

Hela and Astrid are enjoying a nice flight around the Hidden World. when they're met with panicking dragons the cause being monsters they've never seen before. After dealing with the threat Hela and Astrid decide to find the monsters root of origin. What will they discover? What kind of new adventures await our worrier Queen and her wife? Let's find out together. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Monsterverse/HTTYD monsters/dragons or characters they belong to Legendary and Dreamworks respectively. Link to my Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dyNN5qW8

Hela698 · Filmes
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3 Chs


Greenland, 1995

A helicopter flies over the central mountains of Greenland, the Monarch symbol on its tail.

Dr. Ishiro Serizawa goes through the file handed to him by his colleague Houston Brooks. "An usual heat signatures?"

"Yes, they started showing up last year. When our satellites pick it up we thought it was just a dormant volcano activating until we looked closer and realized they were pulsing," Brooks tells him.

"A heartbeat," Serizawa realized, "Wait, you said they,"

"Two of them," Brooks admits before suddenly turning serious, "And that's not all. The team we sent in discovered that the cave was not naturally formed but a man-made temple devoted to the Norse Goddess of death Hela and her wife Astrid with some interesting new details,"

The Helicopter landed in front of a massive cave entrance Serizawa and Brooks got out. Monarch personnel working on fixing a gate at the entrance while some took pictures of the interior. which had paintings of the Titans bowing in front of two human females.

Serizawa looked at Brooks with a raised eyebrow, "I take it those are Hela and Astrid,"

"Yep, and here's the crazy part. Follow me," Brooks says going deeper into the cave revealing more paintings but these were different. The deeper they went the more the female figures changed first growing wings, then claws, their human faces turning more reptilian before finally turning into dragons.

The cave opens up once they reached the final painting. In front of them are two massive Dragons one with dark scales with a lot of spikes while other one has light brown scales with red streaks. At the farther end of the cave is a throne with rune letters carved on the wall above it.

"What is that?" Serizawa asks.

"Those are runes. We were roughly able to translate it to 'Queen of the Monsters'," Brooks tells him before pointing up, "Look up there,"

Serizawa does and sees Godzilla bowing in front of the dragon with the spikes.