
Modern Family: I want Freedom

My name doesn't need to be known. I died as someone who didn't enjoy life. I missed everything. Luckily God gave me a second chance in another universe. In that universe I decided not to give a fu*k about the rules. I decided to do what I wanted to do and enjoy life. I was assisted in that as I got a system, which rewarded me with various character templates of people like Neil Caffrey, Sherlock Holmes, Lupin, and many others. Watch me live my life to the fullest as Ethan Alvarez. The main universe will probably be Modern Family with many other TV series or movies mixed in it like Brooklyn 99. You can recommend various movies or series and I will try to build them into the novel. The universe will not be supernatural. If you want it to be supernatural I can try to add it. You can not only choose the TV series or Movies but also recommend various templates for the MC. A little introduction about the MC is in the first chapter. (author here: I really overdid it at the beginning, but it will get better after the first 7 chapters(at least that is what I think and hope))

burakku · Filmes
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70 Chs

He will cause a war between gangs

It has been one week since I started my job in the police.

I have solved cases with every main character besides Hitchcock and Scully. They aren't really doing any cases.

"Whats up Sarge", I said as I greeted him.

"Just say what kind of case you want", Terry knew my personality and spoke out my thoughts.

"A very interesting one"

"What is an interesting case for you?", Terry asked me.

"Well, like a gang fight between two huge gangs", I said as I imitated a shooting posture.

"That isn't a case. That's an emergency", Terry said face palming.

"Well, then an interesting case", I told him the second most interesting case.

"Santiago has a good case. Go talk to her", Terry said pointing at Amy.

"Thanks, Sarge, you are the best", I thanked him and quickly went towards Amy.

"Amy. Where is your interesting case?", I asked her with excitement.

"You mean the riddle guy from whom was stolen. I am already excited to question him. He is my idol", Amy said excitedly. This wasn't talk for me. I wished I could teleport right now and put Alex here to talk with her. The both would surely understand each other well.

Sarge pranked me.

I looked over at him and he just smiled while eating his yogurt.

Suddenly Captain McGintley came into the room from his bureau.

"Most people have probably already heard about it. I am retiring. Today will be my last day at the NYPD. I thank you all for our cooperation and wish everyone the best", Captain McGintley said in a deep voice. 

Everyone in the room wasn't surprised besides me. Everyone clapped and wished Captain McGintley a good farewell.

"The Captain is retiring?", I asked Amy who was sitting beside me.

"Yes, the news is already pretty old. We didn't tell you?", Amy asked.

"No. Nobody told me", I said in a plain voice. Why did I never hear this?

Anyway. I knew the plot would be starting on Monday, due to Captain McGintleys retirement.

The day went by without me getting any new cases. I wanted to get the Morgenthau case Jake had gotten yesterday and work with him, but I wasn't allowed.

I was just chilling in the office and did nothing the whole day.

The day quickly passed and I drove towards my temporary penthouse.

I called Haley and chatted with her. After that, I went to eat, brushed my teeth, took a shower and fell asleep. This schedule continued mostly throughout the weekend until Monday was coming.

On the morning of Monday, I woke up extra early and got ready real fast.

I wanted to be on the 99th as soon as possible. I wanted to experience the plot as much as I could.

When I went towards the 99th precinct there was only Terry there yet. He needed to be extra early today to manage the 99th until the new Captain arrived.

"Hi Ethan", Terry greeted me.

"Hi Terry. What do you know about the new Captain?", I asked curious about what his opinion about Captain Holt would be before the start of the show.

"He is a very good detective. He went through a lot to get this job. Due to that he is very protective about the 99th. You probably shouldn't mess with him too much", Terry said in a serious voice.

"I will do my best when I will meet him"

Time passed and soon it was about 8:30 a.m.

Everyone was already at the police station and started working.

There was a meeting held in the briefing room.

Terry asked about the Morgenthau case, with which Jake didn't really come forward with.

After all the people dispersed I went towards Jake who knew about Morgenthau. I wanted to get involved in the case.

If I wanted to get to Jake, I needed to first go to Amy's desk as Jake was currently talking to her.

I went over and heard Jake say

"He is probably some washed-up pencil writer who only cares about the rules", Jake continued to mock the new Captain.

I was one small piece before breaking out in laughter because I saw the new Captain arrive behind Jake without him noticing it.

Jake continued until he noticed the new Captain. The atmosphere got awkward really fast.

The new Captain continued to humiliate Jake. He really laid him sleeping with a few words.

After that, the Captain called the Sarge into the office.

I didn't know what they were talking about from that point on.

~Meanwhile Captian Holt and Terry started talking. They said some things before Terry went on to describe everyone~

"Well, Scully and Hitchcock. They are pretty much useless, but they are making really good coffee.", Terry said pointing towards the two.

"All good", Captain Holt replied.

"Now come the good ones. Rosa Diaz: Tough, smart, hard to read and really scary", Terry said emphasizing the scary part.

"Charles Boyle, he is a machine. He may not be the best detective, but he is the hardest-working one. Though he isn't really good at the physical aspect"

"Amy Santiago. She has got seven brothers. Due to that, she needs to show everyone how tough she is", Terry explained the situation of everyone to Holt.

"Tell me more about Peralta", Captain Holt requested.

"Jake is my best detective. He likes to put away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up", Terry explained Jake's special situation to Captain Holt.

"Very well formulated"

"And who is he", Captain Holt showed an interested attitude pointing at a handsome young man.

"He is Ethan Alvarez, a special counselor hired. He may be very young but is the best investigator in here. One thing to highlight is that he loves cars and guns way too much. I fear it won't take long and this guy will organize a gang war to shoot all the gangsters down"

Only one chapter today sadly. May be a standard in the future due to exams and other social activities.

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