
Chapter 7

Mob and two other girl just beside him,standing around 3 meter from Red line.Just other side of line there is three people and Mob know them at very least.

Eina:"Mob did you hear me!!"As She try to call Mob with her scream.

Mob:"Eina-san,what are you doing here and what is that wall?"

As he approach Eina but he couldn't help to notice there is some kind of wall similar to his psychic barrier but on larger scale.The barrier is seem thin and very fragile.

Eina:"Wait,You can see this barrier?"

Loki:"(Hmmm..... interesting.This Mortal can see this thing while even my most prized child couldn't.This feeling,Why is similar to earthquake Week's ago.Strange.)Who knows... Hey brat,try to touch this barrier."As she give the suggestion to Mob with naughty smile on her face.

Mob:"Ok.."As he touch with his bare hand without second thought.

Eina:"Stop Mob-san!!?"As she try to stop Mob but it's to late

Mob:"Yes Eina-san?"As he hand already touch the barrier.His face still indifference.

Loki and Aiz watch and expected something bad.But nothing happen.Mob raise his hand up and down to the other side and when he deem safe,He escort the children to cross the red line. Eina,Loki and even Aiz shocked by this.

Aiz:"How you do that?"She ask while some giant question mark appear on her head.She move her head a little to the left and right.

Mob:"What do you mean?I just crossing like everybody does."

Eina:"No one can do that you know!!?.Not even Aiz-san or Loki-sama can do that!!?"He glasses begin to shaking.

Loki:"(Hooo...) Well if he Ok then case close.So... hmmm,What your name again?"As she open her two eye for a second and ask with her usual happy go lucky tone.

Mob:"My name Kageyama Shigeo and Call me Mob"As he give the children to Eina care.

Loki:"Right Mob-chan,Do you know what is actually happening to the other side?"

Mob:"Oh there are some kind of plant flowery monster and large amount of War Shadow suddenly appear and start hurting people.Lefiya-san,Tiona and Tione is holding back the monster and help to evacuate people.Oh they also helping me to save this two children."

Aiz:"So Lefiya is over there?Do you know why she there?"She ask with curiosity.

Mob:"Oh... It seem Lefiya-san is invit-- Ghaaarghhkk--!!?*"As Loki suddenly appear and holding his Robe with malicious intent.Her shadow getting darker on each second as her face getting closer to his.

Loki:"What did you said!!? My Precious girl is invite you to Date. Gyaah!! No wonder she going out early and not eating her breakfast.She rarely done that.No....that impossible!!No way my precious gem will ever do that Uwaaahhh!!!?"As a tear fall from her Eye.Then the cat girl try to Push loki and scream.


Cat Girl:"Stop bullying Big Brother you brute!!?"

Some kind of arrow appear in struck Loki chest with high speed.Once it penetrate it,Loki seem coughing a blood and fall to her knees.

Loki:"Brute?? Ghasrrgkkk.... Hey Little girl.Don't calling this goddess of beauty and smart a brute.Did your parent didn't teach some maner little cat girl"

Cat girl:"Hmm??Are you a girl.But your body look like a boy and I have a name Fina!!?I'm not cat but Chienthrope"

Loki:"My body??"And she just become statue and frozen there while she make shocking face.

Mob:"(I thought she a cat.)

Elf girl:"My name is is Roax and I'm Half elf."

Eina:"Oh... same as me.Right Roax-chan.Now be a good boy and come to Big Sis"

Roax:"....."She silent there and staring at Eina eye.

Eina:"Did I said something wrong?"


Loki:"*Sob* Let back on track,Do you what happen after that?"As she recover from that invisible attack earlier.Then some small explosion occur.


Aiz:"I guess not.We need to help them.*FWOOSSHH..!!* Gyaahh!!?"As she rush to the explosion but some electric strike Her body and manage to damage her despite her status as Level 5 or close to Level 6 but just minor one.This happen when her foot just step beyond the red line and some cracking glass can be seen.


Loki/Eina:"Aiz-tan/Aiz-san..!!?"Both scream and run towards Aiz.

Aiz:"*Huh* *Huh*... (What... just happen...)"As she lower her hand and see her own hand.

Loki:"Aiz-chan... what happen.Are you ok.Is your body still in good condition blahblahblah..."As Loki pestering Aiz and her voice volume increasing each words.This however did not bothering Aiz because she still on her own mind.

