


God I'm going to be late for the game. I quickly tie my hair up in a ponytail before I rush downstairs.

"Mum I'm leaving," I tell as I make my way to the door.

"How many times have I told you to quit cheerleading."

Hf. My dad. Not him again.

"It's not appropriate for girls to dance on big fields with shirt skirts and tight shirts with pom poms in their hands," he continues.

I never hear anything from him when he's told about Ares fucking all these random girls. He's probably given them chlamydia or has HIV or AIDS.

"Ares likes girls who dance with pom poms in their hands, dressed in a short skirt and tight top," I yell leaving the house.

I quickly run up to Elena's car and sit.

"Girl how long do you take to get ready? I was told that we have to arrive straight to the venue," she tells.

Elena is my best friend and we are currently running late for our college's soccer game against another college. Mainly because it took a lot of time for my mum to convince my dad that it is alright for a 17 year-old-girl will not get raped if she is a cheerleader.

We head down to our team who ate getting ready. The game is about to start in a few minutes. I place my bag to the side when there's a rose held to my sight.

"Here's to my favourite girl," he says.

I chuckle as I stand straight and look to him.

"Thankyou Leo. All the best for the game," I wish him taking the rose and placing it in my bag.

Leo was a regular friend of mine, who just loved spoiling me. Probably the only decent and respectful guy I have met in my entire lifetime.

Before each of his games he would give me a rose, knowing that they're my favourite so that his game goes well. Apparently, I was his good luck.

He walks back to the field when I realise a pair of eyes glaring at me. Ugh! I roll my eyes and walk over to my team, getting ready in our positions.

As soon as the whistle for the game blows our feet start to move in melody and the pom poms sway in the air. The first goal is scored by the opposing team which leaves a big boo to our college team.

At half time both teams are tied up with 1 goal each. And at half time half of my team is dying due to dehydration and the large white lights that are warming and sweating our bodies.

There's only a few seconds left till the time ends and the teams are still tied at 1 goal. The ball is currently in Leo's court. He drags it to the other side but the ball gets dodged off his feet by one of the opposing members which causes a huge disbelief in the audience.

Surprisingly Ares dodges the ball and takes it into his possession. Only 5 seconds left and the time is beeping. The MC is making it even tougher for the guys.


"Goal!" the referee yells.

Time is up. Our college wins. The girls come in for a group hug as the guys from our soccer team carry Ares on their shoulders. He glances at me and I give him the annoyed look. What a nuisance.


"How did I do sweetheart?" a voice asks.

I roll my eyes and turn around. It's Ares.

"Really bad, just 2 goals throughout the whole game," I contradict.

"That Leo buddy didn't do any. I scored both goals," he prouds.

"Ok and? How many goals have you scored in topping academically?" I tease.

He was my academic rival. Wait no. not just my academic rival but my greatest enemy. I wasn't familiar with the feeling hate until this guy started getting on my nerves. He's my dad's tail.

Someone who I always get told off because of. And he's my neighbour. Things don't get better from here. He's also my dad's best friend's son. Yes, yes all in one. That's why I hate him with my entire heart.

"He just wants to fuck you," he says.

Not with this bullshit again. It's like he's always running out of ideas.

"He's my friend."

"Wrong. He's my enemy."

I wince at him in disbelief. He thinks everything revolves around him.

"But then again, you're bold and stubborn. Wouldn't let anyone lay you easily," he says taking a few steps forward towards me.

I hit the wall as his eyes travel from my face around my body down to my shoulders and to my feet.

"Hmph, you're alright I guess," he says turning away.

I chuckle. Alright? I honestly didn't need his validation on my body. I don't need anyone's validation of my body. My phone starts ringing, it's my dad. I pick up the call for him to tell me I'm coming home with Ares.

"Ok dad," I sigh hanging up.

"Coming home with me?" he questions.

I give him a sarcastic smile grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"How lucky are you."

I am very unlucky. He opens the door and holds It so I can walk out. He follows behind as we head to his car. I actually have one benefit, he's like a slave for me.

