
MHA: Reality Of Those With Nothing

A young child named Ricolo is born into a cruel world, but is gifted a powerful quirk, that could easily make him a feared villain. But before he could walked down that path, he is suddenly stopped by All Might.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime e quadrinhos
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42 Chs

Chapter 43: Hero Names

Pov: Deku

Everything was about the same in the days after the Sports Festival except for the awkward silence engulfing the classroom. It has been roughly four days since Ricolo's sudden disappearance and even though he didn't say much. The class was definitely louder when he was here. 

Ever since Mina told us about the attack on Ricolo during the cavalry battle. Trust in our teachers has swayed a little. Of course, I understand why they didn't tell us. They wanted to stop a mass panic from sweeping through the spectators in the stands or us. But, even though, they did it for a good reason, and we all knew in the back of our minds the teachers and other higher-ups were hiding stuff from us, this has given us confirmation. That they were doing such. 

So, obviously. This strange feeling would engulf the classroom. Even Eraserhead is quiet. Standing in front of a podium lost in his thoughts. But mixed with the weird air, is panic. I can't say, I'm not slightly nervous as well. Ricolo was one of, if not the strongest student here. And, if he was brought down, by let's say the villains that attacked the USJ...The rest of us would lose as well. 

" Ignoring the awkwardness in this room. It is time to choose your hero identity. " Says Eraserhead in not a very enthusiastic voice.

Hero identity? Crap I didn't think of a- Before, I could finish my train of thought, Eraserhead spoke again, talking to the silent classroom.

" This isn't just a class to choose your name. This also has to do with the draft picks I talked about the last time, we were in class. Usually, you wouldn't enter the draft until your second or third year. But your class is a special case. In extending offers to first-years like yourself, pros are essentially banking on your potential. But if they lose interest they can cancel the offer before you graduate. And behind me are the offers you all have received. " 

With a click of a button on a remote, the offers abruptly appeared behind Eraserhead on the green chalkboard. Todoroki is first which isn't surprising, Bakugo is second. B-But, looks like I didn't get any. I feel a hand grab onto my shoulders as Mineta talks while nudging my shoulder.

" Midoriya. You got none. They were probably grossed out by the absurd way you were fighting. " I could only let out a sad, sigh, as Eraserhead speaks again, in a slightly more excited tone. Looks like talking to us, is making him forget about the Ricolo incident but were Ricolo and Eraserhead close? They never seemed like it. 

" Regardless of the results. You all will be interning with pros. Got it, even those who didn't get offers. " 

" Huh? So, we are all interning? " I ask him. 

" Yes. You have all experienced combat against real villains during the USJ attack. But still, it will be helpful for you all to see actual pros at work. Up close and personal. In the field. " 

Really? Then this really could be a good chance to learn how to control my quirk better. If I can find a hero with similar ability to mine, then maybe, I could learn from them, and finally figure out how to use my quirk to its full extent. I start to rub my chin, as Uraraka and my other classmates begin to talk loudly to Eraserhead. But I mostly overlooked their voices until the sound of the classroom door sliding made me snap my eyes to the entrance. 

" If you choose a stupid name. You will have hell to pay later. " Says Midnight walking into the classroom...

As Deku and the other students got ready to choose their names, in the middle of an alleyway, the sound of horrid screaming rang out sharply, piercing through the air, like a sword. A stationary pro hero, wearing an orange suit, and a goofy-looking hat. Could be seen with a large gash on his right arm. 

" I-I can't move!" 

Said the hero, tightly clutching onto a young baby. His eyes were dilated and his breathing was hasty. The man had just tried to run away until his body abruptly froze. The man stood motionlessly, until the sound of footsteps approaching him, made a chill sweep down his spine. 

" It's due to my quirk. " Said a man, tightly holding onto a katana, the katana was dripping blood, splattering onto the cold ground below. This man was becoming very popular for all the wrong reasons. He was feared by the public and was known as the Hero Killer Stain. 

" D-Don't think I will let you get this child! " Screamed out the hero, his grasp on the baby growing stronger until a loud scoff was heard, and a kick slammed into his back sending the hero crashing face-first into the ground, landing on top of the baby. The baby started to cry out in pain, as Stain glared down at the Hero, before grabbing onto the newborn arm and pulling it out from under him.

" Y-You bastard! Give me back that child! " 

" Tsk, how about this hero? If you give me this child. I will spare your life. " Said Stain stomping onto the hero's back, making him groan in pain before the hero spoke once more.

" You think I give a damn about my life? If I cared about it. I would have never become a hero. So, forget your request! " Yelled out the hero, trying his hardest to push off the ground. But, no matter what the man tried. His body simply wouldn't move. 

" You may be weak. But... you do have the heart of a true hero. Unfortunately for you, heart will only get you so far. "

With a single swift motion, Stain's katana blurred piercing down into the man's back, stabbing straight through his heart. Blood poured out of the man's mouth, as he choked on his blood until Stain twisted his blade and the man's head dropped bouncing off the ground, before finally, his body showed zero signs of life. 

A puddle of blood formed under the man's body. Engulfing the nearby baby in warm blood. Stain stared down at this child, before he walked away from it, swiping his sword in the air, cleaning the blood off of it. Sending it flying into a nearby wall. 

" Fakes. They are all Fakes. " Mumbled Stain, as he leaped into the air, bouncing from wall to wall until he reached a roof. The baby could only watch, before it slowly reached its small hand out, grasping out to the warm sun...

