Time: The present
Scene: *It was a simple barrack made of bricks, sloping roof,few windows with bars,single entrance. This structure was surrounded by similar looking buildings, some were fancy or some were plain.
Inside one of every barrack were basic facilities like bathroom,showers,toilet,mess hall and storage area, a very spacious barrack.
In one of the barrack lives Sparx, a very weak and poor soldier but most people say he has alot of potential despite him not believing on himself.*
Sparx: [sitting on his bed after just waking up, he looks around thinking about what to do today, he yawns] wakey wakey time!
[He stands up and goes to get shower and brush his teeth, the start of a regular day, he was a [Sentinel] Corporal rank medic, one of the lowest rank in this military system. The ranks varied as:
Vanguard (entry-level, front-line soldier)
Sentinel (junior NCO, watches over and guides newer soldiers)
Pioneer (senior NCO, leads by example and innovates)
Warrior-Scholar (officer, balances combat prowess with strategic thinking)
Tactician (senior officer, excels in battle planning and execution)
Commandant (high-ranking officer, leads large units and makes key decisions)
Archon (highest-ranking officer, oversees entire military branches)
Kryptos (special forces operative, expert in covert ops and intel)
Apex (elite special forces leader, spearheads high-risk missions)
Savant (technical expert, develops and implements advanced military tech)
The payment received by each rank varied as well, so everyone strived to increase their rank as soon as possible, same goes with Sparx, but he's too....lazy to do anything and cared less till he had food on his table.]
*NCO: NCO stands for Non-Commissioned Officer.
NCOs typically hold ranks such as:
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Staff Sergeant
- Sergeant First Class
- Master Sergeant
- Sergeant Major*
[Sparx after having breakfast which he gets 3 times a day in his mess hall by kitchen police, he got grilled chicken,mashed potatoes,basic salad, brownies and coffe.
Food also differs among ranks, higher ranks got much better food options whereas lower one's got basic stuff to encourage the desire of promotion among everyone.]
[Sparx starts to get ready for his daily routines, he picks up his first aid kit consisting of (bandages, antiseptic wipes, painkillers), tactical medical bag consisting of (tourniquet, hemostatic agents,IV fluids), PPE consisting of (gloves,goggles,face shield,mask,), MME consisting of (blood oximeter, BPC, stethoscope), a radio, BLS consisting of (AED, CPR masks), water and food and pocket knife for self defense.]
*PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
MME: Medical Monitoring Equipment
BLS: Basic Life Support
AED: Automated External Defibrillator*
[As he was a medic, he mostly had work on war zones, helping injured soldiers etc. He worked solo, he was invited by some medic team to work together out of pity but he rejected them as he preferred to work alone.
Sparx gets out of his barrack to notice so many people going around with different sets of dress varying between different classes and jobs.
As for what the military were fighting against? Those were dark and evil creatures which was dubbed as 'Kyrexi' by humans, They are ancient, malevolent entities from a realm of eternal darkness, born from the collective darkness within the hearts of sentient beings.
As they are made up of complete darkness, military get help from holy church with them lending us holy light to forge weapons/tools/medical items for us.
Sparx had to get new set of equipments enchanted by holy light today, he walks towards Holy Garrison.
Holy garrison was a secluded, heavily guarded location. A sacred structure adorned with sacred symbol and ornate carvings representing the virtue of courage,honor and compassion.
Military people could get equipment from Holy Garrison by either unit recommendation, application & review,trial, interview, blessings,oath of service etc.
Sparx was suggested by Chaplain who was one of the high ranked class in the military.]
Sparx: [Enters the Holy Garrison where many people were roaming around in protective gears.]
[Squire] Elara Brightshield: "Greetings, traveler. I am Elara Brightshield, squire of the Holy Garrison. May the light of the divine guide you within these hallowed halls."
Sparx: "Thank you,Squire Elara."
[Squire] Elara Brightshield: "May I inquire about your purpose and intentions for entering the Holy Garrison? We strive to maintain a sacred and secure environment"
Sparx: "I seek medic class equipment for myself and here's the recommendation letter from Chaplain" [hands her the letter of recommendation]
[Squire] Elara Brightshield: [after checking the authenticity of the letter] "Please follow me, and I will direct you to your desired destination. May you find wisdom, solace, or empowerment within our walls."
