
MHA: Minor Quirk System ( almost having no quirk)

Oki Takemikazuchi led a normal life though he was a loner his mind never bothered about it. One day which seems to be like normal casual days for him was unexpectedly not normal at all. He was transmigrated into a world of quirks and the 5 year old body he reincarnated had the same name. From the 5 year old's memory, Oki learns about his body not having a quirk but lucky for him he has a system but a system that gives quirks but weak ones and few body upgrades which may seem to make Oki just above a normal human but are they though???. Follow the story of how a kid with no quirks becomes the first of his kind to become a hero, at least to the outside world and the one feared by many villains in the future.

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

U.A Sports Festival! (2) Identity Revealed!

"Come on, I need to stretch a bit."

Though Oki acted cocky on the outside he was sweating on the inside. He knew that he can't take 220 students who each had a unique quirk all alone, well without a suit at least.

Oki's biggest weakness, despite having it humongous amount than many was his stamina. Oki always overwhelmed his opponents in short bursts to end the fight as quickly as possible, as the longer the fight stretches the more he has to use his 'Shadow Arts' which consume a monstrous amount of his stamina though it would be refuelled back thanks to a knockoff version of his Grandma's quirk.

Even at best Oki could use 'Light Step' 8 times or 12 times at best before his body gives up, which was not a good thing when fighting villains in numbers or high defensive or utility quirks. So Oki decreased the stamina consumption with his suits as they have been designed as such. When using his hero suit Oki could use 'Light Step' 5 times more than his usual and still have the fuel for more.

Bakugo dashed forward using his quirk, like thrusters, at mid-air Boakugo spun his leg at high speed and sent an axe kick which Oki didn't even dodge as the axe kick missed him, taking the chance Oki roundhouse kicked Bakugo's chin.

Bakugo felt iron building up in his mouth. 'I am not gonna waste here!' Bakugo using his quirk, like thrusters again and flew up which Oki didn't mind and let him go and while Oki was caught up with Bakugo few had managed to move past him.

Oki smirked, 'Light Step!'

Oki was in front of Iida and sent a 1-inch punch to Iida's chest. Though it seemed as such in truth it wasn't, this move was one of the 2nd Grade Shadow art moves. This martial art allowed one person to do internal damage, so rather than hitting skin and muscles, it targeted blood vessels, bones and other interior vulnerable parts.

'Light-Shadow Strike!'

Iida felt his ribcage shake but not any major damage and at this second Oki's 'Instinct' went wild.

Oki slid back just in time as a purple hairball went past his face and then bent down inhumanly as a tail and a bunch of vines just passed above him.

Oki immediately low sweep kicked and Ojiro stumbled and fell down while at the same time Oki clutched the vines and pulled with his might only for an innocent girl to be dragged forward to the ground.

Oki got up and saw that only a few were still stuck in ice and many had run past him except a few who were looking at him as if he had entered a wolf's den. 'I thought I had provoked a lot more.'

"I am gonna c-" Testsutestsu Tetsutetsu was stopped midway as a punch landed on him out of nowhere, though a normal punch wouldn't hurt someone like him due to his quirk, unfortunately, he wasn't using his quirk and this sent him into a group of students.

At this moment Oki's 'Instinct' was on fire, it was ringing signals at an alarming rate in a short period.

'Imagine the egg, and control the temperature!' Midoiya who reached beside Oki used One For All with his left pinky finger.

Oki took an air pressure which sent him into a three-pointer not far away. 'Damn it, that was fast!'

Oki went straight through the three-pointer and bounced off a broken one pointer.

Oki spat out the iron which filled his mouth and he was sure that one of his ribs had been cracked and along with it, he has hairline fractures and haemorrhage. 'Huh'

It was hard for a second and as soon as he landed he stopped the functions of his pain receptors in his body. 'You tryna kill me? That was One For All at 30%!'

At this moment Oki's 'Instinct' warned him of an upcoming danger and all he could do was jump to the side as a zero pointer had tried to catch him.

'Double Step!'

Oki used 'Double step' and managed to get 8 meters high and then latched on to the zero pointers arm, 'Well, I am good at tinkering so let's tinker with this one.'

