
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 33 Part 2

Chapter 33: Premonition

Once I returned to our base, I took a few wizards with me and went back to harass the soldiers of the Rocha Kingdom.

Using water and wind magic, we drenched them from a distance.

"I'm glad we have two Empire-made staffs," I said.

I handed the staffs to the wizards I brought along. One of them cast a sprinkling water spell, while the other used a wind-raising spell.

Sprinkling water was originally a weak magic used for watering fields, and wind-raising was meant as a substitute for a fan. But when amplified by the Empire-made staffs, sprinkling water turned into a drizzle spell, and wind-raising became a powerful gust spell.

Though the magical energy consumption remained the same as usual, this demonstrated why the Empire's army was formidable.

Now, while we were using magic to harass them, I wondered how the enemy was dealing with it. It seemed they formed a dense formation and pushed their shields forward to block the gusts and drizzle.

They looked just like a group of penguins enduring a blizzard, as I had seen in educational program footage from my previous life.

However, unlike the feathered and fat-insulated penguins, the soldiers of the Rocha Kingdom wore iron equipment.

I wondered how much they could endure the drizzle, gusts, and the cold of the winter mountain.

As I hoped they'd give up and retreat, the soldiers using the Empire-made staffs called out to me.

"Prince Milimos, we're almost reaching our limit."

"Continuing to use even weak magic is surprisingly draining."

"Yeah, don't push yourself too hard. This harassment is just to give them a cold. If it gets tough, you can stop."

When I gave them permission, the two wizards stopped using magic and staggered a bit.

It's not like they lost physical strength when their magical power was depleted, but the mental fatigue and weakening of their will could lead to symptoms similar to anemia. I had experienced it often during my magic studies.

"Then, let's climb the mountain a bit and wait. The soldiers of the Rocha Kingdom will probably take a break now."

Collecting the staffs from the two, I took the lead and started climbing the mountain. However, they stopped me.

"Prince Milimos, if they're resting, wouldn't it be a chance to attack?"

"That's right. We still have three people here with plenty of magical power. Let's defeat them here!"

I understood their enthusiasm, but there were valid reasons not to attack.

"We are trying to make them retreat by breaking their spirits with harassment. But if we cause casualties among them here, they'll consider us as their comrades' enemies and come up here at all costs. Then, the purpose of the harassment would be lost."

The soldiers seemed dissatisfied when I tried to convey the purpose of the operation.

"Does Prince Milimos really intend to let them come up without doing anything?"

"If we reduce the number of enemies, our losses will decrease as well!"

"I get that, too. That's why when they come up a bit more, I plan to launch a direct attack. Once they reach a position where the mountaintop is clearly visible, no matter how much we harass them, they won't consider retreating."

Perhaps they understood that I was considering the aftermath as well, as the soldiers withdrew their objections.

"In that case, we'll continue with the harassment mission."

"But, are we going to attack them directly with magic? They're ignorant fools trying to climb a winter mountain in metal armor. Constant water, wind, and cold will make them sick of it and they'll retreat."

"However, Prince Milimos is quite resourceful. It's unheard of to repel metal armor with water instead of fire."

A smile naturally formed on my face in response to the soldiers' banter.

"Just avoiding a war here is already a win for the Kingdom of Nonette. Just mobilizing the army incurs expenses for food and fuel. They'll need to decide on a swift attack, so the consumption will be enormous with a mobilization of ten thousand troops. Once a full invasion fails, they won't be able to attempt it again immediately. It will take at least two years of preparation, I think."

This is not just wishful thinking on my part.

The reason why the Kingdom of Rocha is trying to invade the Kingdom of Nonette is to obtain the Certificate of Peerage with the Empire – ultimately to renegotiate their dealings with the Empire on more favorable terms.

The reason they want this is that Rocha's weapons can no longer be sold to the Empire, causing their economy to falter.

In other words, Rocha is short on money.

They managed to scrape together military funds by managing their meager finances and planned this invasion somehow. Without gambling on war, they cannot revitalize their economy.

So, if this invasion fails, it's unlikely that Rocha can gather military funds for at least two years, while still planning for a possible second invasion to avoid the country's economic ruin. Paradoxically, if they had enough economic leeway to immediately attempt a second invasion, they wouldn't need to target the mere piece of paper that Nonette holds.

When I explained all of this to the soldiers, they returned blank faces, seemingly unable to comprehend it.

"Prince Milimos is thinking it through, so we'll be fine."

"As expected of the Marshal. We can't even comprehend half of what he's saying."

"I wish he'd understand our feelings properly..."

Well, a soldier's duty is to fight. Even for magical soldiers with academic knowledge like us, it's the same. It's best to stop having unreasonable expectations.

"Now then, let's climb a little further up the mountain and take a break. Since we are all magic users, cooking is easier for us."

"Without firewood, we can boil water without carrying a canteen, so we don't have to worry about the water freezing."

"The only downside is that we have to eat portable food since the animals are in hibernation and won't come out."

We continued joking and laughing as we ascended the mountainside.

The harassment towards the soldiers of Rocha Kingdom continued day after day.

On their side, they had also been bombarded with magic repeatedly, so they were becoming accustomed to dealing with it.

Nevertheless, after climbing the mountain wearing heavy armor and being soaked by rain and gusts of magic during the day, it seemed that weariness was starting to show.

Some soldiers marched with heavy steps, and it appeared that some had caught a cold, walking with the support of their comrades.

"Despite all this harassment and even people falling ill, they still won't stop climbing the mountain..."

