

A guy died and wake up in the void. He gets a system and will show a certain multiverse about another omniverse

david_vazcano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


We see there is a man sleeping in the void, the man open his eyes and wake up.

??? :"Where am I?"

[You are in the void]

The man is looking everywhere and can't find anyone and there is a hologram in front of him.

[Hello host I am system that will tell you the function of the system]

??? :"Oh, uhhh hello there system by the way do you have a name?"

[No host I don't have a name you can give me one If you want to.]

??? :"Alright I will call you luna and you will call me albert."

[Thank you albert for giving me name.]

Albert :"Alright luna can you tell me the function of this system."

[Well albert this system called the broadcast system this system will makeyou to select a video and edit the video however you like. You will get rewards and points for the emotional and how many people are watching your videos. This system cannot be hacked, virus or scanned.]

Albert is thingking about what luna said isn't this will make him become stronger and more benefits.

Albert :"Luna which multiverse can I broadcast, can I broadcast many multiverse If I want ?"

[No there is one prticular multiverse to broadcast.]

Albert is confused by this "Which omniverse?"

[Union omniverse]

Albert see this his eyes became darkened and his blood run cold. He knows about the unionverse because in this multiverse there is heroes, villains, hunters and huntresess, grimms, supernaturals, etc.

Basiclly this universe is corrupted and dark beacuse the heroes there are only become heroes for money, fame, glory just like that, the supernaturals like the devils enslave them and experiment on them even fallen angels is like that, the angels are bunch of liars when there is someone have a strong sacred gear they capture that person and brainwashed them.

The angels also didn't care about the humanity they only watch them suffer and do nothing. basiclly this verse is full of corruption, murders, slaves, etc

[This union verse is different.]

Albert :"What is the difference, luna?"

[The difference is there is marvel, dc, and percy jackson and also many others.]

Albert :" But are they the same as union academy?"

[No they are not the same this are marvel comics and dc comics also there are others who not join the union. They didn't join union and they operate on their own, meanwhile percy jackson these not involve in unions dirty works. The gods in the greeks and the others are the combination of dc comics and percy jackson, except the norse gods they are based on marvel comics.]

Albert heard this and nod they will show them a surprise.

He then tell luna to start the editing videos, he will make them see the true meaning of heroes.

Union verse

we can see a city called union they are a city full of quirks, magic, sacred gears, semblances and aura. But they have a dark secret. This people didn't care about the people the worst is the faunus is been abused, enslave, and outcast.

Ordinary people who have no powers are discriminated, bullied, do not have jobs, live in the street, enslave, etc. The heroes and goverments are also corrupted.

Union academy

In this multiverse most of the people have superpowers, sacred gears, magic, semblances, aura, quirks, etc. The population of earth is very large 99 persen have powers and 1 persen not. The people have powers were accepted in society and the other who don't have superpowers are outcast, bullied, discriminated, etc.

Even people who have mutataed quirks and faunus or were different from the other are been also outcast and enslave some are luccky while the other are not.

In the stadium

The students are gather there for a tournament the teachers are there too even the principals.

Kirishima :"Hey bakubro what re you going to do now?"

Bakugou :"Of course training to beat deku and become the number 1 hero." he shouted

Mina :"Here we go again."

Rias :"Issei what are you going to do now."

Issei :"Of course I am going to gain more harem."

Akeno :"Oh my that is so arousing and exciting."

Irina :"Let's go girls let's gather more girls for issei's harem."

Issei's harem :"YES"

Ruby :"Hey yang what are you doing?"

Yang :"Of course I am going to fight somone to improve my fighting style."

blake :"Yang we are suppose to practice together."

Yang :"Who cares about that I want to fight someone strong not weaklings."

Weiss :"I will spar with yang and also others as long it is not a faunus."

Nora :"Hey yang let's fight againat each other.

Yang :"Okay nora let's go."

annabeth :"Hey percy what are you gonna do now?"

percy :"Well I am gonna train my swordsmanship and magic."

piper :"Hey jason wanna train with me?"

Jason :"Of course."

with the teachers and principals

Glynda :"Look at them professor ozpin they are training."

Ozpin :"Good they need to prepare for the worst."

Ironwood :" We also need them for atalas and hunt salem down immedeatly."

Nezu :"Now now you need to calm down ironwood these kids are children they are not ready for war."

Ironwood :"It doesn't matter we need to end this quickly."

Sirzech :"Look if you need more people just capture some people, hunt down faunus to enslave or just contact us we maybe can give you some people we do not use anymore."

Azazel :"I also need more people to complete my work."

Michael :"I need more people also to serve the church and to kill some stray devils."

Meanwhile in america

New york city, Avengers tower

Iron man:"Okay guys we finnaly defeat doctor doom and put him in prison."

Black panther :"Well I doubt it because he will be out from prison soon."

Ms. marvel :"Then we need to prepare for the outcome and the other bad guys."

(I was using ms marvel carol danvers using black tight latex and lightning symbol.)

The others nod at her words and they prepare for the worse.

Justice league, watchtower

Superman :"So batman why are you gathering us here?"

The founder and the members of the justice league are gathered here some of them cannot go to the watchtower because there is an urgent thing they need to do.

Batman :"I was discovering this."