Meanwhile, Momo Yaorozu took down one zero pointer after another and she caught the glimpse of Oki parkouring to the chest of the zero pointer and enter in through a gap.

'What is he doing?' Momo looked confused and thought of taking down the zero pointer. 'No, he could get hurt.'

Momo decided not to and made a run to enter the second obstacle.

Oki after entering the zero pointer immediately opened the main control interface and started editing the written programs. Oki's hands moved so fast that sometimes it would live a mirage.

And after reprogramming ended a beep sound was emitted.

"Time to win this."

Oki got up to the head of the zero pointer and saw that the field was deserted.

'I thought I was there for only a minute! Howcome everyone finished the first obstacle?!' Oki looked everywhere and in a distance, he saw Midoriya carrying a metal plate fallen over his hip and 'Seems like I should pay more attention.'

"Well, need to catch up." Oki glanced at the participants and then he took out a small box that had a lot of buttons. "Move forward!"

The zero pointer turned and started moving towards the second obstacle which is the rope crossing (Fall) at an astonishing speed.

'I need to win this to rile things up as much as I can.'

Students who didn't have any destructive abilities gave way for the zero pointer and some tried to stop it but couldn't. Momo who had already finished the second course saw the zero pointer moving at high speed towards the pits.

"At this rate, he won't be able to stop it and he would fall along with the humongous robot," Momo murmured and Tsu who heard that nodded.

"What is his plan?" Shinso looked towards Oki with dead eyes.

The zero pointer showed no signs of stopping but raised one of its arms and positioned it towards the finish line. 'A little bit towards left.'

Oki made sure the trajectory was right.

'Wind is almost negligible and any other variable... nothing I can find.'

Oki parkoured and soon got inside a torpedo hole in the zero pointer.



The torpedo moved forward along with Oki and the kinetic energy of the torpedo was so high that in seconds it had already left the 3rd obstacle course and then it slowly it started to decent.

[Meanwhile, the zero pointer got stuck in the gaps after moving 150 meters or so.]

And as soon as the torpedo was 200 meters above the ground Oki pulled out two strings at the middle of the torpedo.

Then out of the middle of the gigantic torpedo four parachutes protruded outward and slowed the torpedo's descent and it was so accurate that the torpedo landed right behind the finish line gateway.

"Done" Oki got down from the torpedo and walked forward casually, dusting his clothes along the way.

Oki then came out of the finish line gateway and made it first.


At the stands->

"Oh! Look's like we have a student walking down the rope as if he was walking casually on land!"

"I know, I also saw him actively moving ahead of many people at the start."

"You saw how one of the kid took down Endeavor's son right!"

"Yeah, but how did he come out of thin air? Must be his quirk and it could be something related to small teleportation."

"That girl who is creating items from her body has a unique quirk..."



The audiences were analysing the students and the one that caught the most attention was Todoroki and Bakugo along with Momo and few others but, Oki wasn't in much of the pro's eye after the start.

It was at this moment that things made no sense to audiences.

"WOOO! What do we have hERE!" Present Mic sudden shout caught everyone's attention.

"We have a StuDEnt WHO HAs completed the 'OBSTACLE COURSE'!" (The camera at the stands didn't focus on Oki or the robots didn't or couldn't)

Everyone looked at the entrance and they all saw a kid with charoite coloured hair walk forward with hands in his pockets.


Oki looked at the crowd who were just surprised.

The crowd glanced at the large monitor which was showing Todoroki and Bakugo batteling as they were crossing the minefield.

"I saw him on the humongus robot but... how did he finish first?"

"Does he have a warpping quirk?"


"Looks like another rookie with a mystery surrounding him."


Oki looked at the silent crowd and smirked as they were about to be in for another surprise.

"For ThOSE WHO are wondering abouutt OKII's abilities then..."

The crowd looked at Oki.

"He is the first quirkless to ever enrolled in U.A!!!"

""""... ... ... ... ..."""" The crowd was still processing things.

"Let me present you all Oki Takemikzuchi, son of All Might."


Few hours earlier->

"No!" All Might didn't accept Oki's words as it was like painting a bounty on oneself.

