
Mobile legends bang bang

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What is Mobile legends bang bang

Leia o romance Mobile legends bang bang escrito pelo autor DESTINYACOSTA123 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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In the Multiverse with a Template System...customised for my liking.

I was born a mortal. Weak and helpless. Miserable and dependent. Craving what was beyond the reach of my fingertips. Wallowing in the grip of despair. And then I was offered a chance. With no penalty nor was I delegated a purpose. I accepted the offer and relinquished my bonds. And I was reborn a God. Of Light greater than the stars. Of Darkness deeper than the maw of death. And I carved myself a new name. And gave myself a new face. And wrote myself a new destiny. In which I engraved the words of my creed. "Darkness and Light Chaos and Order Death and Life One by the other And not without each other Balance in the heart Balance in the soul Wise with my view Mighty by my hand Unconquered by my will I shall fall prey to neither But live by my terms And account for myself And choose my own fate Power is a means Content is a goal " And with my newfound gift, and my rightful status, I will transcend the walls between worlds, and claim my place atop All. -------------- Hi I am Luke George...no I am Nekros Darth Maleforius, the Force God of Duality... ____________________________________________ This will be a multiverse story. I will be uploading chapters to different arcs at a time. This story in reality is just a hobby for me. Perhaps one day I'll be able to commit properly to fanfiction. Open a Patreon and a discord and all that. It really depends on how much my college life goes. Don't be confused by the uploads.

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selina: moon flower

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Eternal Melody

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Caraku, Mencintaimu

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating