
Multiverse Magic in My Pocket: The World-Hopping Phone

Meet Mark, a regular guy who loves reading fanfiction about people ending up in different movies and tv series. Just like those main characters, he now finds himself in the same shoes – his first stop? Dawn of the Dead Remake. Running zombies? Double shit! Lucky for him, he's given a peak human physique and irresistible charm. Now, armed with these gifts and a magical smartphone that can transport him to different movies after the plot wraps, he's ready to live out his fantasy, snatching all the heroines he fancies.

ZhangLongDong · Filmes
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38 Chs

Chapter 10

Half an hour later, the girls returned and found Mark and Luda seated together, engrossed in a movie. Luda leaned comfortably against Mark's chest as his embrace enveloped her.

They exchanged subtle glances, their eyes shifting towards Luda. She discreetly opened and closed her mouth, occasionally massaging her jaw, a silent indication of how the indulgent meal had left her feeling.

With a playful tone, the girls gathered around them.

Monica positioned herself next to Luda, teasingly saying, "Looks like there's a bit of milk left," and gestured to the corner of Luda's lips.

Anna joined in the fun, giggling and giving Luda a playful nudge.

Nicole chimed in, adding, "Don't worry, Luda, we've got you covered," and playfully pretended to wipe away the milk with a napkin, teasing Luda with a playful grin.

Luda, not one to be outdone, playfully scooped the creamy milk from the corner of her lips with her finger, then sensually brought it to her mouth, drawing a collective gasp and laughter from the group.

Mark chuckled at their playful antics, feeling a sense of contentment. He was very proud and thankful for his irresistible aura.

They spent the night watching movies until they all drifted off to sleep, finding comfort in each other's presence once more.

Mark was roused from his peaceful slumber by the gentle vibrations of his phone, which acted as a subtle interruption to the embrace of the girls' limbs enveloping him. Yawning, he stretched his arm to retrieve the device and was met with a surprising notification:

Mission: Safely escort Andy from his gunshop to the mall.

Reward: Resilient Vitality - the user has tireless endurance, enabling them to keep going without fatigue. Resistance to pain, allowing them endure injuries that would incapacitate most individuals. Survive wounds that would be fatal for most people, as long as their head remains unharmed. (Note that this resilience does not include the power of regeneration; you won't heal from these otherwise deadly injuries.)

1 Random Movie Travel chance

First World Reward bonus:

Teleportation Tattoo - This magical tattoo connects the user with their partner. When they mark their partner with it, they can teleport to them instantly, no matter how far apart they are.(works only on the same world.)

The thought of the extraordinary or peculiar? abilities that awaited him, spurred him into action, infusing his day with purpose and determination.

Mark rose from the tangle of limbs with some difficulty, a soft smile gracing his lips as he kissed each of the girls gently. Then, invigorated by the mission ahead, he made his way to find Kenneth and discuss their new plan.

He found Kenneth and the others busy fashioning a makeshift harness for Chips, designed to carry food items securely, allowing them to lower the dog from the rooftop. As Mark arrived, Kenneth quickly informed him, "We conducted a whistle test earlier, and it appears to be effective. Chips responds to the sound. We tested it on the rooftop, and he was able to hear Andy's whistle from where he is."

Kenneth explained further, "We've been working on the harness for Chips. It should do the job for lowering him safely."

However, Mark had a change of plans. He looked at the group with a determined expression, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief.

Cj voiced their concerns. "How do you plan to do that? That's suicide. Don't ever ask us again to come with you," he exclaimed, receiving nods of agreement from Bart and the other guys who shared his sentiment. Michael and Kenneth, on the other hand, exchanged serious looks.

Michael was the first to speak up. "Mark, you don't have to do this. It's safer to just let Chips deliver food for Andy," he urged.

Mark paused, considering his response carefully. "I appreciate your concern, but I've thought about this. I believe it's a better option to bring Andy here safely," he said, trying to keep the real reason a secret.

Kenneth, always the pragmatic one, asked, "What's your plan, Mark?"

"You see," Mark began, "there's a sewer system under the parking lot. Cj knows where the entrance is. Cj, can you confirm that there's a way to get into the sewers from there?"

Cj nodded, affirming Mark's question. "Yeah, I know where the sewer entrance is. I can guide you to it. But, just so you all know, I don't know the ins and outs of those sewers. I can get you to the door, but beyond that, we'll be on our own."

Mark nodded in response to Cj's affirmation. "That's good enough," he said confidently, appreciating Cj's willingness to help with the plan. With the group now aware of the adjusted plan, they dispersed to their respective tasks.

Kenneth took on the responsibility of communicating the new plan to Andy. Meanwhile, Mark headed toward a nearby motorcycle gear store, determined to gather the necessary equipment for his mission.

At the gear store, Mark carefully examines the selection of thick protective gear, searching for a set that fits his body snugly.

He understands the importance of being well-protected in a world overrun by zombies, and he wants to make sure the gear he chooses provides him with the best possible defense against bites and scratches.

As Mark immersed himself in his task, Anna, Monica, Nicole, and Luda, who had just woken up, learned about his intention to venture outside.

They hurriedly went to find him, joining in as they too examined the selection of protective gear. Concern etched across their faces, they couldn't help but worry about the risks associated with his decision.

Anna, her voice laced with concern, spoke up, "Mark, are you sure about this? It's dangerous out there."

Mark, his eyes fixed on the protective gear, responded with a warm smile, "I need to do this. It's very important to me. Don't worry; I'll be careful." He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her lips.

Monica, ever supportive, assisted him with the gear, ensuring it fit snugly and looked stylish.

She came across a sleek black set and passed it to him, saying, "Here you go, Mark. This one should do the job nicely. You'll look great in this. Just promise me you'll stay safe out there."

Mark, appreciating Monica's choice, planted a sweet kiss on her lips as well, silently conveying his gratitude.

He proceeded to undress down to his boxers, unfazed by the presence of Anna, Monica, Nicole, and Luda. He then carefully put on the protective gear, ensuring it fit him snugly. Once he was suited up, he felt more assured in doing his mission.

Mark glanced at himself in the mirror, examining the protective suit he had just donned. The suit was a sleek black, fitting snugly to his body.

It consisted of a thick jacket, leg guards, and arm pads, all designed to provide maximum protection against bites and scratches from the infected.

He adjusted the fit, making sure it was comfortable and secure, and then turned away from the mirror, feeling more confident and handsome.

Nicole, with a caring expression, approached Mark and asked, "Do you need a helmet?"

Mark shook his head and planted a gentle kiss on her lips to reassure her.

Luda watched the scene with a mix of worry and admiration for Mark's bravery. She didn't say anything but gave him an encouraging nod, silently supporting his decision.

He gave her a gentle kiss to not her worry. Mark, noticing her worry, leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss, reassuring her with his actions.