
Chapter 8: Izayoi vs Team G

The next match was Team B (Todoroki and Shoji) vs Team I (Ojiro and Toru)

The location was changed due to the damage done by previous teams, the match ended as soon as it began.

Todoroki freezes the entire building and restrained the villains and took the weapon.

Todoroki +9 points

Team J (Kirishima and Sero) vs Team H (Tsuyu and Tokoyami)

Next Team C (Momo and Izayoi) vs Team G (Kaminari and Jiro)

Izayoi's team will play the villains much to his delight.

After wishing best of luck to the Kaminari and Jiro they went to the prop weapon room.

"Got any plans?" Izayoi asked while checking on the weapon's material, thinking about trying to punch it once to check for durability test.

"Let's block the door first I will create some iro….Hey what are you doing?" Yaoyorozu was explaining his plan when he saw his teammate was in position to punch a hole through the weapon they are tasked to defend.

"Oh, just regular durability test. Gotta see how sturdy the material is" Izayoi said in a playful tone.

"No, you wouldn't" Yaoyorozu said angrily.

A reasonable reaction she was a honor student and wouldn't like to get a loss on the second day of her Hero Class.

"Now listen, I will block the room entrance with iron block and will guard the weapon here and you to engage with them outside for the remaining time"

It was excellent strategy, safe guarding the weapon in the room by completely sealing of the exits while also engaging the enemy in confrontation to stall out time.

But who said Izayoi is one to follow through the plans.

"Engage to eat out time, aren't you underestimating me Ojou-sama"

"We will win by capturing the heroes not stalling for time" Izayoi declared and went to confront the Kaminari and Jiro.

Before Momo could improvise on that Izayoi left the room leaving the weapon to her for guarding.

'Sigh!' she went according to her plan blocking the exit with iron blocks and some other traps.


"Jiro, can you locate them" Kaminari asked

"Wait a minute," jiro said while focusing on the sound waves from the building walls to locate the enemies location.

"Someone is coming, prepare to engage"

"Ya! hoo!! Lets' play" Izayoi jumped from the stairs straight at them.

Launching a few stone pebbles at high speed, which was aimed for a diversion to not launch any attack at him in mid air.

Boom! Boom!!

'how fast he can throw these things?' 'The hell?!!'

Both of them dodged the several high speed stone bullets which were able to dent in floor.

Could potentially do more than that if Izayoi wouldn't hold back, but since Ojou sam..I mean Momo wants a win he wouldn't want their team to be disqualified.


"I know"

Her jack earlobes elongated and plugged into the floor sending a powerful vibration right at the landing spot.


Izayoi dodged the impact last second by pushing himself away with the help of wall.

A spider web like pattern was carved on the wall.

"You know I don't like sound based attacks. Makes my ears hurt, -5 points"


Kaminari was aiming for Izayoi on the landing spot but he never prepared for this.


Jiro, yelped as she crouched on the floor. The startled Kaminari looked around to check his surroundings, only to realize his partner was on the ground.

A instant later a solid fist connected his gut.



He too fell to the ground, with that Team C won by capturing the Heroes.

Hearing the announcement Momo came down from the weapon room, seeing her looking at him Izayoi made a pose "Aren't I great" pose.

Hoping to hear some praise which never came, instead he listened to a comprehensive analysis of his behavior, recklessness and insubordination.

Momo -2 points

He assigned her with heavy heart for not praising him.

"Well Done Everyone!!" All Might addressed everyone

"No major injuries apart from Midoriya's! Great Teamwork though!! You all did splendidly, considering this was your first training exercise!"

"Change out your outfits and head back to classroom"


A/N: I won't say I am good at what I do, writing is all about improving and I will try my best to do so.

I would appreciate if you would point any grammatical or syntactical errors .

The chapters won't be long as I hate the over the top description that how every single leaf of the looks, feels then onto branches then the tree as whole.

Izayoi always hold back his power to match the opponent, if he wouldn't there won't be fun for him.

There will be only few or maybe one instance where he will/may use his full power I will point that out. And using a character like Izayoi in mha verse wouldn't be possible either without him conditionally holding back or just nerfing his powers.

Now I would appreciate if you leave review after reading 10 chapters or so it would be of great.

And don't be silent readers try engaging or reviewing each chapter about what could've been better just don't be harsh with your words.

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