

A guy died and wake up in the void. He gets a system and will show a certain multiverse about another omniverse

david_vazcano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs



We can see the students are in the class talking, while the class is not begin yet, mal feel the teacher is coming in the end of the hallway.

Mal :"Hey guys the teacher is coming."

They heard what mal said and they go to their seats, after they sit the teacher is coming through the door.

Ellen :"Well look at here you guys are already quiet and already organized. Well let's get started."

After class

They are talking and going to the canteen to eat.

Ben approach the girls "Hey do you want to eat lunch with us at the canteen?"

The girls look at each other and nod. The boys and the girls are in the canteen, they're not gonna lie but the canteen looks impressive.

They pick up their trays and pick their food, after that they gather up at the large table.

Jake :"So girls why didn't you talk and introduce each of yourself?"

The girls look at jake "If we introduce ourself will you boys too." saeko said.

Jake :"Sure why not, you guys don't mind right?"

The boys shook their heads.

Saeko :"Well I will go first my name is saeko busujima, or you can call me saeko, I like swordsmanship and I have magic powers, I was moved here three years ago."

Danny :"Where exactly you were born and lived?"

Saeko :"Well I was born in kyoto and live there. I moved here because I have a recommendation from the school and also I want to gain more experience."

They nod their heads "All right who's next?" saeko ask.

Mirajane :"Looks like it is my turn hello everyone my name is mirajane strauss, you can call me mirajane, I have magic powers and got to this school because of the recommendation."

Sattelizer :"My name is sattelizer L bridget, call me sattelizer I am a pandora and a noble from british called L bridget family, I have come here because of a recommendation."

Rex :"Wow you are royalty?"

They were shocked because there is a noble in their class except luffy he just eats and don't care about it.

Dexter :"So what, we should treat you like a royalty and call you miss like that?" he smiled mischievously.

Sattelizer :"No you can call me sattelizer, It is beacuse we are friends and classmate now."

Dexter :"What is a pandora?"

They are also confused because of the name pandora, it is like from greek mythology.

Sattelizer :"Pandora are genetically modified human girls who undergo intense training at special military schools in order to become soldiers and learn how to fight the Nova, creatures from another dimension that are invading the Earth."

Luffy :"WOW SO COOL does that mean you already fight this called nova." he said excitedly.

Sattelizer :"Yes I have and I have learn them from pandora school too."

Zak :"Wait If you already learn from your previous school why are you here?"

Sattelizer :"I don't know myslef but my father recommend me to move here he says this school is special."

They nod their heads "well looks like it's my turn." said jenny.

jen :"My name is jenny wakeman, call me jenny or jen, As you can see I am android and I can also eat to become my fuel or you can say biofuel."

mal :"My name is maleficent bertha, call me mal, I can do swordsmanship and magic also I am not human."

They were confused about this even luffy stop eating after hearing that.

Luffy :"What do you mean you are not human?"

Mal :"Well you can say I am half fairy and half god."

They are silenced by what just mal said.

Mirajane :"wait so you're a fairy and a god."

Mal :"yes My mother is a fairy and my father is a god."

Luffy :"wow It must be cool to have parents like them?"

Mal :"sigh, well it's not like that it's just..."

They see she was hesitate about what is she gonna say.

Kim :"Hey if you don't want to talk about it, it's okay."

Mal :"No it is okay, my mother is a kind and caring she maybe looks like evil but she is not, she is a guardian forest name moorse and it is beautiful there."

Korra :"If it is beautiful can we come there?"

Mal :"Yes you can, but I need to ask permission from my mother to do that."

They nod their heads but "what about your father?" sattelizer asked.

Mal :"Sigh, well it is complicated but I never met my father and I knew who he is but my father is the god of the underworld and I was abandoned by my father."

They were suprised by that "Why would he abandoned you?" dexter ask.

Mal :"Because it is the rules, If a god and a mortal maked love and that being give birth, the gods will not interfere with their life and aboned them, Many of the children are orphaned, killed by monsters, forgotten and even after they die the gods did not care and keep making more children with the mortals not just mortals but with also another species."

