
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Bonus Chapter 2


The cars parked in the underground parking lot, and we all alighted, we took the private elevator to avoid the press because of my anxiousness. I was sweating really bad, and I didn't know if I can pull this off without a flaw. 'Come on, girl, you can do this.' I said in my head like a mantra, Repeating the words over and over again to assure myself and give myself some confidence that I could do this. Jeanne held my hand, giving me a warm smile and I breathe out, calming myself down.

"Thanks Jean." I appreciated her effort to calm me down.

"You're welcome." We entered the main hall and like I'd expected or should I say like nothing I'd expected, reporters from different news stations and also from the fashion magazines were lurking around to get any news their hand could get on, famous fashion designers like Tom, Alexander, and Coco they were all seated at the first row staring around, waiting for the show to begin. 'They are waiting for you Diana' my subconscious mind squealed, and I couldn't help but feel giddy inside, I took three deep breaths before approaching them while singing my mantra. 'I can do this'

"Good morning." I greeted with one of my brightest smiles and they turned their heads to my direction.

"Princess Diana." Coco called, standing up and hugged me, "a fashion designer, huh." She asked, and I shrugged.

"Yeah, it has been my dream, and I'm glad it's coming through." She patted my shoulder.

"I am also glad, and I can't wait to see those crazy and amazing designs of yours. I saw the one you made at the institute and it grabbed my attention, so when I heard you were opening your brand line I was like, 'oh my this princess want to get us out of our business." She complimented, and I couldn't help but blush. The rest laughed.

"Thanks, ma'am." She hits my hand,

"Nonsense, please call me Coco." I laughed.

"Alright, Coco." I faced Mr. Alexander and hugged him, same with Tom.

"Thanks for coming guys." They smiled, and I excused myself to check in the preparations inside.

"Diana, good thing you're here." I heard ma'am Mabel yelling and I followed her voice to see her trying to soothe one of the models who was crying, she had a bottle of water in her hand. I walked towards them and took a seat.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, but the model remained silent, I stared at ma'am Mabel, and she shook her head.

"You can tell me what's going on Celine." I asked again, and she sniffed before raising her head.

"I… I don't know if I can do this, ma'am." She stuttered and I frowned.

"Why?" She didn't say anything. "What are you scared of Celine?" I asked and She sniffed again before replying, "Everything. I'm scared of everything and I don't have enough confidence to walk out with so many reporters outside." She cleaned her face while I sighed.

I took her hand and made her stare at me, "You can do it Celine, this has been your dream and now you've the opportunity. I don't want you to bring your confidence down by drawing out. We've been rehearsing and Ben praised your ability and that was a first, you and I know Ben hardly compliments someone and for him to compliment you then that means you deserved it." I rubbed her hand gently. Ben was the manager in charges of the newly recruited models and trust me when I say, he's strict.

"You can do it Celine, you just have to tell yourself that and who knows, maybe after this show, one of those big fashionista out there can take you under them and mind you, I'm not going to tie you down with me, If you wish to leave I'll let you go." I ended my speech as she smiled weakly.

"I… I'll do it, ma'am." I smiled and poked her cheek.

"And how many times will I tell you to call me Diana." I scolded with a frown, and she chuckled.

"I'm sorry, ma… Diana." Now that's good.

"So you're ready now, right." She nods before I could complete my sentence.

"Good, now go. Lisa is all ready to do her magic." I turned to kiss and smiled, "She's all yours, Lisa." I said and Celine stood up and walked up to Lisa who equally smiled and started her magic.

"How are you feeling Diana." Ma'am Mabel asked.

"I'm fine." She nodded and moved to the other side, where the girls were getting dressed in my collections. I know how many months it took ma'am Mabel, Harmony, Jeanne, Leonard who knows nothing about fashion but decided to help, so I wouldn't stress myself out and me, oh did I add Daphne, yes Daphne. She decided to help me and asked for our forgiveness (mine and harmony's) and we forgave her, so she's here, and she will be modeling for me also.

I looked at everything, and I was satisfied when I saw it going according to plan.

