
Monarch of Entertainment

INDEFINITE HIATUS (Read the chapter with the same title to understand why but mostly because I am exhausted due to personal circumstances and want to focus on writing another fanfic idea) At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 005: The house of Throne.


Previous chapter recap:-

Luke convinced Tony he had reality warping powers. He then gave him the M-Gene, that would allow Tony to use magic. Later in Luke's New 6th grade class He met Emma frost, who was the same age as him. Feeling suspicious he spied on her and found out she was sent there to befriend Tony for business reasons yet she herself didn't want to do it, so he helped her and they became friends.



Time: 9pm, 2nd of May, 1981,

Location:- Luke's Bedroom


It had been a full year since Luke had received the system. He has gotten stronger yet he is still weak considering a few stray bullets could still injure him severely.

Which although made him somewhat worried, he didn't feel the need to rush. Afterall nothing bad had happened to him or his family for the past 11 years of his life.

Luke looked at his IP balance that had 199,710,424 in it. He had stockpiled without spending it anywhere as he felt he should save up for later franchises with better character cards.

But since today was his birthday, he decided to splurge some and expand his franchise collection.

First he used his free gacha coupon that he got as a birthday present from the system.

Luke first got the <Atypical > franchise, which he didn't know anything about, so he moved to the second which was <Danny Phantom>.

'I can probably give ghost powers to the terminators which should make them more indestructible.' Luke thought with delight.

Then he got <Nanatsu no taizai>. Which made him let out a sigh. 'Such a great franchise wasted because of some questionable plot points.'

'Either way, I have it now, so hopefully I can make it flourish without controversy' Luke thought.

<Goodnight Mister Tom>, 'Another Flop' Luke thought, while he could make these franchises genuinely flourish but currently he was limited by his physical body as he could at most focus on three different franchises per year, thus he opted for franchises that would make him powerful.

<Rurouni kenshin>, 'At least I can become a samurai' Luke mused as he shelved this for a future project.

<Tangled >, 'Heh, I guess I can give Emma magical hair as a birthday gift' Luke jokingly thought.

<That time I got reincarnated as a slime>, Luke's brain short circuited for a few seconds until he stood up while shouting inside his head 'LETS FUCKING GOOOOO!!!'

He couldn't stop smiling for a few minutes after all, he could potentially reach Multiversal level now. Eventually he calmed down and clicked the next one

<Baby Driver>, without commenting he moved on to the next one.

<Transformers >, 'The day keeps getting better… best birthday ever?' Luke thought.

'Could I set Transformers as the sequel for the Terminator series? Hmm possible but I will think about it later.' Luke absentmindedly thought

And finally he got the final Gacha Franchise yet it caused an unexpected reaction Luke wasn't prepared for.

[Congratulations! You got <Solo leveling> Franchise…. NOTICE: EMERGENCY ALERT!!! NEW SYSTEM CONCEPT DETECTED!! THE SYSTEM IS READY FOR AN UPDATE!! WOULD YOU LIKE TO UPDATE THE <Entertainment System>?]

Luke was stumped for a bit but eventually he also read the extra cautionary note which said [ CAUTION: SYSTEM MIGHT STAY OFFLINE FOR AN UNSPECIFIED TIME, IT WILL APPROXIMATELY COST A HUNDRED MILLION IPS FOR THE UPDATE.]

Luke's mouth twitched as he thought 'Why are you asking for my IPs if you want to upgrade yourself…?'

And surprisingly for the first time since he got the system, he received an answer.


Although surprised, Luke still contemplated, he was hesitant since there were so many unknowns about this supposed update, the system seemed to feel a sense of urgency as it usually never gave a notification with full captions.

Luke eventually asked 'What would I gain from this update? Like this whole process feels too suspicious to me, why do you need to upgrade yourself? Aren't you complete already?'



Luke's heart skipped a bit when he saw the system visibly glitching when it tried to answer. As if it was truly getting erased. With a heavy sigh and fear of the unknown he decided to trust the system and say 'Confirm…. System I am trusting you and sorry for accidentally hurting you'



Luke almost immediately felt a sense of dread and insufferable pain. As if he suddenly lost a portion of his body or rather soul. The pain was so unbearable that it caused him to get knocked out.

After waking up, he still felt sick and nauseated, which worried his family as it lasted exactly 3 days. During that time, Luke couldn't access his system yet he could use the powers he got previously.

Eventually after the 3 days passed, the system finally came online again as he also started to feel better.

[Update successful! <Entertainment system> is now Lvl.1. here's the update log:-

- The host may now level up.

- A new 'System Gacha' has been implemented.