They were anger by that and sick of it. Zack said "But why the gods need children?"

Mal :"Because they need for them to complete the task or mission were given by th gods and there is also a summer camp for demigods there to train and learn, also that place is secured and no monsters."

Ben :"Wait so the gods make more children to complete their task, But aren't they gods they could defeat or kill the enemies easily."

Mal :"I don't know I guess they are lazy with their task and it is also to keep them alive."

jen :"Alive, what do you mean by alive?"

Mal :"The gods need a worshipper like in the past if the mortals worship and give a feast to the gods for a reward the gods power is incresing and also make them still alive."

Korra :"So these gods are depended on the mortals, wait what happen if there is no worshipper of the gods or there is no demigods of that respective religion."

Mal :"They just vanished and dead except the norse gods they depend on themselves."

Korra :"It is my turn my name is korra, I am an avatar."

Mal :"What's an avatar?"

Korra :"An avatar means he is the keeper of the balance he can control elements and it is an endless cycle that happen one aver one hundred years."

Rex :"So you're an avatar and what's with to control all elements we see many people use different magic elements."

Korra :"It is different because in my home peopl can only manipulate one element, While the avtar can control more than one element."

Moka :"My turn my turn, my name is moka akayashi, you can call me moka and I am a vampire and also a noble like sattelizer."

They were shocked there was two noble family in their class.

Kim :"Wait moka can I ask you a question?"

Moka nods her head.

Kim :"Why is your hair turn white and your personality change when fighting."

Moka was nervous about this :"Well... it is because I have a double personality."

They were confused about this "Another personality wait does that mean you have another identity?" zak asked.

Moka :"Yes when Fighting the other me is also moka but she is fearless, strong, and serious, I sometimes rely on her to fight."

They nod their heads "well I guess I am the last one." Kim said.

Kim :"My name is kim possible, call me kim I moved here because like the others from the reccomendation, I don't have powers, I am from russia and a spy."

Ben :"Cool we got a spy as a friend here."

Moka :"Kim since when you were a spy and how long have you been a spy?"

Kim :"Well I have been a spy since I was ten years old, I trained and do missions around the world."

Luffy :"That is so cool kim."

Max :"I agree it must be really cool and tough to be a spy at that age."

Kim :"Well yeah you can say that, then now it's you boys turn now."


Union academy

They are listening to the girls conversation, many of them are interested in them and they began to search, but what they were shocked is kim possible she doesn't have any quirks, magic, semblance, or sacred gears.


Kirishima :"calm down bakubro."


Shoto :"She is a spy from 10 years old."

Yayurouzu :"She also do missions around the world so she maybe got some experince."


Ruby :"So cool that jenny wakeman is an android."

Weiss :"The one who built her might be a genius."

Yang :"Korra must be a strong fighter is she can manipulate elements."

Nora :"wow they are bunch of cool people."

Prryha :"Huh so saeko and mal is a swordmaship I really want to learn and spar with them."

Rias :"So mal is a fairy and a god."

Sona :"I wonder who is her father ?"

Rossweise :"Well her father is a god of the under world, but there is many gods of the underworld."

Xenovia :"I really want to see more of saeko and mal swordsmaship."

Kiba and Irina agreed

Issei :"I will make those girls in my harem and they will worship me."

Nico is still staring at mal and thingking about what she said 'If her father is a god of the underworld....' He widened his eyes in realization but still can't confirm it yet.

Percy :"I wonder wich pantheon mal's father is?"

Jason :" maybe egypt?"

Leo :"We still don't know yet let's keep watching."

The principals

Ironwood :"A girl who have no powers but was recommended, what a waste."

Ozpin :"Now now Ironwood calm down she is also a spy from 10 years old."

Nzu :"I agree she also may have many experience from her missions."

Sirzech :"I am curious of mal's father and not to mention she is also a fairy."

Ajuka :"She must be strong to have the power of a god and a fairy."

Azazel :"We need to see the boys let's see if they are more interesting than the girls."

They nod and keep watching

Avengers tower

Hawkeye :"Huh, this kim is similiar to natasha."

Jean :" she is not wrong she is russian and a spy."

