16 Moving Through Life. Chapter Sixteen: The Lake


He's back, here to rack my brains with contempt and the feeling of unworthiness.

He is a large armored being, his helmet has two large spirals on both sides of it, dripping with a strange black liquid.

His chest, broad and clothed in muscle, is armored in dark plates of steel, the feel must be heavy, but insurmountable.

The two bladed sword at his side, contains sliding razors, to shred his foe to pieces.

I had been writing, working hard on my book, something that must not be forsook.

He, Disdain burst forth from my mind, my thoughts of intrusive intruders, looking for prey.

"Your writing is a sight of torture no one can endure. I will be your sender of destruction."

Groaning, I throw my pen on the floor and tear my paper apart, the part of me which keeps me together.

"Haha. No one shall like you. To me, you shall be forever enslaved."

"Leave and allow me to be here alone. You have shown me enough."

He draws his sword and points it directly to me, "Do you see? This will grind you to dust."

The spiked wheels on the sword spinning violently, he makes a swift swipe towards my head, cutting off half of my hair that was in a ponytail.

I stared sadly at my fallen covering, suffering from his threat.

Disdain sheathes his weapon and binds me hand and foot, throwing me into a vast glassy lake; Deep, where no one may in its depth, seek nor find.

To its very bottom, I sink, thinking of nothing but failure.

But what is failure? Quitting from something you love is; Don't miss the fact, make the act.

I get up and break from the ropes, out of Disdain's hopes of containing me; With a shout, I'm out of his mark of defeat.

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