"Guys we're up in two minutes." The presenter yelled and everyone got into position. The first set to go out was the collection I themed 'smile' it was a crazy idea to create clothes with bright colors and beautiful smiley patterns, but it was worth it after the designs, sowing, and everything. Then the one to follow was the 'summer outfits' since summer was near, I decided to create some nice and cozy outfits both ladies and men can wear indoors and outdoors. The last one was my specialty, and it was inspired by my handsome hubby 'vague' it was a mixture of two different colors that brings out an unknown color, I know all colors has name but this last one will put a smile on the buyers faces, hopefully. Finger crossed.

"Okay girls," I called out and clapped my hands, bringing their attention to me as they all paused whatever they were doing and stared at me, then I continued, "Today is a big day for me and everyone one of you, it's still like a dream to some of you that you'll be walking on the run way but let me tell you this is your reality. I want you to go out there and show those reporters and people what you're made off and also have fun." I smiled as they clapped.

"Group hug." Daphne yelled, and they all surrounded me.

"Okay, okay that's enough guys." I yelled, and they laughed.

"Come on, ladies, let's show them what we've got." The presenter yelled, and the first set walked out as they were thought. I looked at them through the big TV in the room and I couldn't help but be proud, they were doing so well even though they just received training for three months. Where the hell was Leonard when I needed him by my side?

"Hey babe!" I turned to see the handsome hunk or rather the devil on my mind just a while ago.

"You're late." I frowned at his tardiness and he pulled me in a hug.

"Sorry I couldn't leave Olivia and Sophia alone, they were so cute in their onesie." He explained, and I smiled thinking about my two girls in their onesie. Hey, don't get it wrong, but we love seeing our cuties in a onesie.

"Fine." He breathes out softly.

"What did I miss?" He asked, staring at the TV.

"Nothing much, the first set is just going out." He pecked my cheeks as we watched the second set go out.

FAST FORWARD >>>>>>>>>

It was finally the time for me to say my speech and also the opening of the new institute of fashion.

"How do I look honey? Am I presentable enough." I asked Leo and he pecked my lips.

"You're looking fine babe and go out there and say whatever you want to say fast because I need to ravish you." I gasped and blushed, gosh Leonard is getting dirty, and I like it. I pictured how he would take me from behind while spanking my ass and saying naughty and dirty things to me, gosh I'm so turned on. I shook my head to clear every unholy thoughts from my mind, not here, not now.

"You like that huh." He trailed his fingers on my skin, leaving goosebumps. Get a grip on yourself, Diana.

"I like it but for now, I need to do something really quick." I said, breathing heavily.

"Yes." I turned to leave but adrenaline rushed through me when Leonard spanked my ass. I turned and glared playfully at him, and he just laughed and winked. I went to the stage and saw a mini podium where I could stand, and a microphone was already placed on it. I picked it up then stared at the huge number of people before saying anything.

"Hey everyone, I want to thank all of you who made time to be here even on a short notice, thank you very much," I paused as they clapped and continued when the clap died down, "I also wish to use this means to thank those of you who supported me, my friends, family, and my husband thank you and I would never forget my god sent, my grandma. If she was here, I know she would've been so proud of what I've become today, and it was all thanks to her, that I'm here." I felt my eyes getting misty, and I shook my head to stop myself from crying, Grandma wouldn't like that.

"We're all here for the grand opening of my brand 'DIAN' and also the institute, without wasting our time I would to call on my husband to come up and join me as we open up a new chapter in our lives." I said and stared at the backstage door as Leonard emerge out. He walked towards me majestically that I couldn't help but drool over him and when he got to me, he placed a kiss on my lips. Everywhere was filled with screams, no not because Leonard kissed me but because Mr. Celebrity was standing next to me, on this stage right now.

I took the big scissors from Ben and Leonard joined me in cutting the mini building of 'DIAN'. clapping filled the hall as we dropped the scissors. I hugged Leonard as tears fell from my eyes, my dreams were finally achieved, and I must make sure every other girl's dream comes true, that's a promise.

We spent the rest of the day at the lunch party and gosh I couldn't hold back my excitement when Coco, Alex, and Tom praised my designs. I was over the moon all through the party and when it finally ended, some reporters from the popular magazines wanted to have a talk with me, but I shifted them to the next day since I couldn't wait to go home and see my babies and also have that hot naughty sex Leonard talked about. And guess ladies and gentlemen, the first place we visited wasn't the children's room but our bedroom and all through the night Leonard was insatiable, but I wasn't complaining. Wink.