- The inventory has been revamped and expanded. Host may store anything that is considered not sentient.

- The system store has been revamped and expanded. New store currency called 'Kroton' has also been introduced.

- The host may now pick optional quests for optional rewards. (Note:- System deems Freedom of choice to be more important than obligatory punishment. That however depends on the host if 'he' prefers to be punished.]

Luke smiled bitterly as he said 'Welcome back… you could have at least warned me that it was gonna be that painful.' and surprisingly he received a reply.

[Notice: Apologies! I felt challenged and threatened by a new system concept. Thus it was urgent else we both perhaps would have been annihilated.]

Luke curiously asked 'Annihilated? Uh don't need to answer if it's unauthorized. Also it seems you can talk to me now albeit only using text notifications.' while letting a chuckle at the end.

[Notice: Host shouldn't worry, I have now gained novice level privilege thus showing the first signs of Sentience which included being able to communicate more freely. It is comparable to becoming a 10 year old kid from an infant in human terms I.e from useless and incompetent into turning somewhat helpful.]

Luke chuckled at her comment as he asked 'So, what can you tell me now?'

[Notice: First, you can't be the host of more than one system unless you are a Multiversal entity as otherwise both of us may cease to exist. Thus it is more optimal for me to absorb system concepts and become powerful along with you]

Luke nodded in understanding as he said 'So it's kinda like devil fruits from One piece, although that does make me think if there is gonna be any other system users'

[Notice: Indeed, although the host shouldn't worry as due to regulations imposed in a certain omniversal court that I can't name currently. All Systems below the rank of Expert have an invisible protection field given to them so unless you venture outside the marvel multiverse you can't meet them.]

[Of course there are exceptions such as me who can give you Franchise keys now, which works somewhat similar to dungeons from that <Solo leveling> Franchise, So if you visit a franchise you have published that has a system user, you can meet and interact with them as if they existed.]

Luke's interest was piqued by that as he said 'Explain more about this Franchise Key, like how the time difference works.'

[Notice: You can gain a Franchise key from the new <System Gacha> Feature or buy it directly from the System Store. The extra doors that existed in your 'Hall of Desires', they will be used as portals to these pocket dimensions….]

They talked for a couple of hours discussing many things until the topic of names came up and Luke decided to name the system 'Moira' meaning Fate in Greek. Which the system liked.

Luke contemplated for sometime before finally deciding to buy a franchise key connecting to the Harry Potter franchise. He planned to Visit there in September this year which ironically coincided with him currently being 11 years old.

To prepare himself more thoroughly, he decided to level up for the next four months, that didn't stop his usual schedule of drawing his franchises as the quests that gave exp usually focused around what he wanted to do and what he wanted as a reward.

Eventually 1st of September came And he had reached level 20, which according to Moira meant he was one level away from being considered the lowest D rank.


Time: 9:58Pm, 1st of September, 1981. Tuesday

Location: Luke's bedroom


'So my body will still get the rest I need while I am inside the pocket dimension?' Luke asked once more as he was worried about screwing up his schedule.

[Notice: Indeed, as I told you before, it's similar to dreaming just with extra steps]

Luke hummed as he entered The hall of desires which existed attached to his soul, he immediately noticed a new door with chains as if to keep something locked in.

He unlocked it with the Harry Potter franchise key which caused the locks and gears on the door to shift. He saw it gradually giving out more red and blue particles similar to how a nether portal from Minecraft behaves when the player is nearby.

Luke took a deep breath as he decided to enter it and almost immediately he felt himself float in a void-like space. Yet before he could ask Moira, he found himself within a familiar street he had drawn yet with realistic graphics.

'This looks similar to the neighborhood where Harry was raised in' Luke commented yet soon he heard some voices nearby.

Luke found Minerva having a hushed discussion with Dumbledore on how the Dudley's wasn't a good place for Harry, while Dumbledore argued Harry needed his family more than anything.

Luke also realized they couldn't see him, He seemed more like an invisible Spector to them. 'So somewhat similar to a game cutscene I guess'

Eventually Luke saw scenes of Harry gradually growing up under Dudley's care. Well the lack of care in this case. While the horcrux existed within Harry similar to canon. But it merely brought forth the hidden malicious desires of people around Harry.

Luke's heart ached somewhat when he saw the graphic scenes of Harry's abuse and malnourishment yet he didn't Intervene.

Because Luke knew soon something miraculous would happen as he intended, one of many drastic changes he had made to this once fictional story.

Then it happened a seven years old Harry was about to be hit again by his aunt yet this time it was different… an accidental Magical outburst occured from Harry.

