10 Aleluvaga

Continuing southeast for several days after his meeting with Alysane, Jayson reaches the edge of the forest. In all directions in front of him are rolling hills as far as the eye can see. Continuing the same path, he is met by a gentle breeze and the warming glow of the sun. Basking in the sun while stretching Jayson takes a deep breath.

"Now if I remember what Misrurri said correctly, the tribes have a nonaggression pact with the Republic of Ocsilia to the southeast, and are hostile with The Marbian Empire to the south, and the Grand Duchy of Nerdula to the west. Why would she tell me to go to the Empire then?"

Finishing his stretch he continues onward while thinking back on his time in the camp, specifically the parts with the half-kitsune woman.

During their month and a half together Misrurri taught him about many things she knew firsthand or learned for the sake of helping him. Among those things were the relations between the neighboring countries, her limited knowledge on the religions of the world, the currency of this world consisting of copper coins, silver coins and gold coins, and most importantly, to never tell another person his secret that he's from another world. If the latter is mentioned even as a slip of the tongue he will be hunted by the Atzian Theocracy no matter where he goes.

He was also taught that the theocracy has several factions, with the leading faction being that of human supremacists who enslave what they call "Demi-humans'' regardless if they're beastkin, elves, dwarves, etc. The smallest faction gets dominated by the others is the moderate faction who believe in coexistence between all races under their god Betesa, The Maker. Betesa is believed by the theocracy to be the god who created everything known in the world. He is neither benevolent or malevolent, according to the church he holds humans up as he made them in his image. Other gods of the world according to the church are heresy as they are "false gods".

"What else did she tell me over the last month… There was honestly so much, I can't remember it all."

Ignoring anything else he might be forgetting Jayson slaps his cheeks to pump himself up to hurry and get to the nearest town. He reaches the top of a hill and before his eyes he sees a town off in the distance. With a small grin on his face, Jayson runs towards the town.

After closing the distance he slowly comes to a stop with resting his hands on his knees. Looking up after catching his breath, Jayson rests his eyes on the shabby wooden wall and gate near the entrance. In front of the two meter tall wall he notices two guards standing on opposite sides of the open doors inspecting a small line of people entering and leaving the town.

Following the lead of the others entering town, Jayson walks up behind the last person and waits for his turn to enter the town. One by one people slowly enter until it's his turn. The guard puts his hand up and addresses Jayson.

"Name, and business for coming to Aleluvaga?"

"I'm Jayson, and I'm just a traveller who wanted to see everything I can on the continent."

"I see, well it's five silvers to enter the town. If you cause any trouble it'll end up bad for you, so keep that in mind.

"I will sir, thank you for the warning."

After handing the five silvers over to the guard Jayson heads through the gate. Witnessing the sun beginning to set Jayson looks along the road for a place to eat. Leaving the guards behind, he can hear the guards laugh together over swindling "the country bumpkin" for four silver coins. Ignoring them as he heads towards a building along the road with a mug on the signboard.

The lively noise of people talking as Jayson enters the building dies down as everyone looks at him. As soon as he sits at the counter and places his sack next to him, the crowd dies down. A hunched over elderly man littered with wrinkles and a bald head approaches from the opposite end of the counter.

"What'll ya have youngin'?"

"Um.. Off chance, do you have a menu?"

"Menu? You can read? Ya dun see many noblemen enter a place like this, are ya perhaps a relative o' the lord?"

"Oh, ah, no. My parents taught me a little when I was younger. What would you recommend?"

"hmm, I'd hafta say ale and if yer hungry I'd say some roasted chicken. That'll be two silvers if ya want it."

"Sure, that sounds good, thanks."

With handing the barkeeper two silvers Jayson waits for the chicken as the ale is fetched from a large barrel loaded into the wall. Listening to the rabble around him talk about various things involving the impending open war between the Empire and the Theocracy. In addition to the impending war, Temperance, Diligence, and Patience have been seen moving near the borders. Thinking to himself, Jayson believes those three things must be code names for influential figures of the Theocracy.