Considering they were a force of three thousand out of an estimated ten thousand mobilized soldiers, they were undoubtedly an advance party.

And for an advance party on an important mission, relaying information to the main force was essential.

Which route was safer for the main force to pass through? Where were appropriate resting places? What was the scale and equipment of the enemy they encountered?

Even if the advance party were to be wiped out, the main force, with the information they obtained, could either bypass the location where the advance party was annihilated or be better prepared for their advance.

"So they could just run back home, but they're stubbornly trying to cross the mountains."

Leaving the magical harassment to the soldiers, I quietly confirmed each peculiar point.

"Rocha Kingdom's soldiers, despite looking annoyed by our harassment, continue to climb the mountain."

They don't seem to be climbing the mountain out of anger and stubbornness.

"Their morale is low, and they could escape, but they still won't run away. It means they received an order to cross the mountain at all costs."

But why would their superior officers give them such an order?

"The most likely reason is that Nonette Kingdom has fewer soldiers, and they thought they could overcome the advance party alone."

However, I am causing harm through the harassment of Kiriame and Toppu, leading to illness. Before the damage expands, it would be rational and easier to break through if I descend the mountain and rejoin the main unit, starting the mountain climb based on the information brought back by the advance team.

Persisting with this approach implies that the advance team's suffering is being ignored in those orders.

"What are the benefits for Rocha and the disadvantages for Nonette if we conquer this mountain?"

For Rocha, they can control the only road that connects their country with Nonette, and they can establish an invasion base.

The disadvantage for Nonette would be having their direct path blocked, but that only means losing the shortcut. Thanks to Mendashium's demise and its territory becoming part of the Empire, Nonette's diplomats can now pass through that region. By following the Imperial route, they can reach Rocha. In essence, it's almost like having no disadvantages at all.

"Hmm. The balance between benefits and losses doesn't seem to add up for an order that suggests using a force of three thousand troops."

There must be some benefits that I'm not aware of, but it's pointless to speculate without information.

"Moreover, it's strange that we can't even see the shadow of the main force below the mountain while the advance team is delayed by harassment."

Even if they are waiting for the advance team to conquer the mountain, it's odd not to have them deployed at the base of the mountain. They should have sent messengers to find out what's going on.

"I'm not flying any magic aircraft in the sky like I do."

Looking up, there are no bird-shaped reconnaissance magic aircraft. Besides, the cold on this mountain would cause any bird-shaped scouts to freeze and crash, making them unusable.

"Considering everything I've been thinking so far, and when I consider the role of Rocha's advance team..."

Marching towards a location with uncertain benefits, disregarding the harm. And the main force of Rocha doesn't show up.

The most plausible conclusion drawn from all this is...

"Is it to lure many of Nonette's soldiers to this point and keep them focused on the advance team?"

As I speak the words out loud, I become confident that it's a possible scenario.

"Nonette has fewer soldiers, so they must defend certain locations with all their might. Taking advantage of that, they use the advance team as bait, while the main force crosses the mountains and advances into Nonette. This leaves the inside of Nonette almost defenseless, allowing them to advance as they please."

It's a scenario that favors Rocha, and my intuition tells me that it's on point.

"The problem now is from which location will Rocha's main force enter Nonette..."

Even if my premonition turns out to be correct, the number of soldiers in the Nonette Kingdom is still small.

Suppose the main force of the Rocha Kingdom consists of seven thousand soldiers; if we were to face them, it would be desirable to concentrate our troops at one point.

"In that case, it will be a decisive battle at the royal castle... No, strategically, it would be a losing move."

To defeat a large army with a smaller force, guerrilla tactics or a defensive battle within a fortress are the only options.

However, there are towns surrounding the royal castle. Abandoning those towns and engaging in a decisive battle within the castle would result in enormous casualties, even if we were to win. This should be a last resort.

"Giving up on concentrating the soldiers at one point, we have no choice but to disperse our troops on the eastern side of Nonette Kingdom, among the mountains on Rocha Kingdom's side."

This will further dilute our already limited military strength. Facing the massive Rocha army would be akin to facing a nest of countless bees alone.

"Hmm, I guess I'll have to consult with Alextem about this."

As I've reached the point of my deliberations, I stop muttering to myself.

When I look up, the soldiers are staring at me with puzzled expressions.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, you've been muttering for a long time, so we wondered if you were preparing for some powerful magic."

"Or maybe you've gone crazy from the cold."

"How rude. I was just thinking about why Rocha soldiers wouldn't give up on mountain climbing."

"I see. Prince Milimos is indeed sharp, trying to understand the enemy's thinking."

"So, did you find anything out?"

"Well, I'm not certain. But I have a hunch that the Nonette Kingdom is at a disadvantage. So, I decided to retreat to the defensive position and consult with Alextem."

As I explained my plan, the soldiers' expressions changed to more relaxed ones.

"Prince Milimos is still just twelve years old. Oops, I almost forgot."

"Alextem is experienced as a soldier. He's the perfect person to consult with."

"...Everyone seems to be a bit puzzled by their expressions, but oh well. Let's retreat."

"We don't have to engage them directly, right?"

"Once we retreat to the top of the mountain, we'll be at the perfect distance to inflict damage when we descend again. Of course, depending on the result of the consultation with Alextem, we might not even need to attack."

Though the soldiers seemed to have difficulty grasping my words, they decided to follow my lead with an attitude of "Since Prince Milimos is retreating, let's go with him" as we all returned to the defensive position on top of the mountain.