Aiz:"Did.. you do it.How?"She ask while looking at Mob direction.

Mob:"Oh... aaaa.... I just actually using my---?"As he begun to nervous while divert his vision to another place.

Mob seem blushing and keep increasing each second.Aiz on the other hand confuse still not aware what just happen to her now.Eina and two children also realise this.

Mob:"Mi-mi-miss Aiz,here take this cloth."As he offer his robe to Aiz,leaving him only his middle school uniform that already being repair week ago.Upon realising her upper body is naked,Aiz accept it with little blush on her face.

Aiz:"Hmm.. thank y--"As she got cut off by Tricksters Goddess before she put the robe.

Loki:"Hooo...,quite gentlemen we got here.Hmm.... here I help you put this on my dear child.(Tsk... no why in hell I give you a change to close to my Aiz-tan.Wait for another thousand here to even get close to her.)"As she quickly put the robe to cover the Aiz uper body.


Upon another series of huge explosion,Aiz forget about her question and head straight to the source.She very worried about her friend as Mob said they fighting some kind monster that equivalent to Dungeon Boss.Her Level 5 strength make her sprint faster and leaving the group behind with in second.

Eina:"..... Mob-san.Should you go with her?"She ask.

While she did not know Mob true power,but she have hunch that Mob is actually stronger that his look.She indeed see his raw talent before.Plus she also feel uneasy on her heart.

Loki:"Hmm?Why this boy need to go with my Aiz-tan.He just level 1 right."She said casualy.

In reality,she also curious.Because why Lefiya invite this boy from unknown familia to go da *Ehem* meeting.She suspect that this boy must possess great talent in magic to attract Lefiya intention. Judging from his cloth, he must be a mage.She did notice something about blue aura that appear around Aiz earlier in short amount of time.This young man power still a bit mystery to her and she want to know it more.

Fina:"Big brother?"


The pressure emit from this four give Mob little no room to decide.Since the children is already on right hand,the burden has decreased.Plus he still worried about Lefiya and her strange reaction earlier.He however still did not notice the substance that have being release by the plant monster earlier because of his passive barrier.The children also unaffected because the two was close enough to receive the benefit.Few second has pass but on his mind,hours he spend to think about it.But he has make his decision.

Mob:"I go with her"







Around 50-100 meter, a certain clocked individual standing in tall building.The unknown individual just watching the group from afar and can see it clearly without aid of modern technology or any kind of tools.The clocked individual smile and make kind a weird face.

Clocked Individual:"Fufufu.... Kageyama-kun. To think some unexpected thing has happen and now I have a change to see how truly powerful you are.Fufufu,To bad that the white rabbit will get his turn do shine brightly but this one make my heart curious.This is more than enough"The Individual even smile more.

Then the 3 individual appear behind the clocked individual and bow.The first one is Boar-kind and posses great physics and standing tall around 7 feet or 2 meter.Other is black cat-kin with handsome face and last one is person with full armour plate.

The Boar:"My lady,should we mobilise our troops to assist Ganesha familiar to contain the situation.Should we save some citizen that trap behind that barrier"Ask the muscular guy with humble yet discipline tone.

Clocked Individual:"No... a certain person might actually do work for us and Ganesha Familiar actually can enter now since the barrier has being destroy.The bad news is their forces at other side of circ--"

The Black Cat:"What...!!!the barrier that strong enough to hinder even Level 7 and yet has being destroy that easily.Further more that barrier can only being effected by highly level magic base attack and must be higher than Level 6 individual.In another words minimum Level 7.Currently we do not have any mage surpasses  Level 6. Ah... I'm sorry my lady"As the black cat realise his blunt and immediately begging forgiveness.

Clocked Individual:"Do not worry. Even I surprise by this outcome.Now you follow that red robe eastern individual and report anything what he does.I will return to my chamber.Oh do not forget to kill any monster that manage to escape or miss.Did I mention to save some citizen especially in path that red robe fellow take hmmm...(Also look like Loki might notice me)"As the clocked individual pointing the finger towards muscular boar-kin and disappear from the scene

Boar-kin:"Yes my lady"

All of the individual standing on top of the building disappear.But a the goddess of tricks Loki still notice their present but couldn't identified their identity.