Batman show them schematics of some weapon.

Flash :"What is that thing ?"

Batman :"I do not know but this weapon is prpeare this weapon to eliminate us.

Wonder woman :"We need to prepare."

Black canary :"We also need to guard and prepare to rescue the people in our city."

They agreed to that but then there is a screen in front of them the screen also appeared in the entire world.

The underworld, the heaven, asgard, olympus, camp half blood, all dimensions, all the gods, all pantheons, even beings across the omniverse are watching this with the screen.

They are confused of what this screen is. They want to find out or try to hack the screen but it is useless beacuse anything doesn't work.


This multiverse there is full people of superpowers theybuse this powers to be heroes to safe people from threats. They see union academy, avengers, justice league, overwatch,etc.


When they heard this they were happy and proud they are proud of what they are doimg on the screen and they began to be arrogant and boasting about themseleves that appear in the screen.


But it is not qhat you look. This people the so called heroes are fakes, people who called themselves heroes are only doing it for fame, power, popularity, etc. The people of union are not heroes they are fakes and hypocrites. The other people heroes are also like that. They even use any means necesarry to have the credits to save and help innocent people.

The heroes are reckless when they are fighting. They didn't care about the surroundings, many people die, children become orphans, parents lost their kids.

The supernaturals use their powers to enslave the people who are weak, do not have powers, even yokais, other pantheons, using scheme or pretend to be good to pull people with sacred gears to turn them into peerages or you could say slave,etc. Fallen angels are also the same as the devils, they killed people who have sacred gears kill them or make them get in their ranks to experiment on their sacred gears. The angels are using their powers to brainwashed people who have powerful sacred gears and take people with force to take them to their ranks.

The goverment either can't be trusted.

Many corrupted people are everywhere, people are not safe, there is no equalness in this world or many world, people who have mutated body were discriminated, outcast,etc.faunus is the same as them but worst is people who doesn't have powers are worst they are been abused, enslave, outcast, forgotten, betrayed and many more.

The gods they don't care about mortal lives and they even didn't care about their children die. They just shove it off like it was noting.

The images are seen by what it is said in the screen.


The people heard what the screen said and also there are many images of it.

People were horiffied of the images they see and people are screaming there.

union city, Union academy

Studsnts, teachers, principals, even the civilians see and heard this are very disturbed about it.

The students are horrified to see this images and even the teachers.

Asui :"That's not true."

Denki :"Yeah we heroes are save people not for popularity."

Bakugo :"Yeah that's right asshole we didn't do that, we become heroes to defeat villains."

The others are rebutting of what the screen said

meanwhile Izuku is quiet and thingking about what the screen said. It is true he has been bullied and outcast to the people in the aociety beacuse he does not have a quirk, he really want to rebute but he cannot because he already experienced it.

Ruby :"Hey that's not true."

Yang :"Yeah we become huntresses to defeat grimms and defeat bad guys."

Weiss :"Also to capture and imprison the terrorist whitefang."

Blake is quiet she remembers what the faunus is when they are with the others they were discriminated and outcast by thepeople because of their charasteristics and they were enslave.

Issei :"That's not true they are not evil rias save me when I am goingvto die."

Akeno :"That's tight she even gave me a home and family."

Kiba :"She even help me to avenge to the church and gave me friends."

The others agreed and rias was happy.

Koneko is thingking what the screen said because she is a nekoshou. She and her sister have an experienced of the devils are experimenting with them so she can say a thing.

The demigods all around the world are silent because what the screen said is true. They didn't care about them when they die or want to meet them they never come.

The teachers are rebuting and also the heroes,civillians,etc are rebuting.

Even the principals are panic because of what they do are been revealed to the world and their dirty secrets.

They can't say a word about it.

New york city, Avengers tower

They see the image about themeselves are battling bad guys. They destroy everything and civillian die.

Hawkeye :"But we save them surely they have gratitude against us."

Steve rogers :"Clint look we may have save them but people die when we fight.

Hawkeye :"but it is their fault involve in our fights and die beacuse of it."

They look at him angry and even all his exes are glaring at him, If you could see they are glaring through his soul that might kill them.

Thor listen to what the screen said about gods it is true that the gods abandoned humanity but he is here defending them, but thor know about the demigods.

The norse gods do not need to make many demigods like the other panthoens beacuse they depended on them so they could live. The screen also said they did not care about them and that is actually true.

Justice league

They were just silence becuase it is true, despite defeating the bad guys the innocent people there are all dead.

They can't do anything about it, batman are thinking about what the screen said it is true they are very powerful and also dangerous it was bacause of that he create a contingency plans.

Diana is thingking about what the screen said about the gods did not care about the demigods it is actually true. Diana see they die and when diana question if they miss them, they just ignore it like it was nothing.

All the heroes, govermonts around the world, gods, supernaturals, etc are rebuting beacuse it is not rue and there are people who agreed about what the screen said.


What of I tell you there is a world with real heroes they don't do this for fame or glory, they really help people they do not descriminate people because of their characsteristics, no bulying people, etc.

This world is the generation of heroes, many mtyhs and many events will come to this world. You will see it for yourself, gods, supervillains, aliens, magic,etc. There is many things you will see now I will tell you and show you.