

A guy died and wake up in the void. He gets a system and will show a certain multiverse about another omniverse

david_vazcano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs



Now we can see a city here people are working and doing their own activities, but their time is not going to be good because suddenly there is an explosion.

People are screaming and running.

Civilian 1 :"Run there is a monster."

Civilian 2 :"Help we need heroes."

Child :"Mama where are you?" the child is crying.

While civilians are running fo their lives the monster is laughing "Yes, yes, run, run for your life there will be no one to stop me and even heroes will not able to save you all." he smiled looking at their despair.

"Hey you shouldn"t let your guard down." The monster heard someone behind his back "Huh who is it?" the monster turn around and surprised.

There is a handsome and hot boy blond hair wearing a blue jacket, blue pants, black belt, and shoes. He seems like to have a robot arm and his eyes are golden, he raise his right arm.

"Incinerate," the man behind fire an enormous firepower engulfing the monster, the monster is now lie dead on the floor.

Civilians :"yeah way to go demon cyborg."

Civilians :"Yes, thank you for saving us."

Civilians "Thank god you're here I don't kniw what will we do abou that monster."

When the civilians are cheering suddenly there is a man cut in two and the woman beside her scream. The cyborg heard her and see there is a bunch of monsters killing them.

Genos rush to them with great speed cutting them with his razor aharp blades coming out of his arms. He cut them fast with great speed killing them he see a few are running.

He retract his blades and lift his right arm "Incinerate," he incinerate them and there is a massive explosion. Demon cyborg is looking in front of him of how big is his firepower destroying everything infront of him incinerating the monsters.


Union academy





Lida :"So fast." he exclaimed surprise of how fast this guy is.


Ochako :"Is that like a support item?"

Yayurouzu :I don't know but I think it is."

Irina :"Woah look at him."

Rossweise :"Incredible, he just defeat them in seconds."

Xenovia :"His firepower is incredible he must be strong."

Issei :"Big deal even I can do that and even more powerful."


Yang :"Not to mention this guy is a hottie."

Akeno :"Yes you are right." smiling at demon cyborg.

Mina :"Eye buddy, this guy is hot."

The other girls nod their head of how handsome and hot he is, the boys are jealous of how this demon cyborg get the attention of the girls.

Bakugo see demon cyborg power and angry, he see his incinerate is more powerful than him he doesn't want to admit it.

Nezu :"Interesting so this guy maybe a cyborg."

Azazel :"Possibly since all that firepower cannot be easy from a human but why is the demon title?"

Sirzech :"It must be because his appereance to the creature that make them scared."

Avengers tower

Steve :"Impressive."

Tony :"Not gonna lie this guy is powerful and fast to take them down."

Reed :"Incredible this person must be a cyborg giving to his name."

Jessica drew :"Yeah And he just packing a serious firepower."

The thing :"Normal people will be dead if got caught in that blast."

johnny storm :"Yeah but some of us here maybe can take it."

kitty pride :"Not to mention he is handsome and hot." she is blushing along with the other girls.

Justice league, watchtower

Shazam :"That is so cool."

Hawkgirl :"I agree this man powers is great."

kid flash :"Wait did the guy just say demon cyborg?"

The widened their eyes in realization.

Cyborg :"So this person is a cyborg, huh?"

blue bettle :"Man even his nickname is cool."

zatanna :" wait demon is he a demon before?"

Dr.fate :"No I do not think so because I cant feel any demonic energy from him.

They are looking at demon cyborg because it looks like he has potential.


Demom cyborg :"all right this area is clear, time to go to the next one."

Demon cyborg is running across the city block and eliminate all of the monsters. "seems like that is all, time to head to the hero association."

Demon cyborg :"I am alreday eliminate all monsters where shoul I go now?"

Operator :" thank you demon cyborg for eliminating monster from city y, now you need to go to the hero association."

Demon cyborg nod his head and head to the hero association. Demon cyborg was running towards the big building with many roads connected to the center building in some island and there is a river as a distance limit to the building.


Union academy

Saji :"Woah look at that building."

Jaune :"Wait why are there so many roads to the building?"

prryha :"Maybe because you can to so many cities districts to protect them, like city y."

Sona :"Also the hero association place looks like a barren place."

Hagakure :"Hero association?"

Ochako :"Hero association, hey guys what do you think of this hero agency?"

midoriya :"Possibly it was an agency that was full of heroes that we have never seen before."

Nico :"Not gonna lie but I wanna see what the heroes look like."

jason :"Me too."

Bakugo :"I bet the heroes are not as strong as me."

Azazel :"Interesting design of the building."

Ajuka :"It looks like a fortress."

Nezu :"The people who design this building must be a genius."

Midnight :"What do you mean principal?"

Nezu :"This hero association is like an agency full of heroes, there is many roads that probably go to many sections of the city, and it looks like there is many defense weapons and mechanims of traps in this place."

Michael :"It really look like a fortress."

Avengers tower

Nova :"Woah look at that building and there are so amny roads."

carol danvers :"It looks like a fortress."

Reed :"I will not lie this place kinda looks advance from what I see."

Hank pym :"You're right this place must be full of tech we have never seen before."

Justice league, watchtower

Batwoman :"Am I the only one see this hero association looks like a fortress?"

They shook their heads.They are not the only one the whole universe thinks this place is a fortress.


He gets in the building and meet with a certain person in a room"All the threat have been neutralized," he talks to the person.

Busho :"Thank you demon cyborg for eliminating threats from city y." (Busho, Hero association staff member.)

Demon :"So where are the other heroes?"

Busho :"The other heroes from C class heroes to S class heroes are fighting and handling all other sections of the city."

Demon cyborg is thinking "is there any way I can help the others?" busho look at the monitor and look at demon cyborg again.

Busho :"Yes there is, there are monsters in city c and city d, the heroes there are struggling because the number of the monsters and if you can help the city G if you can go there fast."

Demon cyborg nods his head and head out to help the others.


Now they really wanted to see all other heroes and what the demon cyborg is capable of. They also learn about the hero association and the place. They watch again to learn more about them.


We can see a little child is screaming "Kya help me." She was screaming but the monster in fron to him laugh "hahahahahah no one is going to save you now little girl," he see her desperate and was going on a finishing blow.


They look horror of the child is going to be killed and the heroes were helpless to save the kid.

Eri :"he...he...will ki...kill her." she was crying to se someone got killed.

Midoriya :"Don...don't worry eri a hero will help her." he assured him but unsure of himself that someone will save her.

Sato :"Somebody need to help her." he was shouting desperately.

Ruby :"I can't watch." she close her eyes.

The others are watching and somw of them closed their eyes, the heroes were desperate cannot help the little girl.

The avengers and the justice league are frustrated ans angry because they cannot help the little girl but watch her get killed.


When the monster going to kill the girl, the girl closed her eyes. She feels she was not stabbed so she open her eyes, she see the monster was impaled by a sword. The monster laid down dead and she see a black shadow sillouete and cannot see who saves her.

"Are you okay child?" said the person.


They see the child was rescued but cannot see who save her, they are curious who saved the child from the monster.

They keep watching the screen.