"You aren't looking at the other way All Might!" Oki was trying to convince All Might but his words were quickly shut down by All Might and Nighteye.

"Tell me?" Nighteye asked as he crossed his hands over his chest.

"Do you think Midoriya can keep the secret?" Oki said with a fierce face.

All Might was stunned and didn't know what to say and Nighteye just listened.

"He can't... and his power easily resembles yours and how long do you think yours can keep up!?"


"Yes, you don't know. But after your retirement no matter what you do Midoriya would be targeted by many and once his body is strong enough for 'One For All' the matters are going to get even worse! Well they will find out that Midoriya's strength is increasing slowly."

"Tha-t... still you would be a target for villains who hold a grudge on me and that includes your grandfather." All Might tried to explain calmly.

"You can say that... but, I am pretty sure that I can take care of myself. Also, if people are going to come after me... Let them try after all I am pretty sure that I am gonna take their limb or two and also give them a nightmare."

"*sigh* Young Oki... please, it isn't that simple. I don't want any harm coming towards you and also towards Midoriya and I will respect both of your choices... but announcing your relationship between you and me would cause chaos and it would revolve around you." All Might was almost at the end of the string as he wasn't able to argue with Oki.

"Trust me All Might... You know that a kid without any sort of thinking cant make the most efficient nuclear reactor in the world and also with my 'Overdrive' I have beaten you twice at your full strength. What does it take for you to accept my request!"

The argument and convincing went on for an hour more and All Might accepted about Oki announcing his relationship with him.




"WHat do you think we guys are!"


"All Might's son!"

The crowd which was calm for a second burst out like a popped balloon.

The crowd didn't even stop their slandering some not believing things, and others jealous.

"Oki Takemikazcuhi? All Might's son. I never would have thought the fool would have a so-"

Oki didn't care about the others but someone got his attention and looked at the stands.

His red eyes were like piercing through their bodies and looking at their souls.

Oki looked at one person who was about to degrade him and All Might and that person soon realised that Oki was looking at him.

'Coincidence?' Endeavour felt like he was wronged for a second and felt awkward.

Soon one by one students completed the obstacle course.

They looked at Oki and many were excited as they clearly heard Present Mic's announcement.


In a polished wooden room filled with vintage drinks, there were two people. One watching U.A Spor Festival program on T.V while the other cleaning crystal glasses.

"All Might's son!"


"I can't believe it!" Tomura caught the T.V with his fingers and turned it into dust.

"Kurogiri, do you have the coordinates?"

"Tomura, I don't think it is wise for us to visit him now."


"Calm down Tomura Shigaraki."

"How dO YOU! expect me to calm down!"


"He is a f*****g quirkless!"

"They could have hiden his quirk or he could have hiden his quirk."

"That is not the point!" Tomoura walked towards the door with mixed emotions.


In a dark room->

"Interesting seems like All Might has adopted him. I wonder what All Might would feel like when I play with him... hehehehe...."


All For One imagined the look on All Might's face but then something came to his mind.

"He would be the best for the new life."

"Also, he should be the successor of One For All."

"His body would be strong enough."


Arthur P.O.V->

I always thought that uncle's lineage died after his sons were killed by the mad man and I never would have thought he would have a grandson and I never would have thought our information gathering was strong enough to find information uncle Takemikazuchi.

I glanced at the face.

A quirkless possessing the 4th blade, and was able to take down three knights without using the Yami no chikara... sounds impossible to me.

I have to slow down and take it out of him slowly, my Excaliber is useless as long as that blade exists.

I glanced at the face again and I saw the resemblance of grandma.


Unknown P.O.V->


I was furious, and that was something I couldn't hide in front of the gang.

"Boss, calm down please." A thug of mine hurried to me and tried to calm me down but what would he know.

"Back off!" The thug moved back.

"I want his information, no matter what you do! I want them by this week!"


(A/N)- Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I will be posing chapters weekly and thanks for your support and I will make sure that you guys will enjoy the webnovel.

Next Chapter: U.A Sports Festival! (3)


Yes, then:

888power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (0/888) [This function is unavailable for the present moment...]