Natasha cannot complain of what they say because kim possible is exactly like her.

Ghost spider :"That's horrible so all demigods are left and dead because the gods didn't care about them."

Tony :"Hey thor why did you norse gods didn't do like the other gods do?"

They look at thor and they wanted answers

Thor :"We norse gods do not want depend on the mortals or their worships . We prefer to train ourseleves and odin see these way is waste of time and despicable becayse he already see many demigods die beacuse of it."

They nod their heads in confirmation

Daredevil :"She also say that she is a fairy too."

jessica jones :"strange have you ever heard of this guardian fairy?"

Dr strange :"I may have heard of it, It is said she is like an angel and she guards the forest moorse to keep outsider away, she said to be not friendly too, but I never heard of her had a daughter."

luke cage :"Well we know now she has a daughter."

iron fist :"I also intrigued about the pandora they train their students this so called nova, a creature from another dimension."

Reed richards :"Yes I am also interested in that."

They discussed again

Justice league watchtower

Diana is the same as thor explaining about what mal said.

Flash :"So all this time the gods have impregnant many mortals or beings and give birth to half gods and do their quest and also ruin their lives?"

He asked horrified and the others too. Diana bowed her head in shame, she was ashamed of what the gods do but it is true she see many of them orphaned or get in killed early age by monster.

Constantine :"Zatanna have you ever heard of maleficent?"

Zatanna :"I don't know about it, how about you fate."

Doctor fate explained to them like what dr strange said.

Batman :"So we have a spy, magicians, elementalist, a half fairy half demigod, a pandora, an android and a swordwielder.

Hawkgirl :"So this pandora was a trained school that trains their students to combat a creature from anither dimension called nova."

Supergirl :"Aren't they too young for that?"

Huntress :"Well It is defferent from the other school we also train young heroes and there is also school hero."

They continue to discussed


"Well I will go first, my name is denny phenton and my superhero name is danny phantom, my powers is well I am a ghost." danny said.

They were shocked of what denny said "wait you're a ghost." dexter said uneasily.

"Yep wanna see." danny said, "Going ghost." there is two bih circles from the top and bottom they slowly mived and danny become his superhero outfit.

They were in awe, Danny smiled and fly towards dexter he get inside dexter and controoled him.

Danny/Dexter :"Hello everyone this is one of my ghost abilities I can poessed anybody."

He then get out of dexter and transform back.

Mal :"Wait so how did you become a ghost?"

Danny sits down and answered her question "You see my family is a scientist they discovered there is a ghost, they didn't belive it at first but they see it again and believe it, they begin to build weapons to capture and imprison ghosts. They research on these ghosts and found somthing, they discovered there is another dimension full of ghost, so they build a portal to this dimension to explore and research it, but when they were about to activate it, it was not working they go to away in dissapointment thingking it is not working."

Max :But it is working in the end."

Danny :"Yes you're right I walk down to their laboratory when it was night and my family were sleeping. I go in using a hazmat suit to it I walked to the portal I was going inside but I accidently push a button and the machine is activated. The machine change my dna and molecular structure to become a ghost and it is also a success, also you can go to ghost dimension because the machine is working."

Korra :"It must b really hard for you to discover you become a ghost."

Danny :"Yes It is really hard for me to accept but I use my powers now to help people and also capture ghost that escaped from ghost dimension, capture them, and took them back to the ghost dimension, also I am now the owener of the ghost dimension and theking of ghosts."

They were silenced and then they shout "WWWWHHHHHHAAAAATTTTTT."

mirajane :"You become a ghost king. How?"

Danny :"Well short version is I have killed the ghost king, take his powers and become the new king of that dimension."

They were stunned because danny just kill the owner and the king of ghost dimension.


union academy

They were silenced by danny he was just an ordinary kid with no powers but he accidently have powers because of his ghost portal machine his parents build.

Mineta :Wait so all this time ghost are real?"

They were silenced but the they were panicked.


Ruby :"Oh No I cannot sleep well now tonight."

Irina :"Does that mean there is a ghost in the academy that will haunt us."