Loki:"(Tsk... look like we have some guest here.Who are they?)"As she look at the sky while trying to figure out who there are.But she have a an idea at very least.




Aiz sprint with all her might while taking down as many War Shadow in her path as she could.She taking a shortcut by jumping building to building.Mostly she ignore some of war shadow becaase she in hurry.With her skill,talent and strength, dozen of upgrade war shadow just slowing her down.Plus her passive skill make her body much powerful. for 20 minute straight, she dash and finally arrive to the final destination.

Aiz:"*Huh*..... Lefiya..."As she stop her sprint.She see a dust in her guess is after effect of high level adventure and monster.Then she saw something that make her emotionless face into twisted face.

Plant Monster:"Grooaaarrrr..!!?"As the monster presented Aiz with her crucified friend.It seem the monster suck their vitality as power source.

Aiz:"Lefiya...Tiona,Tione....You"As her aura begin to rise.

Her innocent eye turn into animosity. Her teeth begin to show but not to smile but to bite her enemy to shred. Her gaze if more than enough to petrified low level adventure and monster a like. Ready her sword and stand,she rush towards the plant monster and try to save Lefiya and the Amazon sisters. But the monster response immediately by using more vein to smash Aiz.Each of of them capable to stun Level 5 and 6 a like but not powerful enough to life threatening with single strike.




Aiz:"!!!(Each attack is powerful,This monster can be categorise as Rex monster but how.)No this not a time to think but FIGHT..!!!"As she rush towards the plant monster.

But the plant monster did not intend to fight her head on.Large number of Spirit War Shadow gather and send a large scale of bombardment with countless of magic bullet from all direction.It seem is impossible to escape such attack but Aiz still have her card on sleeve.

Aiz:" "TEMPEST" "As the green mana surround her body.

The cold air can be feel as the large of pressure push her body up to the sky at 40 meter from the ground.Aiz then ready her sword and begin to attack.She pointing  the sword and cover it with magic while diving.She rotate her body as fast as she can.As a result creating a tornado.It appear that Aiz want to end the fight quickly to save her friend.

But before such attack connected into plant monster,some kind of  hexagon barrier appear and blocking the attack.



The army of Spirit War Shadow gathered and charged the magic bullet and throw it to Aiz as she stuck in mid air while still performing attack.The projectile hit her and explode brilliantly.Thick smoke cover the sky.




Aiz fall towards rhe ground leaving huge crack.The Spirit War Shadow continue the onslaught as hundred if not thousand of magic bullet coming straight to her.With instinct,Aiz manage to escape using her magic skill with quick sanction.

Aiz:""ARIEL""She run forwards with all her might.



Spirit War Shadow:"Roooaarr"

Hundred of War Shadow rush forwards  and roaring with great speed.The first line of monster getting cut by Aiz sword in single stroke.But the number could presure her.The monsters aim is to surround Aiz again to limit her mobility and make her stay fix on her location.

Aiz:"(If I can't escape then I just to destroy all of it) "TEMPEST" "

She spin again on her place after covering hee body with wind green mana like as fast she can muster.It happen in 0.2 second to complete first round and 10 second to monster to engage melee combat range.When the monster finally reach the range,she finally spin and from a protective sphere that both attack and defence.


SHING--!!* SHING--!!*

Spirit war shadow:"Groaaahh!!!"

Many Spirit War Shadow cut into pieces but they keep coming.They keep coming until there is no monster to spare.Aiz need maintain her attack as each second her stamina decrease. She need to get out or she will be exposed to greater danger.By the time Aiz finish cut all the monster that rush towards her is to late.


Aiz:"That the last one, *HUH* *HUH*. Hm??"She realise some some bright light purple and intense heat.

Plant Monster:"Roooaaarrr!!!"

The giant purple orb is gathering at the end of flower head has being unleash towards Aiz direction.The projectile estimate size around 1 meter diameter and having oval shape.A lighting trace can be seen with naked eye as the projectile moving as speeding bullet.The destruction of infrastructure are enormous.

Sheer pressure of the purple energy projectile can make any third class adventure run on they money and its nearly impossible to evade.But Aiz is not your average adventure.She dodge it and manage to evade on last minute in mere inch using Ariel Spell to increase speed, protection and mobility.But a sheer heat and presure do indeed damage her.Her cloth is nearly destroyed leaving her almost naked save to 'Vital' part of her body.

