
Mr Casanova Meets The Notorious Frat Princess

Aliyah Shane Nicolas started to change when her ex-boyfriend Lewis Mercado breaks up with her. In a snap, she became a fraternity leader and become popular on their campus. She almost rejects everyone around her including her best friend. No one tries to approach her because of her bad temper and attitude, until one day, Ruzzel Jim Estrada, the well-known casanova on their campus made some ways to catch her attention. He started sending lots of letters, chocolates, and other stuff to her. Aliyah got so irritated. She confronted Ruzzel but it still didn't stop him from what he’s doing. He did everything just to win Aliyah’s heart. Until Aliyah got used to it so she just let it go. One day, Lewis suddenly showed up at their school. He apologizes and wants to talk to Aliyah. Because of hatred, Aliyah chooses to ignore him and just grab the chance of being with Ruzzel. They pretended to have a relationship so that Lewis would stop chasing her. The mock relationship gradually turned into real feelings. They were so happy and in love with each other until series of problems came up. Little did they know that Lewis is facing an incurable sickness and his life is near to end. Suddenly the blow of the wind changed, Aliyah chose to just forgive Lewis. As the days went by, another event changed the happy life they had hoped for. Aliyah found out that it all just started with betting. Betting between Ruzzel and his friends. A bet wherein if Ruzzel were to be questioned, would be a big mistake. He really loved Aliyah and he didn’t think of anything he could get when she answered him. But the question is, is Aliyah willing to believe him? Is she ready to give him another chance to correct a wrong start?

JaztinKei · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Aliyah's POV

First day of Practice

Currently at the gym doing the practice.

In my opinion, there’s a problem with the dance instructors that were assigned to us. We requested an exchange of instructors several times. I can’t help it, but I always end up fighting our instructors. They all wanted us to practice hard. They don’t want us to take a rest and I am freaking TIRED!

"Aliyah, please be patient," said Ruzzel in a low voice while holding my shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

“Tell those dance instructors that we are not robots! I am tired!!!”

After a while, my monster aunt came in, looking very angry. Oh well! She’s walking in our direction.


I rolled my eyes for the nth time. I was about to answer her when suddenly, the door has slammed.

And there ‘twas a demon who entered--- Lewis Mercado, the great ex.


"We're schoolmates." By the way, how he answered me, it seems like he wanted to annoy me. Is he trying to measure now my patience?

"GET.OUT.OF.HERE!" Or else I might punch you right away.

"Ash, let us talk. Please." And now he is pleading.

"Talk to your face!"

"Ash, please. I'll try my best just to win you back."


I was about to punch him but aunt suddenly spoke up.

"She can never be yours again Lewis... She's now engaged."


What is my aunt now saying?

"With whom?" Asked Lewis.

Yes, to whom? I also wanna know.

"You don't have to know." -but that was my aunt answered.

"B-but I still love her."

I just can’t stand it anymore and so I walked in Lewis's direction then I slapped him on his face. He deserves it. A slap is not enough.

“Do you hear yourself saying you still love me?” Full of hatred, yes I am.



Then I walked out. I don’t wanna hear anything more.

I went to the hideout. But before I could finally enter, someone suddenly pulled me.

I was taken to the back of the hideout.

Five women.

Our rival.

Look how brave they were. They came all along here on our territory.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"TO SEE YOU SUFFER, PRINCESS ALIYAH." answered the girl who looked like a clown because of her thick makeup.

“Suffer what?”

Then I started slapping them one by one, pulling their hair, and even beating them up. They are fighting me back as well, and of course... No one will defeat me.

Just a few minutes after, they all looked tired and helpless.

I turned my back on them and finally entered the hideout.

I went straight to my room. There I saw in the mirror that I got a wound on the side of my lip. I washed my face then immediately, left the room.

"What happened?" asked Patrick. He is sitting on the couch.

“Just a rival war.” then I left, decided to go home.

I was surprised to see who welcomed me as I arrived at our home.

It is my mom.

I never expected to see her again. Is he with dad?

"Aliyah Shane." she smiled at me.

"Mom.” my response, and oh, with a blank expression.

I am not the type of child who is close to my parents. Since I was a kid, I have rarely been with them. It's always aunt and the maids I grew up with.

"What happened to your face?" She was about to touch my face but I took a step backward.

"Nothing so serious. It's just a cut Mom."

"Follow me. Let me clean and treat it.”

I didn’t bother answering. I just followed her. I sat beside her as she now cleaning and treating my wound.

"How are you Shane?" she suddenly asked.

"I'm fine."

"How are you and Lewis?"

I paused for a while. She doesn’t know that I and Lewis broke up already. I don’t have any intention of letting her know about it.

"Mom, I'm up. Thank you for treating my wound."

She smiled at me then she asked.

“Can you do me a favor Shane?”

“What is it?”

"Can I sleep tonight in your room?"

I was surprised by what I heard .... why is she asking to sleep in my room? Her room was clean ... the maids cleaned it. But why---?

"Please. This will be the last favor child."

I nodded.