
awake to screams

Hearing an unearthly scream I was startled awake i had just enrolled and started year 8 at the academy for medically gifted teens.

My parents were the entire reason I got in originally i wanted to go to a proper science school but my parents really wanted a doctor in the family after what my sister did to the family.

Realising where i was i recalled what led to this point... it was 9 am class had just started it was unusually grey outside not that I minded to much as soon as i entered the class i could see the cliques already forming but none of the groups seemed very appealing it actually looked very cliche of course with a higher level of intelligence and education.

Of course I wasn't worried I figured that I would find a friend group eventually since I wasn't ugly or anything I had dark brown hair and my eyes were actually a really pretty mix of green, blue, and hazel.

The first lesson had started and I started to doze off which brings us to the present.

The scream came from down the hallway so the teacher went to check it out but all we heard were more screams of pain.

I without even really thinking was all ready barricading the class room after about 20 seconds other students helped I don't even want to know what is causing these screams.

two days have been since we barricaded ourselves in I was sleeping no internet connection or anything was available so there wasn't much we could do but suddenly everyone in the class quite it was because of a mental notification everyone received but everyones was slightly different.

mine says

name: Kai Sanctus


titles: none

abilities: eternal life regeneration SS,


Strength 10 normal Speed 5 human

Stamina 5 human

Perception 10 normal

Endurance 20 intermediate

the apocalypse advice tag: gather at the gym

i knew exactly what this was it was like in those games my older sister always played the only question was what does his ability do?

suddenly I heard loud banging and a metallic sound It is coming closer we are on the third floor but I know that whatever the hell is coming here is worse than dying quickly.

I started running towards the windows and just as the creature walked in I jumped just catching a glimpse of the large minotaur looking creature with a giant axe.

ouch but except very big ouch just my luck to be fatally impaled by a flag pole how am I even alive? actually even if I did survive the fall and impalement how can I get out of this mess?

a few hours passed and I'm still alive and in extreme pain.

know what f*ck this I'm just going to rip myself out mustering all my might and willpower I start pushing to my right the pole impaled in my left lower abdomen started ripping my abdomen open causing me to scream which now that it's over I'm starting to regret.

I hear foot steps 'oh saint Roosevelt f*cking Christ' I start running towards the gym with a half ripped open stomach the pain was killing me but I didn't want to die like a woolly mammoth hunted down and impaled all over then eaten like a Yule day feast.

I reached the gym and was pulled Inside by a older boy that looks around 16.

"you sure took a while getting here and why are you covered in blood! you don't look injured"

looking down I see my stomach and nothing was there not even a scratch and at that moment I had a pretty good idea of what my ability was and I both loved and hated that fact.


author: hello anyone out there this is basically a prologue that isn't representative of the whole book I try to get the word count around 900-2000 I do edit things as I notice them and please if you could leave reviews that would be nice if negative at least give me something to improve on thank you to anyone who read this far I hope you have a lovely life.

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