Aiz:"(Grrgghh...My cloth is nearly destroy.)*Huh* *Huh* but that is not important.Is just you and me.There is no monster to protect you now. "ARIEL"" As she ready her last attack.

The plant monster did not make any move.Instead it only move the crucified Lefiya,Tiona and Tione infront of it.The plant monster head that was covered with flower seem reveal a little.The true nature seem to be hidden for some purpose.A giant teeth can be seen if you have a good vision.The plant monster try to provoke Aiz to be more less control of herself.

Plant Monster:"Grrrghhhh"As it make a small noise.

Some electric spark appear and the trio loud scream can be heard on the district.Since the trio is to weak on they current condition,a simple spark can cause them pain.Each spark appear when Aiz is still activating her spell or try to make any move.Clearly three of them has being use as hostage.But at millisecond the vein that hold the trio has being use as weapon as those vein try to smash Aiz.Not even Aiz can predict this so her thought be more mess and harder to think.She begin to panic as she try to evade the attack at the same time to make air cushion to reduce the damage Lefiya,Tiona and Tione is suffering.

Aiz:"--!!!!? (I need to save them quickly but monster will hurt them. What should I do)"

She unconsciously deactivate her Ariel or Tempest spell which give a opportunity for Plant Monster to unleash one of its secret weapon.

Plant Monster:"GROOAARRR--!!? *PSSUUTT*"

Some kind of ball moving at sonic speed heading towards Aiz.Of course She retaliate by slashing the projectile into piece but something she not expected.Upon the blade make a contact with the ball,some kind of red gas came out and hit entire Aiz body.Since the gas can be easily evade because of Aiz magic nature of wind and her special circumtances.But she accidentally deactivate it during evading and cushion thing. About her 'Special Circumstances',some how she can see the gas colour but that for any day discussion.

The nature the gas give the enemy a hallucination of what they desire and make even the most discipline and co-ordinates team will disarray upon contact with it.What make it more dangeroes is colourless and odorless even the greatest beast men couldn't detect it.The gas made from collective negative energy of fallen spirit.You can said it similar to the one with Scar Cursed Sleeping gas that currently in Reigen possession but with hallucination effect.Just small amount of it can be lethal weapon on battlefield and almost guarantee to win if the opponent did not have any counter it or fast reaction or even luck.

The gas is actually super effective against normal people but the effectiveness will reduce greatly upon contact with blessed one or the adventure.The higher the level lower the faster this gas will actually to work.Since the gas do connected with person desire so time to take effect might be faster than anticipated even with higherst level possible and it usually work with emotion of love.Even so this kind of attack should only hinder her a little but something plant monster has done before battle with Aiz.Plus the ball also manage to make Aiz vision to blur for a second.

Aiz:" *Cought* *Cought* (What kind gas is this?)Hmm...?What going on here"As her vision restore but she notice something.

The entire area is already full of red gas from very beginning.She did know how she notice it just now but that not imported currently.Right now her strength is sipping away from her body each second expose to this unknown gas.

Aiz:"(Maybe this smoke is the reason why Lefiya,Tiona and Tione lose.I need to shake of first) "ARIEL""

As her wind push away all the smoke or gas away from her.The plant monster also seem to be tense to.But it did not give up.The solution is simple,Release more gas.As smoke begin to be more thick,same small earthquake take a place.As a result Aiz guard herself even more than before.While the gas couldn't touch her thanks to 'Ariel' but it will not last forever.For 3 second the earthquake  stop, dozen small of laser of beam surrounding from every direction surrounding her.The beam so fast that make her to evade is difficult while her vision range become limited.In addition,to maintenance her spell and strength is already cut to half,the situation become more disadvantage for her.






Mob:" *Huh* *Huh* *Huh* (Running do indeed draining my stamina) *Huh* *Huh* " As he run with all his migh.At the same times,a boar people watching him from afar.

Boar-kin:" (Hmm... if that person judge this boy strong then it shall not a mistake.That person do indeed order me helping him in some way.) "

Can our heroes arrive at the right timing OR after our Aiz-chan getting beat up then Mob arrive.If he arrive late,What slowing him down.




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