Sparx: [I was amazed with all the different class equipment/weapons in display while looking everywhere around, it's not like I am new in this place but every day they bring out new stocks of different varieties of equipment for each class!]
[Squire] Elara Brightshield: [while trying to endure my actions of staring others and equipments for so long] "Be mindful of your actions and words within the Garrison, as we uphold a code of honor and respect. Let us walk in harmony and mutual respect."
Sparx: [getting disrupted by Squire I had to stop acting like a child and act properly] "ah ok, my bad."
[After we reached the department of medic class where only medic class items/equipment were on display, Sparx was given Blessed Satchel by the Squire and started to roam around picking stuff which will be important for him later on.]
[After Collecting the important items]
Sparx: [pulling out the blessed satchel containing all the items he picked] "I think I will take this much with the recommendation letter"
[Squire] Elara Brightshield: [After calculating the worth of the items in my blessed satchel and the amount registered in the recommendation letter] "hm. Ok, it matches with the amount registered in your recommendation letter. Ok now you'll have to go to Holy Garrison's Benedor for blessings, I'll waiting near the exit of the garrison."
Sparx: [nods] "hm..I'll do so"
[After they went their own separate ways, Sparx heads toward the direction of Blessing Sanctum to get blessings,
What's the importance of [blessing]?
Blessings give a major benefits like Temporary stat boost, protection, healing,wisdom,fortune, purification, environmental adaption etc.
The Blessings Sanctum is a serene and sacred space within the Holy Garrison, dedicated to the Benedor Class and their divine Blessings, it is grand, high-ceilinged chamber with a large, stained glass window depicting a benevolent deity,Ornate, golden accents and intricate carvings adorn the walls and pillars,A beautifully crafted, crystal chandelier hangs from the center of the ceiling, refracting soft, rainbow hues
It had Soft, warm lighting with a gentle glow,Calming, instrumental music plays in the background, featuring instruments like harps and flutes,A sweet, subtle scent of incense wafts through the air, promoting relaxation and focus
It was structured as A central, raised dais with a elegant, ornate chair for the Benedor,A semicircular bench for visitors to sit and receive blessings,Two smaller, ornate tables on either side, holding sacred texts, candles, and blessing-focused artifacts.
It contained Shelves containing leather-bound tomes, glowing scrolls, and sacred relics,A beautiful, glowing orb on a pedestal, pulsing with gentle, divine energy.
As he enters the Blessings sanctum, he notices some people getting blessings by Benedor.
He then goes to find a Benedor who was vacant and finds one.]
[Benedor] Elwynn Eethoniel: "In this sacred space, may you find refuge from life's storms. I am Elwynn, your Bendor. How may I serve you today?"
Sparx: [sitting on bench] "I'm here to get blessings"
[Bendor] Elwynn Eethoniel: [Starts a conversation on what Sparx did today, concerns, struggle and intentions etc] "ok now I can start the blessings ceremony."
[She closes her eyes and begins a soft melodious prayer, invoking the divine presence and guidance, after that she gently presses her hands on Sparx shoulder, attuning herself to his energy and the divine flow.
Elwynn focuses her intention, and a warm, soothing light begins to emanate from her hands. She channels the divine energy, allowing it to flow through her and into Sparx]
[Bendor] Elwynn Eethoniel: "May the divine guide and protect you"
[ Elwynn concludes the blessing by tracing a gentle, intricate pattern in the air, sealing the divine energy within Sparx and offering protection from negative influences.
She then opens her eyes, smiles warmly, and thanks Sparx for allowing her to share in their journey. Elwynn encourages them to carry the blessing with them, and to return whenever they need guidance or support.]
Sparx: [After standing up] "your blessings has given me the strength and courage to face my challenges. Thank you"
[He then leaves the Blessings sanctum and heads towards the entrance of the Holy Garrison where he meets Elara Brightshield again and bids farewell.]
[Squire] Elara Brightshield: "May the light of the divine guide you on your journey beyond the Holy Garrison. May our paths cross again in peace and harmony!"
[They went their on separate ways, Sparx heading towards the warzone where people were risking their lives fighting the evil Kyrexi and protecting the people of this kingdom.]
Pocket watch: 10:00 A.M
Em breve