
Chapter 27 Broken Ties

As soon as Stacy entered the sitting room, her face flushed with anger, she stood by the door, not moving, her father and mother were seated close to each other, while Mr. and Mrs. Lu sat down, and Jin knelt in front of her parents. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and all eyes were on Stacy.

She slowly began to walk towards her father, her footsteps heavy with frustration and pain.

When she arrived close to him, she asked, "Dad, are you okay?" She asked, trying to sound soft, but her anger was clouding her voice.

"I am fine, my dear. Do not worry about me," he said, looking at his daughter with concern. He could see the storm brewing within her, he knew she was trying to hold back her anger and so far she seemed to be doing a good job, he pitie his lovely daughter she had gone through something very terrible.