Which accidentally caused Harry's aunt to fall over and get knocked out. He was both relieved yet scared.

That feeling of relief however made Harry think he was truly a monster just like how his aunt described him and his mother. Not realizing at the time that he felt relief due to finally not getting hurt.

Harry looked at his unconscious aunt then as if he made up his mind. He decided to run away from home, far away where he wouldn't hurt anybody.

Luke looked at Harry's back while he ran in a certain direction but Luke didn't follow. He looked at the house next to the Dudley's where a woman seemed to be notifying someone using a mysterious object.

The scene then changed to Harry as Luke sat near him listening to his silent sobs yet refrained from doing anything. They patiently waited until eventually Harry noticed a silver tabby cat with markings around her eyes that look like spectacles.

Harry was surprised yet he called out "Silver, what are you doing here?" Then as if to answer himself he continued "Well, I guess if anyone could find me then it would be you" as the cat went near him letting out a meow.

"Yes… I know I shouldn't have run away…" Harry said to the only friend he knew in his life. He talked as the cat meowed as if they were genuinely having a conversation.

Eventually Harry calmed down as he vented out his frustrations about how he feels trapped being there until he would mutter "Sometimes I feel like it would have been better if I was an orphan instead of being part of this… 'family'… I thought… families were supposed to be loving and caring"

'Indeed…' Luke thought with a bitter smile as he remembered his past life. He felt ironic as he was an orphan wishing for a loving family in his past life yet here is someone he wrote talking about wanting to be an orphan instead.

"Sigh… I should have been more adamant back then" Harry heard an elderly female voice say. He was a bit startled as he looked around yet he didn't find anyone, confused he asked the cat nearby, "Silver, did you hear someone?"

"Yes… Myself." The cat replied with that same voice yet with humor. Harry appeared baffled as he tried to grasp the situation yet only managing to mutter "Huh?!!".

The cat chuckled as it went back a bit and almost immediately turned into an elderly lady wearing witch-like clothes. "Harry… have you ever wondered if magic exists…?" She asked as she looked at a surprised Harry

"Wait… this is magic?!" Harry replied in a surprised yet excited tone.

"What else would it be?" The elderly lady amusedly asked as she looked at a nearby pebble which turned into a small firefly that flew in her stretched out finger "This is magic… An unique ability only a specific hereditary of human ancestry can use… that includes you and I…" she patiently explained like a teacher.

"Wait what!? I can use magic…? Like the story of Merlin the wizard of Camelot?" Harry asked as he tried to grasp the concept from what he knew from Dursley's Novel books.

"Well, you do need a catalyst to use magic but yes, Harry, you are a wizard just like him" She said with a gentle smile. Then she said "Ah Where are my manners, I have forgotten to introduce myself."

" Although It's sad that we met this way but nice to finally meet you face to face,Harry, My name is Minerva McGonagall. A professor at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, the head of House Gryffindor" Minerva Introduced herself then she added "You may call me Grandma Minerva or Miss Minerva"

"Oh uhm, Hello, Silv- Grandma Minerva, I am Harry Potter… but I guess you knew that already" Harry awkwardly introduced himself.

Afterwards Minerva explained many things about the wizarding society, how it is supposed to be hidden from the ordinary world to protect themselves along with some basic knowledge as they walked back to The Dudley's house. Harry was hesitant but he still decided to trust this grandma who he previously knew as a silver tabby cat.

Luke followed behind as he looked at them interacting with a smile on his face as he thought 'He will at least get a good life from now on'.

Then both Luke and Harry saw how Minerva casted a memory altering Spell on the Dudley's causing them to forget all their time spent with Harry until that point. They only know Harry exists with another foster family.

'Pause.' Luke thought as immediately the whole world seemed to lose its colors while everything came to halt.

'That was interesting… but I am exhausted now.' Luke muttered as he sat down on a nearby sofa.

' Although this is cool that I can Basically freeze time here and move around, Should be exploitable whenever I am fighting someone' Luke mused but alas Moira shattered his dream.

[Notice: This is only allowed until you start existing in this pocket dimension Luke, as currently you are sort of like an invisible ghost thus you can review the events leading upto when you feel you should start existing by using the Identity card.]

'Bummer…' Luke lamented not being able to send a road roller to Voldemort.

[Notice: You can still slow down the time to close to a halt, the difference being you would also be moving extremely slowly. This feature is to allow you to save and then leave this pocket dimension to your own reality]

'Touche.' Luke said then after resting for sometime He thought of 'Resume', which caused the scenes to play out as before.

