
Chapter 4: Attack

~Third POV, 1 Year Later~

One year has passed and Seiya is continuing to get stronger while he trains the best, he can learn everything he can learn from his Partas Clan of hunters while fighting against Danger Beasts to further test his abilities.

Seiya has also been getting better control of his Devil Fruit abilities ever since he has gotten them, but he never used his Tremor Fruit abilities even once knowing that if he did everyone would have heard a cracking sound and see the crack in the sky to investigate it.

Also, another reason why he doesn't use it to train in the open is because of the stamina cost it requires to accomplish so that was a reason he never uses it much to train in his destructive ability.

But Seiya has been using the elemental abilities of the Fish Fruit Model: Seiryu wind, fire, lighting, and ice elemental attacks that came with the ability of his Mythical Zoan fruit abilities for him to manipulate.

Seiya has been controlling his abilities to the best of his skills and he was able to recreate the Rokushiki moves while keeping them hidden from his tribe members he only uses them as a way to learn their moves for him to use other than rely solely on his Devil Fruit abilities.

Seiya only uses his skills outside the practice of the tribe as he solely uses them on the inhabiting Danger Beasts in the Northern Tribe, they were very durable to take the punishment for Seiya to test out his strength and skills.

However, the most prominent of his training would be his Observation Haki control with his Rumble Fruit abilities furthered helped his control of spying others and learning to control his power.

There were times when Seiya has killed people at a young age when he hunts, he has fought other tribe members of the Northern Tribes since it consists of a different number of tribes in the area.

When such a chance arises, they are hostile to each member and try to kill each other they were made as great fighting targets to use his Devil Fruit abilities and showed no mercy to his hostile enemies.

Seiya has been increasing his power as much as possible as he can till it was finally the day when the Northern Tribe was finally attacked while he and Esdeath both went away during their time to hunt down some Danger Beasts while they were away…

~Seiya POV (7 years old) ~

Ok so far, this damn Danger Beasts is taking so long to hunt the only reason I hunt is that is when Esdeath leaves to hunt I also leave as well to avoid the attack coming to our village.

Searching for the beast I can find them easily by smell since my Zoan abilities drastically increase my senses in every way, "Still though why can't the damn beast come out and play already it's been like 9 days since I left for my hunting seriously?"


Shaking my head at this I was wondering what I will do if the attack does come, 'Sigh… how do I deal with the aftermath of Partas Tribe after the attack even though I could save them I bring in trouble for the people here if I show my real power and there is my mother to consider as well?'

Thinking of such an event happening I do care for my mother, but the issue revolves around strength and what needs to happen in canon, but I already made my mind to change it regardless of what happens haven't I?

Still, if I chose to act against them now that brings attention and that brings trouble for me but I don't feel like leading a group of people for it to happen but I really support them I can easily go in and cause havoc as I could to them.

Still, I have to think more carefully of my actions if I destroy the attacking force, I change Esdeath's fate drastically by saving her village she will only hunt Danger Beasts but that won't be for long however till she kills a human.

I may be friends with her at the moment, but I have to consider more of what I do because no matter what I do I bring in trouble of any kind happening…

Ah, fuck it to hell…

No matter what happens I will bring trouble towards me no matter what so why I should care about the Emperor does I mean there are only a few weapons here that are actually dangerous here.

The first weapon of the Teigu, Murasame the killer soul cutting sword, the space weapon, and the strings from cross tail I should worry about those weapons for the time being.




As I was continuing my hunt, I soon heard the footsteps of other tribe members they seem to be a raiding group, but it looks like they found me with clear malicious intent I can literally sense it from my Haki.

Soon the adults were the first to say some kind of nonsense about revenge or something, but I managed to read the rest of their thoughts which I soon glare at them coldly.

It looks like the attack already happened in my tribe as I read to their thoughts killing them without mercy or concern then soon one of them came charging at me, "Die now you Partas filth you should blame you're an- "

I soon got bored as I immediately rush him changing my arm into a Seriyu dragon arm effortlessly tearing off his head as if it was nothing.

When I landed, I was already behind the rest of the raiding group as I look at them with a cold glare while I talk to them still holding their members head, "Hey… you guys attack my tribe members without hesitation except for control yes? I hope you are ready to face the consequences…"

As soon as they turned around holding their friend's head in my hand as I easily disintegrate it with my lighting as I glare at them cowards the second, they saw me kill their friend they tried to run away.

When they run away, I simply raise my hands towards the group while a tornado was forming in my hand as I simply unleashed my Disaster Tornado.

The second I used my Disaster Tornado it easily made contact with the remaining tribe members as it easily tore through them all leaving a bloody mess as the remains of the raiding group were left around scattered around.

