
miss flower and Mr. gardener

This is the story of writer and famous actoress. they don't like each other and they always fastarated to each other they don't wanted to see each other. but the destiny's wants something from them accidentally get caught up the in the story world

Aakash_Barman · Fantasia
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4 Chs

1. Miss flower and Mr gardener

once upon a time when sky the is a story writer and the Terra was a main female lead actoress in the film industry. sky is writing a story for a film producer.

"sky was not very popular writer. but he try harder and harder everyday, because he wanted to become a famous writer."

The producer asked, sky to write a traditional story for the famous lead actoress Terra.

"sky always writes a good stories . but when ever she heard story to the, actoress she would have refused. because she want to showoff by refused. but the sky was understood. that she is pretending to refused."

Then sky gets angry after refusing again and again. he than comes madly writing the story all night, next day in the morning he completed a new story he was sending the story to producer but just as he was sending, his eye's closed and he fell to the ground. "he think he was sick."

"After some time when he open his eyes, he was surprised. because he was not in his house, he was in the taraditional palace. her clothes are also not normal." he was wearing a traditional clothes. he was fully surprised were is he.

when sky started looking around her caretaker mu'ji come and he told me third prince you got up.

"mu'ji was sky's servant."and now sky is the third prince of weapon kingdom.

when he heard her name mu'ji. he understand that he was trapped his own story. he got scared. now how will he get out? he thought that if he dies then maybe he will pass out. so he started trying to kill himself. but he can't because he is afraid of dying. then he start thinking something else to get out of here.

Than mu'ji said, third prince the Lord called you. he asked why the lord is calling me? than mu'ji said because of lady Alice's daughter is coming.

"lady Alice is Queen of women's kingdom."

"The sky asked mu'ji why is she coming."

mu'ji said, to marry you! he said why, why without asking me, why? who decide it .

sky told mu'ji he didn't want to marry. because he knows already if he marry her she want to kill me on the first night of the wedding it's self.

mu'ji said third prince the Lord is calling you. sky don't want to go but he has to go. he has to obey the lord's order.

"Now he is sitting next to the lord and waiting for the Alice's daughter."

Alice's daughter entered to the lord place. after some time she sat down in the front of the third prince. the sky was very scared his eyes were closed.

mu'ji said third prince open your eye's, the lady Alice's daughter is sitting in front of you.

when he heard mu'ji words. sky slowly open his eyes. when he saw the daughter of Alice, he was very happy, tears come out of his eyes with joy.

"Because Alice's daughter was Terra." and Terra was movie actoress but . and he think he was safe because they know each other already.

sky said to my lord I do yes for marriage.

when everyone went to their room. then sky secretly went to her room so he asked how did you come here? but she didn't know what he was talking about than she got angry.

after seeing her behavior, he understood she didn't know me. what did he do by saying yes to marriage. he was trying to runaway from there. but she didn't let her go.

"in real world Terra was a actoress but in this world Terra was a warriors." and she was sick, she needed medicine to keep him alive. his health was very bad. she need a life spell medicine.

"Life spell medicine is very special thing for weapon kingdom." and weapons kingdom was very powerful kingdom that's why she want to marry prince of weapon kingdom. she wanted to kill her husband and they wanted to take over the weapon kingdom.

"sky know his plain already and he won't let that happen. then he decides to complete the story."

after marriage, when he was having dinner at night with her. she had prepared to kill her by mixing poison in the drink. and he already know that and he shouts loudly and call mu'ji.

he told mu'ji check the drink . Terra was very smart she exchanged the glasses all ready.

"mu'ji was checking the glass of wine but he didn't find any thing. sky was very confused now.

then he thought that the posion must have been placed somewhere else. he thought it's on his lips. and he kissed him and told him that if I die all the blame fall on you, but third prince is okay even after kissing him. Terra was shocked when he kissed him. then he accidentally drunk alcohol and he fainted. after he fainted mu'ji through princess Terra poisoned third prince. after that princess Terra was arrested. she was in jail and she decided to capture this kingdom now she ordering his servant kim'un tell our woman's soldiers to attack this kingdom.

Third prince wakeup and he asked where is princess Terra. mu'ji said after two day princess Terra was killed. but sky don't want to kill him so he ran to the lord, and he told him. father please don't kill her. lord said why, she poisoned you but, he lie to her father and told him I love him very much. that's why father don't kill her.

"The lord said" have you meet recently. and your arw telling me you love so much how? sky said its love at first sight, he told his father please speared his life father. after some time the father told me I spare his life but under one condition you have to do some public welfare work. he said yes father I accept.

"Lord ordered spares his life." after hearing that Terra thought why they spares my life. then she stopped his plain to capture the kingdom.

so he come to know, that sky beg to her father to spares his life. than she is curious why he bag for me? and "Terra thing is he like me."

sky through if I want to win his trust. I have to save her life."if I have to save her life. I have to stole life spell medicine from the lord place."

(life spell medicine cure anytypes of disease. we can use only time. if anybody use the life spell medicine. medicine will be disappear for 100 years. that's why medicine is very precious think for the weapon kingdom)

sky decided to take medicine for Terra because he want to win his trust. he stole the medicine for him. "while he was stealing the medicine, he was bitten by the rare snake but he didn't feel it. when he was giving her the medicine. At this time lord come he saw the medicine in our hand and he ordered to capture Terra because they think she force me to stole medicine when father order to arrest the princess Terra. he wanted to stop them but he can't because he felt his body can not move and he fell down on the ground. when lord saw her son fell down in the ground. he called the doctor.

"doctor was checked the third prince, doctor Said the third prince life is in danger because of the rare snake posion." lord decides to use the life spell medicine.

when lord giving life spell medicine to drink but he refused to drink it, lord trying to give tham but he didn't take it, than princess Terra took the medicine from him and she trying to feed him but he can't take that, than she takes the medicine in her mouth and kiss him to drink her medicine.In this way the disease of both gets cured. when doctor said third prince is fine now. the lord ordered his men's to arrested the princess Terra.

when third prince sky awaked he thought everything is fine now, but mu'ji said princess Terra was arrested by lord. when he ordered to killed her. sky run to the lord and he beging for mercy.

he said please father let her go she didn't do anything, I was wrong I stole the medicine she didn't force me when Terra heard sky's voice. she told the lord I accept your punishment but do not hurt the third prince. after hearing the princesses words, lord stopped his punishment and he forgive him. and he gave just a warning if you do again I'll punished you definitely. after saying this he left.

after some time lord's servant asked, to the lord why did you forgive him so easily. "than the lord said she save my son's life and she also canceled his plain to capture the kingdom." I think there is something between them, but they don't know that.

to be continued

miss flower and Mr. gardener

This is the story of writer and famous actoress those who get stuck in the story world they try escape from the story world but they can't.

destiny want something from tham.

Aakash_Barmancreators' thoughts