
New Day

I woke up from the sound of my alarm, I sat up on my bed, my hair falling out of place, I slowly glance at my left side of the wall to check the clock it was 10 am.

I can hear the sound of movements coming from the leaving room, I guess my mum's wake.

getting up from my bed, I went to the washroom to wash up. starting at myself in the mirror after washing my face, I stare back at the person in the mirror who loom back at me with brown skin, and a black mole near my left eye.

Yes am a brown skin lady which am very proud of, l tied up my raven black hair and left my room.

" Good Morning Big Sis" I greet my mum the moment I walk into the leaving room. she's sitting down at the dining table while the coffee mug kisses her lips; her other finger holding a lighted cigarette.

She likes it when I address her that way she prefers it anyway. my mum looks way younger twice my age people do mistake her for my elder sister.

" Morning to you KISHA, I thought you don't

want to wake up," she said dropping the mug on the table while taking a puff of her cigarette.

I hug her back and she shrugs me off. I smile as I sit beside her " did dad come home last night" I ask her while lighting a cigarette for me self she frowns at my question.

I took a puff of my cigarette and watch as she drag her cigarette " That word sucks go for another"

I only shake my head in understanding. what was I expecting?

" Big Sis, am meeting up with my friends a minute from now," I tell her " That means you're leaving now," she says without looking at me. she sips her coffee as she smokes at the same time I wonder how she enjoys that.

"My cue to leave then!" I said dabbing my cigarette on the ashtray as I stood up that's always our way of interaction. she just nod her head while I left the house.

"Just be careful" I heard her say in a gentle voice as I strode out the door with my backpack behind me.

Getting to the gate the man I call my father walks in with a heavy stench of alcohol. I pinch my nose unruly smell coming from him His steps wagering.

He stood, leaning on the side pole giving me a dark look "Where are you off to? " he questioned me directly "I have some business..." I respond tiredly.

" You sure do, when you took after that bitch!" He spat such fickle words with no care in his heart.

gritting my teeth "You know, you don't have to call her that she never deserves this, because she's my mother your wife! " I said in boiling rage, my eye scowling at him.

He walks closer to me sizing me up and starts laughing like a mad man. most times I wonder if this man is truly my father, cause he doesn't behave like one.

In a flash, he gave me my face resounding slap. stung from the hit, I held my burning face with my palm enduring the pain and not letting my tears fall.

" You don't, dare! run your mouth on me"

He said pushing me out of his way and went toward the house.

I ran out of the house not staring back, I ran across the street to the next four buildings

" You are a minute late" That's Larry one of my closest friends waving at me as I approached the Toyota Tacoma his leaning on with his arms cross on the bonnet. his mouth chewing on a stick, he has a very crude appearance that makes people fear him a lot.

Larry had his hair dyed in red and have this scary tattoo on his left upper forearm. he's ears pierced his putting on a raged gean together with singlet shirt

I jump into the back not answering him.

"So that's it" he said with his arms spread

" Larry let her be,, seams she got trouble from home" Gina his girlfriend who's sitting at the front said smiling at me.

He got seated in the car and drove off. I lean my head to the side and glance out the window my mind occupied.

I never paid attention to whatever Larry and his girlfriend are discussing.

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