I can get him to do anything for me and he won't question it since he's so obsessed with my dad. Or maybe I'm wrong because he argues about everything with me. Plus he's a sulk.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat waiting for him to start driving but he doesn't. I give him the 'what?' look but he just stares at me.

He takes his face to mine and we directly look at each other. His eyes glance at my lips before he pulls back and secures me with the seatbelt.

He adjusts himself on the seat and starts driving. I wonder why he keeps commenting about my personal life.

"I really think you should stay at a distance with him," he speaks.

"I don't remember asking about what you think."

"Ouch. What's with the attitude sweetheart."

I hated it when he called me sweetheart. It was a term he used for his petty little girls he would fuck all the time or even flirt with. He was nicely built, everything about him was perfect. He had brown hair which he recently dyed into a purple greyish shade.

His eyes were the lightest shade of brown I had ever seen, really bright. Every feature of his was perfect. Which he took advantage of all the time. He's so confident about his looks that he doesn't see anything else but them.

"How many times do I have to tell you-" I get cut off.

"Yeah, yeah, don't call me sweetheart," he finishes.

Exactly what I mean. He finds ways to annoy me. But the power he holds over my dad just because he is a boy and I am a girl, that hits different. Before I get out of the car Ares grabs the rose Leo gave me and tors it apart, throwing it.

"Why would you do that?" I yell.

"I felt like it, what are you going to do?" he says.

"Ugh!" I yell slamming his car door.

"Hey," he yells.

I turn back to listen to him. He stands having his arm laying on the roof of his car with a big smile on his face.

"Shake those hips again for me will you in my room tonight," he winks.

Disgusting. I walk into my house and through the door. My dad and mum are sitting in the living room. I greet them and walk up to my room, changing into my pyjamas. Afterwards I walk out into my balcony and stare up at the sky.

It's a personal trait of mine to see the night sky every night. Whenever the night sky has a lot of stars, I've had a really great day and when there aren't any or as much, I've had a bad day.

Today, I've had an average day. There was nothing much exciting to do today. I go back inside my room and grab a book of mine to read. I pick up the Spanish Love Deception.

I had started it just yesterday and I'm nearly done with it.


These men in books aren't even of high standards. Honestly speaking they do the bare minimum. Catalina is just so lucky she's had someone who's been in love with her for years. I lean against the edge of my balcony as I hold the book to my eyes reading it.

'I'm thinking that you want me to kiss you.'

My blood swirled at his words, turning thicker. I do. I do.

'And I'm also thinking that if I don't do it soon, I might lose my goddamn mind.'

Do it Aaron. Kiss her for God's sake it's been 368 pages. KISS HER ALREADY.

"I might loose my goddamn mind too if I don't kiss you soon," a voice says from behind making me jump.

The book flies out of my hands off the balcony but he catches it. Ares.

"You scared me," I say turning around to him.

He hands my book back to me and traps me between his arms, leaning down to my face.

"You can always live these scenes sweetheart," he whispers up to my ear.

God his scent. It smells so expensive but good. I push him away from me and roll my eyes but he grabs my wrist stopping me.

"Think again. It's possible," he offers with a smirk.

"Anyone but you would work for me," I sarcastically smile and go into my room.

"What are you here for?" I ask, placing the book on my bed.

"I needed the books sir gave you today," he tells.

"I'll get them for you," I say heading over to my study table gathering the books.

"Iris," my dad barges in giving me a fright.

The books drop loudly on the desk as I stumble back a bit. Ares narrows his eyebrows at my reaction and my dad just stares at me.

"Did you give him the books yet?" he asks.

"I – I was about to," I stutter.

"Come to my study after you do," he says leaving the room.

I take a deep breath and gather the books off my desk again.

"Funny how you don't run your mouth around your dad," he taunts.

"Get out of my room," I say handing him the books and pushing him out.

"Rude, is this how you treat guests."

"Guests my ass. Leave."

I head down to my dad's study to see what he has to say to me.

"I need to get to the college early tomorrow so be ready an hour early," he says.

I nod okay and leave the room. That's the closest I'll ever get to having a normal conversation with my dad. Which is funny, isn't it?

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