Xenovia :"Oh no if there is I will not get well."

Piper :"Did he said he can also posses anyone?"

The students are panicked that ghost are real and danny could posess anyone, they were thinking what happens if he posess one of them.

Azazel :"So all this time ghost are real?"

Nezu :"Appareantly there is a whole dimensnion of them."

Ironwood :"We must capture these ghost and find the ghost dimension."

Sirzech :"We do not know if this dimension is real."

Grayfia :"Not to mention there is king of ghost, danny just kill the previous ghost king and become the new owner of ghost dimension so you know how powerful he is."

Serafall :"wait did he just say he and ghosts can posess anyone." he asked worriedly.

They were panicked now if they are posessed by a ghost right now. Now they need to be more careful now.

They were silenced and continue to Discuss.

Avengers tower

"Huh so there is a dimension full of ghost out there." reed said.

Tony :"I am curious what is this dimension like?"

black panther :"So danny can posess anyone, huh?"

kitty pride :"Does that mean he can posess anyone in this room if he wants to?"

They are alarmed at this amd worried if they were posessed by their body.

Tony :"friday make project ghost."

Friday :"Right away boss."

Justice league watchtower

Constantine :"A dimension full of ghost and that kid is the new king and owner of that dimension?" he said in desbelief.

Zatanna :"Really you can't believe a ghost dimension but a demon you can?"

Constantine just shrug.

Superman :"Have you guys heard of this dimension before?"

Dr. fate :"I never knew about it this is new for me."

constantine :"Me and zatanna too, this is new for us."

Shazam :"He can posess anyone?" he was shocked amd alarmed about this.

The other leaguer members are also alarmed seeing this.

Batman is thinking how powerful and dangerous this kid is especially one of his powers is posession.


Zak :"Okay my turn my name is zak I am half human and laf cryptid. I am a shooter and also good with technology, I can my mind control with cryptids using my mind control."

Dexter :"How long have you been doing this anyway."

Zak :"I have been doing this since I was twelve and also my family travel around the world using our own airship to fly around the world."

They were surprised that zak family built and own an airship. "Dude you must have been rich if you can built an airship." rex said.

zak :"You could say that."

Korra :"wait you say you are half cryptid, what is a cryptid?"

Zak :"Cryptids are animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated by science. I am a cryotid because I am the most recent reincarnation of the cryptid Kur.

Jenny :"What is cryptid kur?"

Zak :"the creature known as Kur was ancient before human civilizations arose and before mankind even began.

Kur had rampaged across the ancient world unopposed for years until the warrior-king Gilgamesh challenged his might. Traveling across the known world, Gilgamesh discovered the Legion of Garuda, and with their help, he defeated Kur and banished his spirit. An account of this battle was recorded in The Epic of Gilgamesh

Sometime before his defeat, a part of Kur's essence was used to create the Naga relic. Afterward, Kur's spirit clung on to the Kur Stone to keep himself alive.

The Kur Stone lay hidden for millennia until Doc and Drew Saturday recovered it. Upon being found, Kur's essence leapt from the stone and into Me as unborn baby and become his reincarnation."

Kim :"wow it must be hard for you to know that you are the reincarnation of a man that ramoage in ancient world" She said worried and sorry.

Zak :"Don't worry about that I can use andhandles this power now."

Dexter :"Okay my name is dexter, I am a scientist I have been doing scinece and build tech at age 7 and build my own laboratory at age 8. Oh by the way, that suit I use there to fight the monster it is me who build it."

They were surprised and imppresed that dexter have built his own lab at age 8 and doing scince at age 7.

Jake long :"Hey everyone my name is jake long call me jake, I am a dragon and I am a guardian of underground magical community."

Mal :"wait I think heard a runmor about you, a dragon that protect magical community from evil beings."

Jake :"Yep that is me."

Luffy :"Now it is my turn, my name is monkey D luffy, My dream is I am going to be the king of the pirates and find one piece, nice to meet you." he smiled.

Max :"Um luffy can I ask you what is one piece?"

Luffy :"well one piece is a treasure that was hidden by the pirate king gold roger. Gold roger is the king of pirates because he is a pirate traveled the sea and conquered the sea."

