
Quirk Apprehension Test II


Each student had various expressions after hearing what Aizawa said. Kicked out of school on the first day? Isn't that crazy?

Kurayami calmly observed the expressions of others around him and silently nodded, specifically at Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu. They have calm and collected expression on their faces. There's no trace of fear and anxiety like others, they're clearly confidence with their own abilities.

'As expected from Endeavor's son. His training with his father must have been har-no, it should have been borderline abuse. Simple expulsion threat like this definitely wouldn't faze him at all.' Kurayami thought to himself as he vaguely remembered Endeavor's attitude towards his own family. Kurayami felt that the way Endeavor treat his family was a bit too much.

And as for Yaoyorozu, there isn't much to said about her. She came from a very rich family, so the education and training that she received must be top tier too. But despite all her family's wealth, she still maintains respect and courtesy toward others. Kurayami silently praise her parents inside his mind because they have done an excellent job raising her.

He also thought that Endeavor could learn a thing or two from them on how to raise children and be a good parents.


(Back to the test)

Just as expected, because of Aizawa's additional rule, the feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety immediately arises inside some of the students' minds.

"Last place will be expelled?! B-but It's our first day here!!.. Even if it's not... Isn't that too unreasonable?!!" Uraraka voiced her opinion while the others nodded their heads slightly indicating that they also somewhat agreed with her.

But unfortunately, her opinion were quickly dismissed by Aizawa without mercy.

"Unreasonable..? Natural disasters, large scale accidents and rampaging villains. Such things can happen anytime and anywhere, especially in our country. Japan is now positively flooded with 'unreasonable'. Our job as a hero to set things right and restore 'reason'." Aizawa's face was serious while the students listening to his 'lecture'.

"If you plan to mess around and have fun here, you might as well go home. From now on, for the next three years, all you can expect from your life at U.A is one hardship after another."

"This is 'Plus Ultra'. I expect you to overcome these trials and climb to the top." Aizawa finishes his small 'lecture' with a grin on his face, trying to provoke them.

As expected from a bunch of teenagers, the students immediately become excited and fired up upon hearing Aizawa's words.

"Now, let's start with the test." Aizawa continued while looking at all his students.

"""Yes, sensei!"""


(Five minutes later)

*beep* "4.2 seconds."

"Fuu..." Kurayami breath out as he finishes his run. '4.2 seconds huh, not bad I guess.' Kurayami thought as he take out a bottle of mineral water from his shadow and proceed to drink it.

*beep* "5.58 seconds."

He looks at his 'partner' at his side who just finished her run. The frog girl, Tsuyu Asui also look back at him and said with her signature blank face "You are quite fast, Kaito-chan. And you're not using your quirk at all, kero."

"Well, thanks for the compliment. You are quite fast yourself. Here, take this." he replied to her while handing her another bottle of water that he take out from his shadow.

"Thanks, My name is Tsuyu Asui. Call me Tsu." she introduced herself to him as she accepts the bottle of water. She couldn't help but looked at his shadow curiously. She wonder what kind of things that Kurayami put inside his shadow.

"Next pair." Aizawa said after he saw that Kurayami and Tsuyu had already finished their run.

"Well, I guess you already know my name but yeah, I'm Kurayami Kaito, nice to meet you, Tsu." he replied with a small smile as they walked away to the side while chatting a bit.


The tests then continue one by one. All students did their best in the test, using their quirks in a wide variety of different situations.

50-meter dash, ball throw, grip strength, standing long jump, repeated side steps, endurance running, seated toe-touch and sits up.

These eighth physical tests are not that difficult to begin with. But this time, they were given permission to use their quirks so the results might be different from what they imagined. Because of that, they have no other choice than do their best and hope not to be in last place and expelled from school.


(About an hour later)

[Kurayami P.O.V]

They finally arrived at the last test which is the ball throw. Just like what Bakugo did at the beginning, they just need to throw the ball as far as they could using their quirk.

All these tests made Kurayami realize something crucial. He just freaking realized that he doesn't have any kind of instant movement techniques for close combat.

'Hmmm... looks like I've been so engrossed in the Devil Modes all these years that I forgot about this. I can travel through shadow, but that's for long distance transportation. I need something like [Body Flicker] or [Shunpo].' Kurayami thought as he frowned a bit thinking how to recreate those techniques.

He is not like Kirishima, he can't tank all attacks from his opponents. His style is more similar to an assassin. That's why his training routine mostly filled with speed, agility and one shot-kill techniques. He do have some large scale techniques but most of them are just for distraction, binding and entrapment.

'Sigh, fortunately I have some times. Is it even possible to replicate something similar to [Body Flicker] or [Shunpo] though? Hmmm... I guess I'll just have to try it. Looks like I have to postpone katana training for a while then.' Kurayami thought as he watched his classmates do the ball throw test one by one.

