
Minecraft isekai modded story

Renz101231 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

chapter 4

Here's a continuation of the story:

Chapter 4

As the Ender Eye's massive jaws closed around him, Alex swung his sword with all his strength. The blade sliced clean through the boss mob's mouth, making it rear back in pain. Seizing his chance, Alex ignited a jet of flame from his hands, boosting himself up through the closing teeth.

Back on the surface, Alex faced the thrashing Ender Eye. "I won't let this be the end," he declared through gritted teeth. Drawing on every ounce of power within him, Alex unleashed a devastating lightning storm upon the boss. Bolts of electricity bombarded the Ender Eye from all directions.

Howling in agony, the hacked and burnt Ender Eye violently imploded in a vortex of violet particles. Alex shielded himself as the mob exploded, chunks of stone collapsing around him. When the dust settled, all that remained was a glowing purple nether star floating where the boss once hovered.

Alex tentatively approached and picked up the star. As his fingers closed around it, he could feel its cosmic energies thrumming through his veins. The cavern began rumbling once more. Alex rushed to escape as the ruins collapsed behind him.

Bursting back out into the sunny Overworld, Alex took a moment to catch his breath. He may have defeated the Ender Eye, but this was just the beginning. Looking at the horizon, he wondered what new dangers awaited him. For now, he was ready for a long rest.

Sheathing his sword, the champion set off in search of home. His trials here were only just beginning, but he had proven without a doubt that he belonged in this world.