chapter takes place after the meeting of the three factions and during the fight between Azazel and Katera]

"How about it Issei!! How about I kill your parents and all of your loved ones! maybe then will be able to get a worthy fight!!" Vali yelled with a grin on his face as he faced against Issei.

"Kill? within my territory?" Arakan said as he too approached the battlefield. Even Azazel and Katera paused their fight as they saw Arakan walk calmly.

"Arakan-sama?" Grayfia muttered.

"Arakan..." Kasumi said as she looked towards him as well.

"president~" Hanma said with a grin and then promptly punched the magician in front of him knocking him out.

"Arakan-sama..." Sara said as she covered her mouth with the sleeves of her kimono.

"oh? so you are the duke of hell who owns Kuoh? must say you are a looker" Azazel commented as he gave Arakan a glance.

"Arakan why did you not attend the meeting as I asked?" Sirzechs asked as he stared at him.

"I have decided...to take over the world" Arakan stated casually as everyone present were shocked at his claim.

"and If anyone wishes to oppose it"

"They will perish!" Arakan said as he released a strong burst of his haki giving tremendous pressure on all present.

Most of the lower class devils along with the magicians from Khaos Bridge immediately dropped to the ground as Issei and Hanma were barely hanging on their knees.

High-class devils like Rias were also on her knees while the Satan class beings were able to resist it but were unable to move.

"What is the meaning of this Baratos?" Sirzechs asked a little wary of Arakan's actions and words.

"It is exactly as I state before, I am taking over this" Arakan responded as he started to move toward them. The pressure of his haki continued to increase as his every step cracked the ground below.

"Arakan-sama!" Kasumi yelled as she stood in front of him.

"You cannot do this! this is madness!" Kasumi yelled as she tried to reason with Arakan.

"I know..." Arakan responded as he glared at Kasumi making her flinch for a second.

"That is why I am going to dominate all the factions! after this, I will attack Vallhala," Arakan said as his Amber eyes matched against Kasumi's light blue ones.

"Kasumi...are you going to stop me?" Arakan asked.

"I will not allow you to destroy your own morals and fall into a pit of darkness" Kasumi firmly responded.

"I see," Arakan said and then punched Kasumi's face with his hands covered in haki and sent her flying at the school building.

Everyone was shocked as Arakan casually turned at them disregarding what happened as if he had just swatted away a fly.

He pointed his palm where Kasumi just went flying. Embers covered his palms as he released a wave of flames in that direction destroying the whole building and killing the students and teachers present.

"Dad!! Mom!!!" Issei yelled in shock as he realized what happened.

"Kasumi!!" Sara yelled in shock as well.

"the hell?" Sirzechs, Serafall, and Azazel muttered in shock as Arakan just casually killed hundreds of men.

"intresting~" Hanma said with a grin as he felt the pressure of the Haki going away.

"How pitiful" Arakan said as he turned his attention to the faction leaders who were now on full alert against him.

"your fate will be worse if you turn against me," Arakan said as Sirzechs, Serafall, and Michale got ready to fight him.

"So then...who wishes to stand against my words?" Arakan asked.

"How interesting!!" Hanma yelled with a grin plastered on his face as he stood up.

"I promised to follow to the depths of hell if you make my life interesting I am with you!!" Hanma declared loudly.

"I promised to serve the generations of Barbatos regardless of their choice of action, I will still follow you Arakan-sama" Grayfia stated as she and Hanma stood behind him.

"In that case, I will just kill those in front of me" Arakan announced as a black slime-like substance appeared on his abdomen and covered his whole body, and then compressed turning him into his monster form.

"Some sort of balance breaker?" Azazel questioned in shock as the other Biblical leaders were prepared to fight against him as well.

"You bastard!!!" Issei yelled at the top of his lungs and rushed at Arakan as his emotions forcefully activated his balance breaker.

"Weak" Arakan commented as he slapped him away at the burning rubble that was left breaking his scale mail armor as well.

"Issei!" Rias yelled as she rushed towards the rubble to check on him. Sirzechs created a ball of PoD and launched it at Arakan who dodged it and disappeared in a burst of speed.

A splash of blood appeared in front of Azazel as his eyes were open wide with shock and disbelief. In front of him, Arakan had ripped off Katerina's head and was holding it by her hair.

"A satan class being killed just like that?" Sirzechs question now acknowledging Arakan's strength and speed.

'I know what you are thinking but don't even try it, partner!' Albion said as he warned Vali from taking any reckless moves.

"I know but with the Juggernaught Drive surely I won't die at the least" Vali rebutted as he got ready.

I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God

I envy the "infinite" and I pursue the "dream"

I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy

And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise

Vali chanted as he released a tremendous amount of magic while his Scale Mail armor started to undergo a change, his wings grew longer as multiple jewels appeared all over his armor giving him a dragon-like appearance.

'Vali you can only use the juggernaut drive for about ten seconds before you start losing your sanity' Albion yet again warned.

"It is enough!" Vali yelled back as he rushed at Arakan. With his fists, outstretched Valin punched Arakan's face.

"Is this a joke?" Vali questioned himself as Arakan didn't even flinch at the punch let alone be affected by it. Arakan raised his fist as it got covered in purple flames and smashed Vali's head.

"bweaghk-" Spitting out a mouthful of blood Vali barely managed to survive the strike as he laid on the ground in a half-dead state.

'because of the toughness of the toughness of the armor I managed to resist it only for a moment, it had put any more strength in it I would have died in a second' Vali thought to himself.

'Hang in there! those holy flames of Imcinarate Anthem can easily kill a Satan class devil!' Albion stated as he could feel Vali's life slowly fading away.

"You crazy bastard" Azazel said as he created some distance and got ready to face off against Arakan.

"Michale, it seems that the three factions would have to join their hands against this one" Sirzechs stated as he and Michale too floated to the skies to fight against Arakan.

"In that case, I will lend Arakan-sama my strength" Grayfia stated as she too spread out her wings.

"You both settle down" Arakan commanded.

"I will these fools what means to be at the top of this world!" Arakan declared as he got ready to face the leaders of the three biblical factions.


[Most of Tobi's exams are over so regular updates from today! each chapter will be about 1.3k words as Tobi is unable to write more of bs so from now on it will be just action after action]

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter leave a review if you did]

[Valhalla refers to the heaven of the Norse mythology]