
Multiverse adventure ! (Twilight main world)

This story is a Multiverse Travel story, that will focus mainly on Movies, Books and Tv Series. Worlds 1st : Twilight 2nd: ??? …

Normal_Dude · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 3 : New abilities

As soon as I stepped inside the house, I was met with the glare of my clearly upset mother. She had a wooden spoon full of sauce as she stopped whatever she was cooking in the kitchen to intercept me at the door.

"Désoler, je n'ai pas vue le temps passé" I said with a dejected look.(Sorry, I didn't feel the time pass.)

She let out an exasperated sigh before her feature softened. "*soupir* Tout comme ton père, aller va prendre ta douche le souper est bientot prêt." She said with a warm smile. (*sigh* Just like your father, go take a shower dinner is almost ready.)

After taking a quick shower and dressing up, I rushed into my room and locked the door behind me.

The first thing I tried once I got into my room was using the Ope Ope no mi. It was in my opinion the safest of my three wishes and the less harmful to try.

I stretched my hand in front of me and with my palm facing the ground, I thought of the first ability that came to mind after the consumption of the fruit.


(A/N The Mc will never say any abilities out loud, he simply thinks the name as it helps him visualize.)

The movements were seamless as if engrained into my DNA, I slightly flexed my fingertips and was somehow able to grab onto the space underneath. The feeling of a compressed elastic-like substance felt strange, making me look under the palm of my outstretched hand. Under said hand, was a light blue almost transparent space, that seemed to be slowly rotating under my palm. The moment I released said space it rapidly expanded growing more transparent as it travelled farther away from me, till it turned imperceptible to the naked eye. I couldn't see where the spherical space ended but I simply knew that it covered 100 meters in all directions from my current location.

I knew from One Piece that the Ope Ope no mi was heavily reliant on stamina. So I found it was logical that the <Room> I had manifested could only encapsulate a radius of 100 metres.

An intense wave of excitement washed over me as I had finally achieved my first supernatural feat. An action, that solidified the fact that I was no longer in the same world.

"Arthur! Chéri, descend manger le souper est prêt!" My mother's voice sounded from downstairs. (Arthur! My love, come downstairs diner is ready!)

"Oui Maman!" I shouted back as I hurriedly left my room and rushed to the kitchen I hadn't eaten all day and was famished. (Yes Mom!)

I quickly planted a small peck on my father and mother's cheek before taking a seat at the table. They talked briefly to each other about their day, while I was devouring the delicious pasta that was on my plate.

I quickly cleared my plate wished goodnight to my parents and rushed back into my room. I was way too excited to try more of my abilities.

As soon as I was in the privacy of my room, I quickly stretched my hand and repeated the same grabbing motion. The same feeling of holding a small rotating space at the tip of fingers followed.


The transparent blue sphere grew to the same size as earlier, and I quickly got to work. With a clear goal in mind to recreate all of Trafalgar Law's abilities.


I pointed my finger upward while staring specifically at one of the children's books on my nightstand. The book slowly levitated from the nightstand counter and started floating in the middle of my room.

I started manipulating the book in mid-air rotating it around and even managed to open it and turn page by page of the book, using this telekinetic-like ability. The only difference between a psychic and my ability was that I had to actually maneuver the book with one of my hands or both.

Once I was satisfied with testing the ability, I pointed my index finger at the floating book and my middle finger at myself and with a simple motion with my thumb from my middle finger to my index fingers accompanied with a slight rotation of my hand.


Akin to teleportation, I instantly shifted position with the floating book. As I reappeared mid-air and fell down on top of my bed. While a thumping sound was heard from my previous position where the book was now laid on the ground.

My excitement peaked at the concept of teleportation but seeing how heavy I was starting to breathe after using my abilities for a mere couple of minutes worried me a little.

With a heavy heart, I closed the <Room> and started getting ready for bed I would test the rest at the park tomorrow.


The next day, I rushed to the park as soon as my mother let me. And ran to the World trees location. Under its shade, I took out a butter knife that I managed to sneak out and immediately started recreating every single move shown by Law in the One Piece anime.

From <Mes> where I had managed to take out my still-beating heart from its socket. To the <Personality Transplant Surgery> where I switched a rabbit's soul with a fox's. Letting the prey turn into the predator for once.

Once I was done messing around with the Ope-Ope no mi, I tried testing my other abilities. First by squeezing my buttocks and all the muscle in my arm. Just by doing so, I felt an immense power churn inside of me. My heart started pumping blood a lot faster and small electric sparks started manifesting around me. To an outsider, it would look like I was turning into a Super Saiyan.

The power flowing inside of me was so powerful it practically suffocated me, I knew that with a simple move of any muscles in my body I could destroy the whole park and the whole city surrounding it. But my body would definitely break afterwards. So slowly but surely I unclenched my buttocks and let the power subside back into my chore.

As soon as the immense pressure left my body, I let out a breath of relief since I have a fully stacked One For All I have to be careful while using it or I might end up destroying a small city by mistake and land myself a one-way ticket to the hospital while at it.

Finally, I decided to try opening a multiverse gate.


With a simple thought, the space in front of me collapsed on itself showing a purple glow on the other side. The first world that came to mind was Harry Potter's and as soon as it crossed my mind the purple glow slowly cleared up and on the other side, I could see a dark alley in what clearly looked like London. With a simple thought, the Gate closed leaving behind an empty space.

I was stunned at how easy world travel was, all it took was a simple thought and Voilà. It was easier and more intuitive than using any of my other abilities. The ROB definitely did a good job with my wishes.

Now all that was left was to train for the next couple of years, I was after all still a 10 years old child.



I have created an auxiliary chapter explaining the scaling of Mc's abilities as well as vampires and shifters.