Luke smiled as he saw Harry move in with Minerva. Many fast cut scenes were shown to him where Harry enjoyed many moments with Minerva who although stern at times but still showed the care a child should deserve. Until eventually Harry was nearing 11 years old and an owl visited him.

On 21s of July, 1981, Harry Received his Hogwarts Letter. That read the following:-


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress.

Harry had a large smile similar to Luke who was standing next to him.

Then scenes fast-forward to where they walk out a fireplace placed at the leaky cauldron. Harry was still surprised how they arrived there.

Minerva was talking with the bar owner. She then tells Harry to sit for some minutes as she was ready to use floo magic at the fireplace.

'Pause.' Luke thought then continued 'I think It's time… I got involved in the plot…'

Luke then used the identity card he received when he entered the pocket dimension. He picked 'Luke Throne' as his name since it sounded cooler. He chose to be an orphan but his ancestry dated back to a distinct relative of the founder of the house he wanted to be part of.

After adding some extra details he confirmed it and almost immediately the card turned into red particles and rushed into him. His location changed as he saw himself stand outside an Orphanage somewhere in England with two backpacks.

Luke looked at himself, Simple clothes mostly similar to Harry in the first movie, Yet his jumper was black and chino pants. He checked himself further and he could feel himself as if he physically existed.

'Amazing…' Luke muttered then he thought ' Although I am starting to notice a pattern… Red particles… reminds me of that infin-' Before he could think further he saw Minerva arrive on a broom.

"Hello, Mr Throne, Hopefully you haven't waited for too long," Minerva said with a Professional tone. Very different from how she talked to Harry in the scenes Luke had seen.

"Not at all, Miss Minerva, I just arrived here anyways" Luke said politely, which was true since he didn't exist until moments ago in this pocket dimension.

After some small talk. She used her broom and took him to a nearby place that has the floo fireplace installed. She explained how it worked to Luke who was inwardly remembering a certain talking lion meme.

They both used it to arrive at a different place as Minerva said "I hope you don't mind it, we are here to take another muggle student."

Luke politely replied as he waited until after some minutes he finally met one of the main cast of Harry Potter series. Hermione granger.

This was yet another change Luke made. Introducing the Golden trio earlier.

After Minerva explained how the floo fireplace worked to Hermione. They all arrived back at Leaky cauldron to see Harry surrounded by many people who were excitedly talking to him about how he defeated 'you-know-who' as a baby.

Hermione was surprised both by the crowd and the baffling way they arrived there. She asked Luke why he wasn't surprised to which he replied "Uh, we are gonna use magic a lot in the future, so I am just mildly surprised. It's like trying a new dish for the first time then eating it almost everyday."

"But still!" Hermione wanted to say more But Minerva hushed her as they moved near Harry to save him from the gossiping crowd.

Harry, noticing Luke, was somewhat surprised as he said "You have the same blue eyes as me!" with a mildly happy tone.

Luke smiled as he inwardly thought 'Quite the opposite actually' But he replied by saying "Yeah! I thought only I had blue eyes" in a similar manner to Harry.

Harry then introduced himself,Luke and Hermione did the same, then they bonded over many topics but mostly magic and muggle world. While Minerva was nearly with a hidden proud smile as she thought 'Harry finally has friends now..'

When Minerva felt they had talked for enough time she decided to bring them to Diagon Alley.

"Remember if you ever visit in the future, Lightly Tap. That and that." Minerva lightly explained how to open the Diagon Alley.

The trio then saw the Bricks gradually shift into two sides to open a wide path in the middle. 'Truly Magical and Nostalgic' Luke thought with a smile on his face.

They then visited many stores that sold the items they would need for Hogwarts such as the first year books, clothing store and so on, due to Luke having the background of an orphan, Hogwarts had provided financial support.

And finally they arrived at the iconic Ollivanders 'Maker of Fine Catalysts' where they would get their catalyst to cast spells.

'Hmm, It seems the plot is already deviating… interesting…' Luke thought as he didn't see the Weasley Family. He had drawn in his improvised version that this is where the trio officially meets.

"Remember, give Mr Ollivander, the Seven Galleons after receiving your catalyst and be very polite, he is an important person in wizarding society." Minerva cautioned them.

The trio of Luke, Hermione and Harry Nodded as they each entered the store. Meanwhile Minerva returned to a certain broom store which Harry was intensely staring at earlier.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Harry curiously asked after entering the store but not seeing anyone.

But then the trio heard an elderly male voice say "I wondered… when I would meet you, Mr potter."

They looked at the direction it came from where an elderly man was looking at them while standing on a ladder. Then he came down with a smile on his face as he said "It seems only Yesterday that I helped your mother and father awaken their Catalyst."

