
Guild Wars: Dungeon Drop-ins! 5  


Roxy, Rox, and their Thief were still meters from where Ren was, and another Gelatinous Cube halted them from moving forward.

And before they knew it, they were surrounded from all sides.


Roxy was contemplating of squeezing between the monsters' gaps while there was still at least a meter opening between the creatures. But she was afraid that their sticky grip would catch them off guard.

But hesitating wasn't also a good option. It was only a matter of time before the monsters would reach them. Their only hope was the Gelatinous Cube at their front, which was still at least five meters from them. The opening it created from the others was wide enough and perhaps they could pass through it without being dragged into their gelatinous body.

Despite knowing what to do, Roxy and the others froze in their spot. Their brain was functioning still, but their body refused to obey, for they were scared of the outcome.

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