
Modern Family: The boy who Reincarnated

Hello guys, this is my new fanfic about 'the modern family' show which I was watching some time ago and unknowingly I make a plot in my head and now here we are. This is an AU universe of Modern Family where our MC/OC is reincarnated by a ROB with some wishes and now those wishes won't be that big like Haki or Chakra but they would somethings that can exist in reality so you should also stay tuned for that.

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19 Chs

Chapter 1

In the Dark and silent Void, two people are standing in front of each other. One was wearing a black suit and pants with a black colour hat while another person was not wearing anything because he only had a shape like a human but not any other details like eyes, ears, etc.

The Black suited man said," Look kid, we don't have all day for this so I will explain it quickly. you are brought here by me as I am a ROB or whatever your kind calls me and I was getting bored here so I pulled your soul from the reincarnation cycle so I could put you in any of the worlds out there and take some entertainment out of your life."

The soul was stunned by all the information ROB dumped on his head at one time and he said," So you are telling me that I will be reincarnated in any world of your choice and entertain you but what will I get from this."

ROB said," Look boy it's not like you are any special case and I am bound to reincarnate you or something. I can just drop your soul in the deepest part of hell and choose another one for this task."

The soul gulped and said," Thank you sir and I am very grateful for your generosity but please at least drop me in some kind of family show."

ROB smiled and said," Aww, now we are moving in the right direction. Don't worry because the world I am going to put you in is called Modern Family and before you ask why it's because this show has fewer fanfics with OC."

The soul nodded timidly and asked," So will I get any wishes like those fanfics."

ROB put his hand on his chin and said after thinking for some time," Ok, I will give you three wishes but not that OP as it's a normal show without superpowers and a supernatural world but I could add some other universe in it as only a normal one will be boring."

The soul was overjoyed and said," So my first wish is an Unlimited amount of Money. My second wish is to have Azmuth's Iq. My third wish is to have one piece level of the body it is ok even without Haki."

ROB looked at him for a sec and said," Your first wish is ok as they won't harm the world in any way. As for your second wish sorry boy but it is not possible, that guy's intelligence can even rival me if I give him the complete information about this omniverse I can only give you 0.00001 per cent of his Iq because that's the limit of the human body."

The soul said," But won't that be very less."

The ROB said in an angry tone," Less you say, Boy I swear if I have Coffee right here I will spit that on your face without a single thought. do you even know Azmuth's IQ level *Soul shooked his head* Sigh, in his younger age when his brain was at its peak condition his IQ was nearly 1 nonillion and now think how much 0.00001 per cent of Nonillion is?" (An/: I don't get this information from a reliable source so please tell me if you have accurate numbers.)

The soul was stunned and he didn't know what to say anymore and felt guilty for acting like a baby. ROB said," It's okay to do that in shortage of information and as for your third wish, you can have it but remember that you will only be able to reach the strength of the Navy rear admiral level without any Haki, this is also very much breaking the law of the world but I will allow it."

The soul bowed and said," I am very grateful for you to fulfil my unreasonable request and thank you for giving me a second chance."

ROB waved his hand," it's not a big deal as I am also getting something in return from this and remember that I will also add a different world to it so be ready."

Soul nodded and ROB snapped his fingers sending him to the World of Modern Family.


Thanks for reading.😊