They were amazed by what luffy said and sattelizer want to ask something.

Sattelizer :"Luffy do you know what is inside the treasure of one piece?"

Luffy :"I don't know what is inside of the treasure and I dont want to know what's inside of it but I want to find it and become king of the pirates."

They were aurprised of what luffy is saying that is some big dream.

Max :"Well My turn now, my name is Maxwell McGrath, call me max I am half alien half human. My mother is a human and my father is an alien."

Dexter :"what was with the suit you use in the battle?"

Max :"Well that suit can make me use my energy called turbo energy."

Kim :"What's a turbo energy?"

Max :"T.U.R.B.O. Energy, which stands for Tachyon Unlimited Radiant Bio-Optimized Energy, is the most powerful yet most dangerous energy known on Earth. The energy came from planet Takion and is a blue energy that enhances the physical capabilities of the user. My father came from that planet. T.U.R.B.O. energy makes the user stronger, faster, more durable and agile than an average individual."

Ben :"That is so cool but still why do you need a suit anyway?"

Max :"In order to prevent me from going critical and exploding, Steel needs to link and constantly regulate his energy."

Rex :"Steel who's that?" he was confused juat like the others.

There is something appears next to max.

Steel :"Hello everyone."

Rex :"woah" he was surprised.

Luffy :"So cool there is a robot beside max."

Dexter :"Looks like this robot is advanced."

Steel :"Well thank you for the praise, everyone my name is steel I am an uktralink just like max's father and I am the suit that max use to change modes."

They were amazed by it a robot that make you a suit to control the powers of turbo energy.

Max :"I also join the organization called N-TEK, I am an agent there."

Mirajane :"What is N-TEK?"

Max :" N-TEK was a secret organization created by Jim McGrath, Steel, Molly McGrath, Forge Ferrus and Miles Dread. Their true mission is to prevent Makino and his armada of Ultralinks from devouring Earth with the Alphalink. But miles dread betrayed an organization and become a viilian because he wants the turbo energy for himself.

Luffy :"Who is makino? from what you say he sounds bad."

Max :"Makino is an evil being he was worshipped by the ultralinks as a god and father he is one of the deadliest enemy I have ever faced." he was mad and concerned.

They look at max and worried "Don't worry max with us here you can count on us to help you." luffy said smiled.

Max see the others and they smiled at him "thanks guys." max is grateful to have a friend like them.

Rex :"Well I guess it's my turn, my name is rex salazar I am a human evo, Prior to the Nanite Event, and during the Nanite Project which his parents and brother worked on, I was critically injured in an industrial accident caused by a dispute between the many scientists about how the nanites were to be used. now I use may powers to cure anybody who was infected by evo and cured them to become normal again."

Ben :"Wait why are you the only one who is not transformed and still human?"

Rex :"I don't know but I can actually cure if anybody turn into an evo and also I join an organization called Providence, Providence is a global, clandestine military organization that was created in response to the Nanite Event. Providence's initial function was to contain or kill hostile EVOs."

They nod their heads and look at ben.

Ben :"Well looks like I am the last, my name is benjamin tennyson, But you can call me ben, I am half anidote and half human, I posess the watch called the omnitrix that let me transform into an alien across the universe, Also I learn martial arts, a few languages, and magic. I was a hero since I was 10 and I am a plumber agent."

They are confused by what ben said. "Um ben what is a plumber do you plump pie or something?" mirajane ask.

Ben :"What, no not that plumber, The Plumbers, informally referred to as Red Spots, are an intergalactic law enforcement organization that makes use of high-tech gadgets and weapons to protect the universe from various threats and attacks. The name has also been used by an independent and secret government organization that protects the general public of Earth.The independent Earth Plumbers, initially known as the Plumbiers, were first established by the Founding Fathers in the 1700's. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were some of the first members."

They are in awe of what ben said and they were surprised george washington is the first member of the humans to join plumbers.

Kim :"Wait what george washington join this organisation called plumbers?" she was in dibelief.

Ben :"Yeah believe it or not it is him and benjamin franklin the first humans to join plumbers."