Another hot topic was the increasing warbands of beastmen from the United Tribes, and this increase brought many mercenaries and adventurers here to this town and Erandali as they're the closest cities to the border. Speculated forces from the Empires between both cities is roughly ten thousand, not counting the aforementioned mercenaries and adventurers.

The barkeeper taps on Jaysons shoulder as he eyes his mug of ale while listening, getting his attention while placing the plate of food in front of him. Seeing the young man lost in thought, the elderly man tells him that this has been going on for a few years now, and full-scale war won't actually break out. Jayson visibly showing signs of relief slowly picks at his plain looking food while the barkeeper turns his back to him and begins polishing off the turned over mugs along the wall.

Listening to more conversations while eating his food which seemed like a godsend compared to the food he had eaten in the camp, Jayson deduced there wasn't much in terms of key information other than that.

"Barkeeper, do you know where I can find a blacksmith in town?"

"Leave through the door ya came in, it's down the street on the left kid. Best make it a quick trip though, otherwise the smithy will close for the night… Oh! If ya need a place to sleep as well, it'll be two silvers for a room for the night. Here's a key, third door on the left on the second floor."

"I appreciate the help, then I'll be back after I visit the blacksmith. Oh and before I forget, here you go."

Jayson hands the old man two more silver coins after he checks his inventory of coins. There's six gold coins, a dozen silver coins, and a small handful of copper coins. Thinking it's best to keep some hidden on him, Jayson stealthily puts four of the gold coins in the four pockets of his pants after putting the key into a pocket. After making sure the coins don't make much sound he stands up and thanks the bartender before leaving the tavern.

Shortly after leaving the tavern Jayson's ears pick up the sound of footsteps walking in the same direction as him from when he departed the venue. As he continues to walk down the street he makes several turns down various streets in an attempt to lose whomever might be following him.

Finding himself in a dead-end alleyway Jayson turns around and sees four people entering the down the narrow alleyway after him. Placing his left hand on his dagger Jayson readies himself for a confrontation if it comes to it by briskly drawing the dagger. While keeping his vigilance up one of the men approaches him.

"Listen here kid, drop any valuables you have and you won't get hurt. Otherwise we'll have to get rough"

Looking at the man who stepped forward, he was a full head taller than Jayson and built like a man who's seen many battlefields with defining scars all over his upper body and face. The three other men were average builds from what Jayson could tell, knowing he couldn't take all of them out. He doubted his ability to even take one of them down since his combat prowess was virtually zero. Reluctantly Jayson tosses his sack over to the presumed leader of these thugs followed by the dagger on his waist and in his hand.

The man grins watching Jayson toss his stuff over to him as he jerks his head forward. One of the lackeys comes forward and grabs the daggers and the sack filled. The lackey looks in the sack and reports the contents to the burly man next to him.

"Boss there's some strange clothes in here, as well as a little bit of dried meat, two water canteens, and… whoa! Two gold coins! There's also about 20 coins mixed between silver and copper!"

Hearing his lackey the leader grins again as he glares at Jayson.

"Hoh! So you're a rich punk huh? Tell me are you a nobles son? We could fetch a wealthy ransom for your scrawny ass."

"I-I'm not a nobleman or anything of the sort… That money was given to me by a friend to help me on my journey.."

"I don't believe ya punk! No one carries this much money if they ain't nobles!"

"He might not be lyin' boss, look at 'is armor... it's worse than ours, and he's alone. no noble would send a brat looking like that and without guards."

Looking despondent at what's going on in front of his eyes, Jayson looks down as he mumbled his words and listened to the thugs converse amongst themselves. Seemingly having lost interest in the pathetic person in front of him the leader motions with his hand for the group to retreat.

Taking one last look to make sure they're gone Jayson sighs in relief about the fact they took it and didn't try to get more out of him. Having never been accosted for like this in his time on Earth, Jayson was a bit shaken up but thankful it didn't end up worse than what it was already.

"Well good thing I paid for the tavern for the night already. I'll worry about the blacksmith tomorrow, I guess."

Jayson dejectedly heads back to the tavern as the sun finally sets on this horrendous first day in Aleluvaga.

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