
I'm back


Sincerity villa,

Bailey the newest hit in the entertainment industry was cooking whilst humming a melodious tone. Her face even without make-up is capable of earning her the title of 'cute girl next-door ' as her fans call her.

The scene in the kitchen was so beautiful and peaceful. It seemed as if an angel had descended onto the mortal realm. The atmosphere however, was ruined when a hoarse voice was heard.

"What are you doing here?"He asked.

Bailey turned around and smiled gently at the man, "Good morning!". He appeared to have returned from his morning jog. His wet hair sticking onto his face, a few drops of sweat disappearing below his collarbone. He was mesmerising and sexy. She was in a trance till his next words got to her. "Answer the damn question Bailey." "I'm back, Lance! I'm back for good. We are not going to separate again." She said with a sad smile. "Leave my house, Bailey. While I'm still being nice, get out!" He said angrily.

"I do not understand, what are you talking about Lance?" She asked confused. "What I mean is, you're not welcome here, Bailey." He said looking her directly in the eye. "Is this a prank of sorts?" She asked cautiously. "No! I do not have the time to waste pranking you." He replied walking past her and turning off the stove.

"What do you mean by I'm not welcome in my matrimonial home? Is this because of Ophelia? Do you want to replace me with your mistress?" She asked as tears filled her eyes. "Mistress? Replace you? Who are you? What relationship do we share? Hmm? Answer me Bailey. " He looks at her with a complex gaze. "I am your wife! You vowed to be mine! We promised to stay together forever, Lance! Yet, you went ahead and cheated on me and you also have the guts to deny our relationship in my face?"

"Wife? I do not have one. We promised to stay together you say? Are you not the one who walked out of this marriage in the first place?have you forgotten so soon the risks I took for you yet you actually betrayed me."

"I never did betray you, Lance. I love you too much to do such." "But you love your father more. You chose your father over our relationship so, why are you back here? Bailey are you here to mock me? Huh?!" He walked towards her with a dark aura around him, she was forced to step back weakly. "Listen, Lance although we weren't together all these years but you know it very well we were still connected over here." She said pointing her index finger at his heart.

"Be honest with me, lance. Have you not been thinking about me? You still love me don't you?" She asked looking in his eyes. "Yes, I still fucking love you Bailey and I hate myself for it. But,stop dreaming of us becoming like before. I hate you and I love you at the same time. " he said trapping her between himself and the door. In a moment of joy, she kissed him but was shaken off by him.

"Our relationship can not be saved, Bailey. You can stay and play house if you like." He said turning away. Bailey however grabbed onto his arm. "After we settle this matter between us, let's remarry. legally." With his back towards her, Bailey missed the slight smile on his face. "Do you really think I'll ever forgive you?" He asked turning to stare at her with a sneer. "I'll make it up to you Lance.I promise." He nodded and walked away.

Bailey returned to cooking with a smile. After the meal was ready, she asked one of the servants in the villa to call Lance over.

"Master, the lady says your breakfast is ready." A servant called Melody said to the man who was arranging a few files on his desk in the study. "Hmm...get my coat from the bedroom." He ordered and made his way to the dining hall. Melody stared longingly at his disappearing back.

Seated across each other, they ate their food in silence. "Can I have a few minutes of your time?" Bailey asked after he was done eating. " hmm...you can consider it payback for the meal." He said leisurely. "You said, you still love me so what's up with Ophelia?" She asked calmly. "Arranged marriage. My mother decided to play matchmaker. You know, you and my mother are so alike. She also betrayed my father and I and later came back trying to force her way into our lives. That's why I hate you so much, you make me feel helpless and I do not like that." He said then walked out of the villa with his coat handed to him by Melody. "I'll change this, Lance I promise to mend our relationship and the relationship between you and your mother." Bailey muttered to herself.

LOT corps. Hq,

As Lance stepped into the building, all his employees bowed to him. He was the role model of his male employees and the idol of his female employees. The ladies literally had hearts in their eyes as he walked past them. Lance however was not moved by their gazes. He strode over to his personal elevator and was not surprised to see the person waiting for him.

It was a beautiful lady, clad in a black suit, red stilettos and a matching purse. Her luscious blonde hair was in a low ponytail. Her lips were painted red. She looked sexy as hell. She was none other than Ophelia.

She smiled seductively at him and said,"I wonder, does my fiance not miss me at all?" Lance however ignored her and walked into the elevator. Ophelia wasn't offended but instead chuckled and followed him after telling his assistant hi. " hey George!"

When he walked into his office, she hastily followed and shut the door behind her. She then walked towards his desk in a seductive manner. "So, explain to me what you mean by your wife is back. Hmm? You want to end us just because of some mystery woman? Really Lance?" She asked circling her arms around his neck and placing his head between the soft masses on her chest.

hello guys, this is my first book on webnovel, I hope you guys can give me support by pointing out my flaws and reading on.

love you!❤️

aigirlcreators' thoughts