Union academy.

They were listening to the conversation of what they said.

Bakugo :"WHAT THE HELL THERE IS ANOTHER QUIRKLESS PERSON IN THE SCHOOL?" he was amd there is another guy with no powers.

Hatsume :"That is so cool, I wonder what and how many babies did dexter make?"

Yayurozuo :"Wait so ben and max are half alien?" she said in dibelief.

Mina :"YES, I knew it aliens are real."

tokoyami :"So jake long is a dragon, huh."

Lida :"Huh this zak maybe a traveler with his family because of the cryptids."

Ochako :"zak has own an airship." She said in dibelief because build an airship will cost a lot of money.

Jiro :"Well he is rich so build an airship is a piece of cake."

Ruby :"Wow cool ben and max are aliens the device called the omnitrix is so cool." she has star in her eyes."

Yang :"I really wish to see more transformation of aliens from ben."

Weiss :"I want to see the urbo energy andnthe function of it."

Blake :"I really want to see jake beacuse he is a dragon and a protector."

Rias :"Wait so ben, max, rex, and zak is not human?" she said in disbelief.

Rossweise :"Appearently zak has a soul of the one who fought gilgamesh."

Asia :"Wow so cool so jake is a dragon and the protector of magic comunity."

Issei :"What's so good about jake anyway, I am better and stronger than him." He said arrogantly.

Sona :"A dragon that protects magical community huh?" .

The teacher and pricipals

Ironwood :"We must get that omnitrix and steel from them."

Azazel :"Calm down first ironwwod ben is an agent of plumbers an alien intergalatctic police who knows they may have advanced weapons that could kill us and max is an agent of organization of anti alien invasion who knows maybe he has more advenced tech just like the plumbers."

Ironwood growled and angry, what azazel said was right beacuse both of arganization may have advanced weapon than them that could kill them.

Sirzech :"A dragon that protect the magical community? I have nerver heard of that."

Ajuka :"That omnitrix is so advanced the person who built this might be a genius." He said fascinated.

Serafall :"Not to mention ben, rex, and dexter have been heroes since so young."

They agreed and discussed more.

Avengers tower

They were impressed about them and the organization they kids are joined.

Hank pym :"Fascinating a watch that could turn you into aliens across the universe."

Reed :"If we could meet the creator I want to talk to him."

Tony :"I agree the one who buold this maybe a genius."

carol danvers :"An intergalactic police and george washington and benjamin franklin is the first human agent?" she said surprised.

wolverine :"How the hell we do not know this organisation is exist."

Natasha :"I agree they must be completly hidden well even shield don't know about them."

Dr strange :"I am more curious of the cryptids because the animals rampage through out the ancient world and fought gilgamesh."

miles morales :"That team has three half humans and one half fairy and half god."

ghost spider :"I am curious about this turbo energy."

Justice league watchtower

Hal jordan :"A device that let you turn into aliens across the universe?" he asked in disbelief.

Dr.Fate :"Interesting a dragon that protect magical community and a pirate."

wonder woman :"So this boys are doing their hero work since 10 years old and 12 years old even younger." she wa surprised how young they are doing their hero work.

Nightwing :"That max have a turbo energy that will explode if didn't contain it."

Batgirl :"I am curious about the omnitrix ben had."

Batman is looking at the omnitrix and dissaproved that a device like that should not in the hands of a kid, he can also see max what are his modes and also he can explode, he see dexter build suit that can take a whole army and he also a genius he make a lab at age eight, and the others are also dangeruos, He need to make a contingency plans if these kids are out of control or go to be a villain.


The lunch is over and the day is over by continuoing class until 14.00PM.

Ellen :"Alright class is over and oh by the way tommorow we will go on a road trip and you need to prepare your costume hero youeself or you can go to the engineer room to build your hero suit in your own design."

Zak :"Teacher when is the road trip?"

Ellen :"Two weeks from now on."

After that they go home and say good bies

The screen turnblack


Now they know their names and backgrounds , but when teacher ellen said roadtrip they were curious what is the roadtrip gonna be.

The screen turn on