
Get me out of here

A horde of bone cold skeletons clad in half torn leather armor rushed towards him. He had tried to fight too many of them at once.

"AHHHH!" The middle aged man ran for his life.

"Hey old man, come this way!" A teenager in golden armor called out to him.

Immediately, he ran towards the teenager inside the dungeon. The young lad ran around the corner where his party of other teenagers were waiting to ambush the skeletons. The middle aged man followed soon after with the skeletons clicking their bones right on his tail.

Right as he turned the corner, the ambush party leapt forth and unleashed a slew of weapon skills and spells.


"Heavy Slash!"

"Decaying Field!"

"Double Stab!"

"Holy Judgement!"

The combination of skills that the party performed instantly turned the skeletons into dust.

"Whew. Thanks old man because of you we could charge our skills without being interrupted", the young man from earlier spoke and was apparently the party leader. "Well. Bye!!" The teenager was determined to be the first to clear this particular dungeon, so he took his party and moved further into the dungeon paying no heed to the old man.

"Ah. Ok. Bye..." The middle aged man replied half-heartedly.

It had been a week since Bill, the middle aged man and everyone else playing Fantasy Legends Online had been trapped inside the virtual reality MMO. After a few days of the game being launched, a bug appeared and players couldn't log out of the game after entering.

Shortly afterwards, the public was in an uproar and quickly looked towards the developers of the game. The developers of the game were incredibly panicked as they had no idea how this had happened and hastily stopped players from accessing the game. As for the players stuck inside the game, well they would just have to wait until they could figure out the problem.

The world's nations worked with the developers and assembled an international team to investigate the bug. The affected players bodies were moved into hospitals in order to be taken care of. The developers of the 1st full VR game Fantasy Legends Online were ordered to pay for their care. They could do nothing but cry as their massive profits went down the drain.

Since the investigation team was put together, they honestly hadn't achieved much. From the outside view, it could be seen that several countries were arguing with each other because they wanted to lead the investigation in order to gain face for their country. Obviously this did not help the situation.

However, only an extremely small amount of players seemed to care whether they could leave or not. Surprisingly enough, the majority were happily exploring dungeons chatting with each other and playing the game normally. This was mainly because the player base was filled with young people who wanted to enjoy the new cutting edge game as much as they could before returning to their regular lives. 'Hey if the government is paying to keep me alive, why the hell shouldn't I enjoy this?' This was the general opinion of the player base.

Meanwhile, Bill was in the minority with wanting to leave. He had a family to take care of! There was a very real chance that he could get fired from his 9-5 office job as well. The entire reason he had even touched this game was because his son had asked him to login and get the daily login rewards while he was away on a school camp. He should've only been there for a moment. But now he was stuck here.

'Someone get me out of here...'

These were his only thoughts for the past week. How could he have known that he'd be stuck in this adventurous world. All he really wanted to do is go home to his wife and son. Now this middle aged man had to fight skeletons and other monsters in order to live!

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