Pov: Stain

Fakes. All of them are Fakes. The one true hero is All Might. The only one strong enough and kind enough. To claim to be a hero. Usually, heroes only have one of these features. The strong are usually cold. And the weak are kind but All Might possesses both of these features. The one true hero in the entire world. 

Truthfully, I had hope for one student. When I briefly watched the sports festival. But he's gone missing. What a true shame. I slowly walk towards an AC unit on a roof, before I crouch down, sitting down on the flat roof, leaning my back into the metal unit. I will continue my purge of false heroes during the night. There's no need for anything else. Until then, I will sleep...

As Stain fell asleep on the roof. Inside class 1-A, Midoriya was standing in front of the class holding onto a small whiteboard with a single word written on it. " Deku " Immediately, an audible gasp was heard before Kirishima spoke.

" Are you sure man? That's going to be your pro hero name forever? " Deku nodded slightly before speaking while zoning out. 

" Yeah. I used to hate it. But someone taught me that it could have a different meaning. And that had a massive impact on how I felt. So, now I really adore this name. " As soon as Deku said this, Bakugo glanced up at him, with an odd look on his face. At the same time, he was writing on his whiteboard.

Deku couldn't help but glance at Bakugo before he noticed something. Sitting in his desk, staring aimlessly at the floor was Iida...

Pov: Deku

After the sports festival, Iida's big brother was all over the news. It turns out, that he was attacked in Hosu City Tokyo. And the man responsible for it had killed 17 heroes in the past. And hurt 23 others so badly that they were beyond recovery. He is a scourge on the pro community the hero killer stain.

There's no telling what type of grief Iida is going through right now- 

" Midoriya will you please leave the podium? " I quickly glance at the voice that cut my train of thought off. " O-Of course Midnight. " Dang it. I was so worried about Iida that I completely forgot to walk back to my seat. I slowly walk away from the podium as Eraserhead walks in front of it.

" But it's time to pick your upcoming internships. They will last one week. "...

Several hours later.

A clicking keyboard could be heard inside a dark room filled to the brim with All Might figurines and posters. Sitting in a chair, facing a computer slowly playing a video was Deku tightly focused on the screen in front of him. His eyes were bloodshot, with bags under his eyes...

Pov: Deku

How could someone like Ricolo lose? I've replayed our fight countless times. And, I haven't seen him make a single error. His movements were precise and all had a purpose. He was only caught off guard because he didn't know my quirk. The villains we fought besides the three main ones were amateurs who could easily be dealt with. 

So, did those three attack Ricolo? But surely, he wouldn't leave his phone like Eraserhead said. Also, that cryptic message he left me. Right after our fight. It was like he knew he was going to disappear. I tried my best to make him confess to me about his past but he didn't budge. Him and that portal obviously had connection b-but he wouldn't tell me what it was.

I let out a loud sigh, as I lean back in my chair, popping my back. To make matters worse, those villains are more likely to attack with Ricolo gone. If he had told me about his past, maybe just maybe, I would have been able to save him. But, there's no point in thinking about it. This is reality no matter how painful it is. 

I need to go to sleep. I have to meet the person All Might told me about, Gran Torino...

Hours later 

" W-Well, this is definitely the place. " Mumbled Deku. Standing at the entrance of a large building holding a small piece of paper. Sweat was pouring down his face, as he mumbled once again. " The person that taught All Might. I wonder what type of man, he will be. " Deku slowly walked towards the door, creaking it open

Before he let out a loud scream...

Meanwhile, inside a clean bar. A portal standing behind a bar, nervously watched two men glaring at each other. The two men were Stain and Shigaraki both of them had veins popping out of their bodies. It was clear the two had just got out of an argument. 

"You're just an ignorant child. Like hell, I will be able to work with you. As a matter of fact... " As Stain spoke he grabbed onto a razor-sharp blade slowly sliding it out of his cover. " I should kill you. " Shigaraki let out a loud scoff, as the portal quickly spoke in a shaky voice trying to resolve the situation. 

" U-Um. Stain. The main reason we brought you here wasn't to make you join us. We actually had someone who wanted to see you... " Stain shot the portal a quick annoyed glance as he continued to speak. " He should be here in a few minutes- "

" I don't have a few minutes. Besides, if they wanted to talk. They should have already been here. " Said Stain cutting off the portal. The portal grew quiet until a sudden voice spoke catching everyone off guard. 

" That's no way to treat a future business partner. " Everyone swiftly started to glance around the bar...But there was nothing. The voice seemingly stemmed from nobody. Stain immediately shot his blade out of its cover, drawing it out in the open. He tightly held onto the blade as the invisible voice spoke once again. 

" The United States technology is quite...Grand. Don't you agree stain? " 

" What do you mean? " Asked Stain. 

Right when Stain said this. The air in front of him started to glitch rapidly, becoming motionless until a man wearing a large tophat and a fancy suit appeared with a grin on his face. Stain couldn't help but stare at this man confused. Seeing the Stain's puzzled face, the man quickly waved his hand while introducing himself. 

" The name is Merio. Me and you have some business to do Stain, after all, you did kill my number one dealer. " 

" Dealer? I've killed plenty of people? You'll have to be more specific. " Said Stain. 

" Lori. You're the one that killed Lori, correct? "...