
Miss Troublemaker

Sometimes stuff makes you do despicable deeds. As of this moment, I am dumbfounded by the leather jacket held out to me. If I were not soaking wet, shivering with a cold, and going red due to fever, I would happily waste his attempt at being a gentleman. His biceps twitched as he held out the jacket further while he pitched his voice. How dare he command me? It can’t be possible that my wavering hands are reaching out for the jacket that is drenched with the scent of pure leather. Maybe my hands are naive or my vision is blurred or my senses are blocked as I am reaching out for something out of reach. I shut my eyes. Maybe I am just dreaming. Suddenly he wraps my shoulders with his jacket. I want to take it all in: the warmth, the pleasure, and the gist. All of his kindness seems to be a fantasy. Am I still alive? The warmth brings on realization and my eyes snap open. What am I doing with my enemy by my side?

Lee_Hazel · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The starless sky

Olive's pov

The shop doors swing open, letting cool breeze wrap me. The cold makes me shiver.

Lily's hysterics caused massive damage.

Not only did she end up spilling all the coffee on the floor, leaving the mess for me to clean but also she asked me to grab her coffee. She is a tyrant.

My phone starts ringing.

I try to balance the coffee and snacks in one hand while reply with the other one.

Its mom

"Hey mom how is it going"

"I am fine sweetie what about you did you find a job?"

"Um not yet but I did interview at a lot different places, hope I will get a call sooner or later"

"Let me know first"

"Sure mom"

A person swooshes by my side and snatches my handbag. The impulse makes the coffee drop to the ground.

I let out a scream and start running after him. He goes through turns every other moment, yet I succeed to match my pace with his and jump at him. Both of us land to the ground.

I snatch my handbag back and beat him a little with it. He leaves covering his head.

I spin around on my heels, balancing on my toes trying to remember the steps I followed up till now. It seems useless pressuring my brain as I am surrounded by numerous passages with dark and obscure ends.

I retrieve my phone and try to fiddle with it. The screen brightness is dim, the standard I always follow. When I brighten it up my eyes navigate to the upper right corner.

Only 15% of battery is remaining.

Despite of panic I manage to open the log and dial Lily's number, just to hear that her phone is powered off.

The signals go weak so it's no use calling someone else

The moment I open the GPS app the screen goes black. It makes me wonder why I didn't activate the power saving mode.

Looks like I am on my own tonight.

Fear rushes through me, as I'm stranded all alone in this big city I recently moved to.

It is impossible for me to recall the directions.

The lamp light above my head starts blinking. It had to choose such a moment to malfunction. Not even a second later it goes out and I am left with darkness.

The whole world conspires against me and I feel betrayed.

The moon is generous though as it provides me with enough light to prevent me from stumbling.

I take the walls as my guide and start walking north.

My steps are slow and steady, my palms resting on the walls as I try to adjust my eyes to the low light.

A strange feeling lingers around me; it feels as I am being followed.

I muster up the courage to turn around, a heavy hand grabs my shoulder and another covers my mouth.

I struggle to set myself free but the hold tightens.

A hoarse voice whispers in my ear "No one is going to come rescue you, it is better to give in

Surrender even before trying how is that possible? I ponder.

I pause, let my body relax and give out a deep breath. It is time to act on instinct. I use all my might to bore my heel into his foot and bite his hand vigorously.

He groans in pain and his grip loosens simultaneously I launch my elbow into his face turn around and push him hard that he hits the wall.

Adrenaline rushes through me as I start running. After a few turns and constant running I enter a street that goes downhill.

I dire for oxygen but I am being chased to death.

I speed up. My hair keeps blowing onto my face.

I turn my head just to find the vicious creature is still following me.

In no time I see hope in the form of a road. Maybe I am back to the commercial zone.

My legs are getting tired and the man hasn't lost his pace.

Ahead of me is life.

Before this man lays a hand on me I jump onto the road.

It's not even a jiffy later that my eyes are dashed by glaring light and I feel a blow.

The last thing I remember is the starless sky that goes black.