
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 2


Chapter 2: Body Hunting

While lost in thought, the battle between the Magistri-Prumbul of the Magic Empire and the Mudou Beniornatal of the Holy Knight Nation had become a melee.

The Magistri side, after their formations failed, shifted to a strategy of dividing into squads focused on individuals wielding magical weapons to take down enemy soldiers one by one. Those who had been casting flashy magic with large staffs were also participating in the squads, giving orders on where to go. It seemed they were using bird-shaped magic machines to survey the area and grasp the direction of their enemies.

On the side of the Holy Knight Nation, knights on horseback were rampaging around the battlefield on their own, while foot soldiers tried to fight together in groups.

As I watched the battle, Alektem tapped me on the shoulder.

"We'll be leaving our lodgings soon, as the battle is about to end."

"What? It seems like it's going to continue for a while though?"

"Once it devolves into chaos like this, both sides will quickly give the signal to withdraw. It's been a custom for over a decade."

Alektem had experienced the battlefields of the Magic Empire and the Holy Knight Nation many times to show his siblings what it was like. I knew his words weren't a lie.

"Okay, got it. Let's move."

I took out a folded empty backpack from my luggage and put it on my back.

Seeing me so enthusiastic, Alektem frowned.

"Do you really plan on going? The battlefield is quite dangerous, even if the fighting has ended."

"I know it's dangerous. But if we don't take that risk, we won't be able to get our hands on the technology of the Empire or the Knight Nation, right?"

I held up a crystal I was trying to conceal under a cloth - it was also made by analyzing the magic machines of the Magic Empire - and Alektem shrugged.

"I doubt Milimos-sama would go. I'm sure Grandfather alone will suffice."

I understand that you are worried, but since it was my proposal to collect the discarded weapons from both sides on the battlefield, I must fulfill my responsibility.

"Grandpa, you can't use the eyes of a bird. It's dangerous to move forward without knowing where things are on the battlefield. Besides, you know I have the power to defend myself."

"...That's true. Alright then, let's go quickly and come back soon."

Now that Alektem had finally stood up, we decided to leave the inn.

We left the town and headed towards the battlefield. During our journey, I took out a crystal wrapped in cloth and opened the cloth slightly to peer into the crystal.

By doing this, I could look through the eyes of a wooden bird flying in the sky without having to move it to a wall.

"It seems that both sides are forming their formations. It feels like there might be one more attack."

"Don't worry. Once they've aligned themselves, they will exchange words to close the battle with each other."

"Oh, you're right. It looks like a representative from each side is stepping forward and shouting something, just like before the battle began."

Alektem's prediction was correct, so I used magic to control the wooden bird and began to search for the fallen bodies lying away from where the two armies were glaring at each other.

Although there were sparse forests in the vast plain, we found the site where the battle had taken place in one of them.

I gestured to Alektem and asked him to take out the map.

The homemade map that Alektem had drawn of the battlefield's geography was not particularly well-drawn, but it was sufficient to indicate the approximate location.

"It looks like a battle took place here in this forest. If we're going to hide and collect weapons, this seems like the easiest place to do it."

"Hmm... both armies are far away. Okay, let's head there. But keep the bird's vigilance in the sky."

"Understood. I'll make it fly high and look down on the ground."

With our destination decided, we hurried on our way.

There is some distance, but I am young and have sacred magic, so there are no physical problems. I was worried about Alektem, who is in the middle of old age, but as expected of being chosen as a marshal's guard, he still has the physical ability to work as an active soldier.

The two of us entered the forest and searched for any bodies between the trees. There were burnt and smoldering trees and felled live trees scattered around due to a battle that had undoubtedly taken place here. Pushing through the rustling grass, they finally found it: signs of a fierce battle and several bodies.

"...It's shocking the first time you see it," I said.

In my previous life, I had seen war movies and the internet, so I had opportunities to see the bodies of the battlefield. However, this was my first time seeing it in person. In addition, because they were bodies on the battlefield, they were severely damaged. Some had intestines spilling out after being slashed, some had faces distorted in agony, and some were clinging to another body as they were dying.

Unable to move in the face of such vivid scenes of death, Alektem released me from my paralysis.

"We can't afford to stop here. We have to strip the equipment from these bodies. If it's too difficult, I'll do it, okay, lad?"

"I-I understand. I'll do it myself."

I was the one who suggested it, so if I left it to Alektem, it would be the same as abandoning my responsibility. I put some force back into my lower abdomen, took a step forward, and collected the equipment from the bodies with the momentum of my steps. I peeled off the fingers that were tightly clasping the equipment and tried not to look too much at the spilled guts.

"...It seems like only the Empire side died here."

To distract myself from feeling gloomy, I continued to speak while working. The equipment I picked up from the ten or so bodies looked like magic weapons, armor, and staffs. There were no soldiers or knights from the Kingdom present in full-body armor. However, all the fatal wounds on the Imperial soldiers were from swords. It was undoubtedly the case that there were soldiers or knights from the Kingdom in this location.

As I put the spoils of war in my backpack, I continued to look around. Then, unlike the previous bodies, a full-body armor appeared. As I tried to approach it, Alektem stopped me.

"The corpses of the Imperial side may be treated roughly, but those of the Knight country must be treated with respect. If we are seen treating them poorly, the Knight country will chase us to the ends of the earth." 

I became serious at the chilling story. 

"So we must perform funeral rites according to etiquette. Specifically, what should we do?" 

"If you're a knight, take off your cloak and place it over the corpse, which should be lying on its back. Then, to prevent the cloak from flying away, place a sword on top of it." 

As I listened to Alektem's words and looked at the corpses, I noticed that they were not wearing cloaks. 

"It seems there is no cloak?" 

"If there is no cloak, then the corpse is not that of a soldier. In that case, you should lay it on its back and hold the helmet you have removed with both hands for the funeral rite." 

I treated the corpse as instructed, and then put my hands together and chanted "Namunamu" in my heart. 

"Well, the funeral rites for the corpse are over. If it is forbidden to dishonor the corpse, we cannot take their equipment." 

"That is not entirely true. The short sword and leather bag that one has with them are allowed to be taken by the person who performed the funeral rite." 

Alektem quickly took one leather bag from the corpse. He handed it over to me, and I checked its contents. It contained silver and copper coins. 

As payment for the funeral rites, I received it gratefully. 

"Well then, let's search for other corpses." 

"Wait. If we find a corpse from the Knight country, we are supposed to light a signal fire. Therefore..." 

Alektem was giving a lecture, but I interrupted him midway. 

"Shh. I can hear someone's voice... it sounds like crying." 

When we became quiet, Alektem seemed to hear it too. 

"The sound of a child's voice is coming from over there. Let's go." 

Both of us moved quickly in the direction of the voice, trying to be as quiet as possible.