The body parts and blood were quickly gone as I burned them all with my fire manipulation soon, I stand there alone thinking my next course of action in a calm voice, "Now what to do with Esdeath currently she should come to our village soon but will come to a destroyed home changing her now, but the question remains should I let her live?"

True I may be a cold person but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have to become the way she is, but that mentality is a troublesome thing to consider.

I am friends with her but that also means that she will be with me at all times that concludes she will see all my abilities of my Devil Fruits which is a bad thing if she flees and I highly doubt she would want to listen to a crazy person like me unless I show some proof to her.

But there are some pros for this as well if I managed to get her on my side this early, I have a really powerful ally or in this case Final Boss on my side but I have to show her the truth plus she does seem to like me somehow.

I'm not a dense idiot to overlook something like that I use my Observation Haki to see what her emotion is, and I use my Rumble Fruit abilities to check what goes on her mind but to actually like me was something I never considered honestly!

This wasn't supposed to happen until her twenties, but it appeared now because of me constantly defeating her in our spars each time but always comes to me with a smile on her face.

That wasn't something I anticipated at all like seriously this wasn't part of my plans at all!

But should I consider it allying with her…

I know I can get around on my own and Esdeath can surely get around herself just fine hell I bet the crazy people wouldn't be able to do much to her anyway with her new crazy strength after all I did spar with her to get stronger.

Still, that doesn't change that she will remain who she is today but as her friend, I do have to at least try right?

I can't leave in good conscious in my head leave her alone psycho or not she helped me reach this far in my strength and I may not have helped my tribe members but at the very least I should see if she can help me.

Besides I want to see what is beyond this world and others there is one imperial arm that can help me with that goal and that is the Dimensional Formation: Shambhala.

Its power allows its user to do spatial manipulation but if I use it to create a Homie out of it that weapon will no longer have a source of energy to use but become sentient loyal to me using all of its spatial abilities without limitation.

That includes traveling into a new world or universe for that matter into an anime or movie like worlds with their own kinds of trouble and fun as well as the people there as well living there.

Although I have to get the basic understanding of what they do first before I travel through the world, I have to do something about this world first.

It's true that I want to help the people here, but they would sooner turn on me for an excuse of fearing my power I guess like an example of Esdeath where the Revolutionary Army would be fearful of her…


Thinking about the options here it would be simple to travel around first before I get some Teigu's the first I would like to have is of course Shambhala for dimension traveling through different worlds.

The Demon Armor: Incursio so that I can merge with it to get its benefits after consuming the remaining soul and replace it with my own luckily that it's in its dormant state it's still an object for me to control the second it showed resistance is my chance to eat all of its remaining life force once my soul replaces it I will ask it to merge with me and command it to infuse to me leaving me in control of the Tyrant abilities to me.

The Speed of Lighting: Susanoo would be a good edition for me to use my Soul Fruit abilities on since he still has no master and is an object for me to inject my soul into getting a better fighting and servant on our side plus he does know a lot of cooking skills that could come in handy.

The Complete Book Of The World: Rongo Rongo that book will become invaluable to me the book contained every single map in the world and the information about the Empire's territories was especially detailed and included every detail about the mountains and lands, and the last page, there was a prediction of natural disasters that will happen in the future with in my travels I can learn a lot that I haven't before I go into another world which will be very handy.

Another that I must have is the One-Cut Killer: Murasame in case if I ever meet an enemy, I can easily kill them with a single hit for good and kill their soul for good measure as well in case I meet an immortal.

But most importantly I need to get that Power Surging: Balzac is that when worn, Balzac can tap into the wearer's body and mind and unlock its potential by 100%, giving the wearer super speed, super strength, lightning-quick agility and unparalleled intelligence.

After all of the wearer's potential is unlocked, it cannot exceed that person's limits but if you add that with my Devil Fruit awaken abilities that are still locked away…

Putting my hand over my chin thinking of the Power Surging: Balzac I go over why I need it while I smile at the idea, "With that mask I can become broken easily since it unlocks its user potential by 100% I can easily get my Devil Fruit abilities to be broken by awakening them I wonder what an awakened Tremor, Soul, Rumble, and Seiryu Fruit ability would look like?"

Well no use wondering about it now for now I have to see if Esdeath is interested in my offer to join with me.

With that I soon flew up in the air using my Rumble Fruit ability to travel through the air as I look towards the now destroyed home village as I narrow my eyes of the hostile invaders that has done this to my previous home.

As I was looking from the air, I see in the village someone came out from a tent to see Esdeath came out from her father home but soon sees me in surprise in the sky and with that I came crashing down from the floor.

Soon my landing created a small crater shocking Esdeath as I release a small portion of my Conqueror Haki on her to get a serious message to her, "Esdeath its time you and I have a little talk and how you answer will determine how you get to live."

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