His thought process was broken when he felt someone poke his shoulder. He jerked up and looked at his right and saw the mischievous pink girl was talking to him again even after what happened in the class earlier.

"Oi~ Yami, you're making an interesting face over there, what are you thinking about?" Mina asked as she looked at him curiously.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about what to eat for dinner today." he wave her off and make up a lie on the spot.

"Muu~ Fine, keep it to yourself then." she pout at his words at first, she knew he was lying but at the end she chose ignore it and continued chatting with him. She decided to annoy him later as her revenge.

Kurayami knew what she was thinking but decided to ignore it as well. He really couldn't stop this girl either. She always does whatever she wants, so he just went along with her. It was a bit annoying at first but now he find this girl's mischievous and silly behavior very entertaining.


"Izuku Midoriya." Their conversation was cut off by Aizawa's voice, calling the protagonist for the 'ball throw' test.

Midoriya went inside the circle and prepare himself to throw the ball. But the weird thing is, everyone can clearly see that he is very nervous by how much his body is shaking.

Some of them are kind of curious and wondering what's wrong with this green haired dude. It's a simple test, just throw the ball and that's it. Why are you so nervous bruh?

"Hey, Yami. I noticed this earlier but this Midoriya haven't used his quirk at all from the beginning. What's up with him? Is he okay?" she asked him while looking at Midoriya curiously.

"Well, who know..." He can't said the real answer right? So he just pretend that he doesn't know anything.

"Hmph!..." She just snorted and went back to watch the show. 'This stinky guy must know something...'

(Note: Same thing happen in anime/manga. I'm lazy to write them lol xD)


"It seems that his quirk has a rather inconvenient drawback, his finger was nearly destroyed by that move alone." Kurayami said to Mina as he pointed out Midoriya's finger. 'OFA... what a powerful quirk, that little burst of power just now... looks like I need to step up my training again.' he thought seriously as he looked at Midoriya from a distance.

"Yeah... that must have hurt a lot." she can't help but wince a bit as she looked at Midoriya's finger.

"By the way, do you want hangout after school? I'm going to the karaoke with the girls, you wanna join?" She suddenly asked him with her puppy eyes, trying to tempt him to join her little gathering.


"Well, you girls can have fun. I don't want to bother you. I've got something to do after school. And how many times do I have to tell you, this puppy eyes trick won't work on me." he rejected her offer and flicked her forehead halfheartedly. He felt a little bad rejecting her offer but he needs to test whether or not he can recreate the [Body Flicker] , [Shunpo] or something similar to them.

"Ouch!" she hold her forehead and glares at him while pouting. "Hmph, you meanie! I'm ignoring you!" she then left him alone and went to chat with other girls.

Kurayami looks at the girl's back speechlessly and couldn't help but complain inwardly 'Aren't you the one who's started the conversation with me... Sigh, what a troublesome woman.'

"And lastly... Kurayami Kaito." Aizawa's voice suddenly pull him out of his thoughts.

He went into the circle and get ready to throw the ball without using his quirk. Just as he was about to launch the ball to the air, his movements suddenly halted when he heard Aizawa's voice again.

"Use your quirk..." his words that accompanied with a piercing glare that makes even Kurayami sweat a little bit.

'Alright, jeez...' Kurayami entered the pitching stances once again. But this time he wrapped his arm with shadows to show that he is indeed using quirk. His quirk do provide some boost for his physical strength. It's a very little boost, but at least he got something. And yeah, he just want that piercing glare to stop.

After taking a deep breath, he launch the ball to the air. He then looked at Aizawa to make sure that his performance was acceptable.

"200.79 meters, I guess that's all of you." the hobo man said while nodding a bit. After hearing that, Kurayami went to the sideline to join the other students.

"Hehehe..." He looks at girls side and saw Mina pointing her finger at him while snickering. She probably thought what happened to him earlier was funny. His eyebrow twitch looking at her actions.

'This girl...' He sigh a bit and decided to ignore her and looked at Aizawa who was about to announce something.

"Alright... the results. Sigh... I'm tired, so I'll just show you." a hologram screen appeared showing the ranking for the test.

Everyone eyes immediately went to the bottom of the ranking to check out the unfortunate person who's going to be expelled from the school.

19. Izuku Midoriya

20. Minoru Mineta

'Oh... this is interesting...' Kurayami thought as he glance at Mineta.



Sigh... I'm sorry for the delay, I got some... issues here. Ya know, some stuffs happened. Life 😮‍💨...

Anyway, should I kick out Mineta? Or nah... and IF I DO kick him out... Who will replace him? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Enjoy your day and thanks for checking out my fanfic🙃👋🏻.

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