"Sophia, you better stop right there now." I yelled as I walk-run after my five year old naughty daughter down the stairs.

"Where are you, Soph?" I took the last step down and saw the little devil in her father's arms.

"What's wrong, babe?" Leonard asked, and I glared at the both of them.

"Why don't you ask your precious daughter?" I scowl placing my hand on my huge bump.

"What did you do, Soph?" He asked and the little devil pouted.

"I forgot to pick my toys from my room, daddy." She said, while twisting her fingers, she does that anytime she was guilty. Although there are three Nannies for the job, who could do that, but I want my girls to learn how to do things themselves.

"Yeah and I almost slipped while trying to go in." I added, glaring at her.

"You know that isn't good baby, do you want mummy to fall?" She shook her head with quivering lips,

"So if you don't want anything to happen to your baby sisters, you'll pick your toys from the floor okay." He cautioned her.

"Yes, daddy." She raised her head and stared at me, "I'm sorry mummy, please tell baby not to be angry at me." She apologized, and I could feel my anger calming down.

"I'll do that, just don't leave your toys lying around okay." She nodded and ran upstairs to her room.

"Hey, how are you and my girls." Leonard dragged me close to him and I sat on his lap. I sighed, although we decided to keep the baby or rather babies gender a secret, I don't know why he was still insisting that I was carrying two girls, my mother instincts know I'm carrying a boy(s) and I want it that way. After we had Olivia and Sophia, Leonard didn't want me to get pregnant again, and I didn't like that, so I seduced him, and he didn't know when he climaxed in me, long story short, five weeks later I was pregnant and now here we are. Things have been going great for everyone, and when I meant everyone, I actually meant for Derrick and Jeanne. Didn't see that coming to right, I was as surprised when they told me three years back that they were dating, DATING. I mean, Jeanne had a boyfriend at that period, but who would've thought her so-called boyfriend she was going to meet in the United States was actually my brother and I knew nothing about it. In a month time, they will be getting married, and I was happy for them.

"Thinking again." Leonard pokes my side and I glared at him. Hey! Not my fault, but my damn hormones.

"What do you th....." I paused when I felt water rushing out from my Vagina.

I squeezed Leo's arms when a strong contraction hit me.

"Argh." I yelled.

"Babe, what wrong and why is my pant wet." He asked, and I couldn't help but spank his abs hard.

"Take me to the damn hospital, your son decided to come early." I groaned out in pain. Fuck, I didn't plan for this, I still had like two weeks before labor, then why was he coming now.

"Let's go." He picked me up whilst yelling for the kid's Nanny to get the baby things ready. He barked orders at the driver and all I could hear was yelling as I hit the life out of Leonard, he said sweet nothing to my ears as we drove to the hospital, and immediately we got there I was quickly attended to, and they rushed me to the E.R.


After two hours of constant screaming and cussing, my babies finally came out and, true to my instinct, they were boys. My little princes were so handsome that I could look at them all day.

"Gosh babe, they're so cute!" That was the first word Leonard said as he set his eyes on them.

"Thanks Hun." He pecked my lips and the two opened and our two little angels rushed in with their grandparents, uncles, and aunties.

"Congrats girl." Jeanne beamed as she saw her nephews.

"Thanks, Jean." Mum hugged me and dad pecked my cheeks congratulating me.

"Mummy, can I take baby Willy to school tomorrow?" Olivia asked, not taking her eyes from her brothers. We laughed at her question.

"You can't baby, baby Willy needs to stay with mummy for some time." Leonard explained, and her face fell, so I quickly added, "but you can carry him anytime you come back from school." Her eyes lit up again, and she nodded her head vigorously.

"Me too mummy, I'll also carry baby Alex when I'm also back from school." Sophia said, and we laughed again at how cute they were, they took it upon themselves to pick a name for their baby brother, and they came up with Alexander and Williams and I couldn't say no to my beautiful princesses.

"Yeah, Yeah now allow mummy to sleep." Mum said, and pushed them out of the room. I laughed as Olivia and Sophia protested that they wanted to be with their baby brother.

"Get some rest, baby." Leonard pecked my lips and I 'hummed' as I fell asleep with a contented smile on my face.

Dearies!!! Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife has come to an end, please do well to leave a review and a comment. Thanks.

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