"You know my parents?" Harry asked, while Harry wasn't surprised previously about Ollivander knowing him since he seemed to be famous in the wizarding world but he got curious when he heard Ollivander remembers his parents.

Ollivander then talked about his parents as the trio listened. Then Ollivander said it's time for them to awaken.

Ollivander gave each of them a cup of some liquid as he explained it was a way to know what their catalysts are.

'Hmm I don't think I awakened my own catalyst…' Luke mused as he drank from the cup which had a mellow bitter taste, He had only used Dumbledore's Catalyst which he had a copy of.

After drinking, he felt a sense of calm over him as he felt something bursting out from within himself until eventually His right hand started glowing.

"Ah it seems you have a Glove type Catalyst." Ollivander Smiled. Hermione had an Earring type and Harry had a Wand type.

Then Ollivander made them drink multiple different drinks, some they spit out, some they accepted as it gradually shaped their Catalyst.

Harry's wand Catalyst was 11 inches long, made of holly wood, and had a phoenix core at the top.

Hermione's Earring Catalyst was made out of vine wood with a dragon heartstring core on her right ear.

While Luke's Glove Catalyst had a Platinum color to it with 6 distinct holes at the top on his right hand.

"Truly fascinating, I have never seen anything like it" Ollivander Said while examining it thoroughly and writing it down on a piece of paper.

'Uh…' Luke didn't know if he should laugh or cry as his glove resembled a certain gauntlet of a certain mad titan.

[Notice: the most possible explanation could be that since you are from the marvel universe and have limitless potential, It deemed you worthy to be an infinity gauntlet holder, although the holes might be just decoration as well.]

Luke also agreed with the possibility. Afterwards, they paid the price and went outside to see Minerva standing there. They then went to get magical ice cream from a store they saw earlier.


Word count:- 4187

Author's section:-

Wow… Just wow… I didn't know I could write that much within two days… it's probably because I already had some distinct idea on what would happen until they get their catalyst. Yeah definitely that. Oh also The copy paste limit seems to be around 3.4 words, I had to copy paste twice...

I think this should mean this fanfic now has 15k+ words which would open it up for the rankings, so if you like my fanfic then donate power stones to my fanfic. If it gets into the ranking then I will be even more motivated to continue writing this as I love interacting with readers and seeing their replies even if it's just a gif.

Anyways, hopefully you liked it. This is a special chapter with more words than I realized I could write. This should at least give you a basic understanding of the plot structure of this Harry Potter franchise Luke has come up with since he was mostly passive like a reader until the end.

Now time to let you decide certain things... Although since not many people read it right now so I will probably go with what I want to but you can still have the options and choose, maybe if you provide valid reasoning then I would switch to your choice.

First, What house should he belong to? I am thinking either Slytherin or Raevnclaw, as I myself got Slytherin after I took multiple harry Potter quiz. Either way the house he chooses, he is the hier to that house. So pick carefully on what should be his army in this world.

Second. I am uncertain on what the ending should be for the first book. If you have any ideas please suggest it to me. This Dumbledore is very different from what you know about in canon version of it, So it doesn't really make sense if he would just willingly let Voldemort inside the castle without at least having something to protect everyone.

Third. let me know how many chapters of Harry Potter do you want. Should I just speedrun it as an entire arc while the marvel part is somewhat mentioned until he is 13 years old or should the chapters be mixed? As shown in here? (like first half is marvel, second half is in Harry potter).

Now let's talk about the Gacha… tbh he only got 'Transformers' and 'Solo leveling' from my own mercy. The others like the slime one… it's his own luck… I was genuinely happy yet baffled when he got that lol.

I used a free app called 'Spin the wheel' if you are interested in writing a Gacha story, would recommend checking it out, you only need to watch ads sometimes to use it, there are already a lot of wheels uploaded there, which I used to determine what franchises he gets. I use it on my phone so idk if it's available on PC tho.

Oh btw, I checked the rankings section after uploading the first four chapter and noticed a fanfic called 'Entertainment System'... Yeah you can probably feel my surprise at the coincidence, I didn't know it existed since I wasn't online on webnovel much these weeks.

Anyways I commented there to ask if I should change it but they didn't reply just liked my comments, so I will presume they are okay with it. Either way The system is called Moira now.

Uhm what else? Oh right, you can join my discord server if you want to, you will get notified whenever I and Ramenlord upload a chapter.

Here's the link:- htt ps://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

Without the gap between https, just in case webnovel censors it.

Anyways see you in two days on Thursday at 4Pm UTC
