

The next day, I was awoken by Momo and turned to the other side, "Give me a few minutes."

Momo pouted, "Come on Shiro, you said that 5 minutes ago. We have to get up for breakfast."

My homeschool schedule started at 9 am, so I woke up around 8, did some exercise, then around 8:30, I'd eat breakfast and got ready to learn.

But since my school starts at 8:00, I had to get up at 6:30 and get out of the house at 7:30.

'This is why I wanted to do homeschool.'

After eating breakfast, Momo and I head out for school. We both walk there from our house and after a twenty-minute walk, we make it there. When we pass the school gate, I look up at my new school. In front of me is a tall three-story building with shiny windows.

'Oh boy.'

Momo takes me to the teacher's lounge where she introduces me to our homeroom teacher.

I am greeted by a young lady with a brown ponytail and green eyes, "Nice to meet you, Shiro, I am the homeroom teacher of Class 4-B, you can call me Machiko Sensei."

I bow and greet her in turn, "Nice to meet you Machiko Sensei."

Momo heads off into her class, and Machiko Sensei talks to me for a bit about what I already know.

I explain to her a general aspect of what I already know, excluding medical knowledge, and even with that she is surprised. She continues to look at my file and notices something.

Father: Leo Hirota

Mother: Hina Hirota

"I am sorry for your loss. I heard about the news, I was shocked."

"Ah thank you."

'I guess I have to deal with this kinda stuff from now on.'

"I guess that is everything. The bell is about to ring soon, so we should head to class."

She stands up and I walk behind her. Another minute or so and we get to the room. On cue, the bell rings and she opens the door.

"Quiet down class, we have a transfer student. I will let him introduce himself."

I quietly write my name on the board, "Shiro Hirota."

I bow towards them, "My name is Shiro Hirota, nice to meet you all."

I look around and see a few familiar faces from the party, Issei, Ren, Tsubaki, and a few others.

Machiko Sensei looks around the room, "You can take a seat next to Momo in the back."

I nod and walk towards the back of the room, and sit down in my seat, near the door.

Momo lightly smiles at me and I smile back, but once I sit down the boy in front of me turns and asks me the question I least wanted to hear, "Hey, your last name is Hirota right? Does that mean you are related to THE Hina Hirota?"

Unlike adults who were aware of common last names, most children weren't. So anyone with the same last name as a celebrity would instantly be linked to be related to them, even if they weren't. But in my case, I was.

Momo looks at me concerned and is about to interrupt, but I cut her off.

With a small smile, I respond, "No, Hirota is just a common last name. I heard about her death though, it truly was a tragedy."

Meanwhile, a small voice in my head is going, 'Beat him up, destroy him, crush him.'

'No shut up.'

The kid in front of me nods his head, "Yeah, yeah, it sucks. You know I went to one of her restaurants by the way, and man the food was good. Oh, by the way, my name is Jozu, Jozu Sato."

He offers his hand and I reluctantly shake it.

I put my head down, and close my eyes for a second, 'Dammit this is painful.'

Momo pats my back and comforts me.

In another corner of the room, three boys were looking at Momo and Shiro.

"Tch, getting all that attention from Momo, even though he's a transfer student."

A large bulky kid with dirty brown hair. He had small vents jutting out behind his elbow. This was Kenji Ito, the self-claimed "Strongest Student of Class 4-C."

Sitting in front of him was Issei, "Yeah, I met him at Momo's party, I didn't like him too much. But he has good taste for movies. But apparently, they've known each other for a while."

A third boy jumps in on the conversation, "Oh, why didn't you like him?"

This kid had straight black hair and long bangs that ran to the bridge of his nose. His eyes appeared closed, and his eyelids curved upwards, making him appear like a snake.

AN: Gin Ichimaru from Bleach but different Hair color.

Issei shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know Satoshi, but last time we met, he seemed very confident in his quirk."

Kenji raised his eyebrows, "So, what is his quirk?"

Once again Issei shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, he said it's called Bungee Gum, or something, and that it has the properties of both rubber and gum, but to me, it seemed like it was stretchy glue."

"Pffft, his quirk is glue. That's pathetic."

The school day went by and overall it was boring. School in normal conditions is boring, but imagine knowing everything already and going to school again.

'When I get home, maybe I'll beg Daichi and Ichika to let me make my own home school schedule.

I look over my schedule and I groan as I see the pain awaiting me. The first class is Math, then Literature, and History. After that was Lunch and English and lastly Home Economics.

For most of the classes, I just zoned out and followed along. Even from my past life, I had been pretty good at absorbing information while thinking about other completely unrelated things. Some of the teachers thought that I was completely ignoring them and tried calling on me to ask whether I knew the answer and to their surprise, I answered it completely right.

Momo also knows the subject already, but being the model student that she is, she pays attention to each word.

The only class I actually needed to pay attention to was History and Home Economics.

While my mother did teach me some brief history, she didn't like the topic that much, so she never taught me too much of that. Also, the history of this world is very different from my own, because of the development of quirks. So I actually needed to pay attention.

Home Economics often required hands-on experiences like cooking and sewing, so I needed to pay attention to avoid getting hurt. Today we were making curry, which was an easy to make and delicious dish.

The thing that sucked about it, was that cooking like this reminded me of the time my mother taught me how to cook.

"You have some curry on your lip, Shiro," Momo snaps me out of my daze by wiping my lip with a napkin.

"Oh, my bad, Momo. Thanks."

I can feel glares from plenty of the boys in the class, and I just ignore it. They can think whatever they want, but she's basically my sister now.

The bell rings and everyone is dismissed, some people stay and chat with each other, but the two of us leave and head home.

Three boys stand up as well, "Let's go."

Momo and I talk about the school day, although most of it is me complaining about how boring it is. Momo laughs and tells me that I should be nicer to the teachers.

Then a large boy steps out of an alleyway and stares at me.

We both stop, and the normally placid Momo, has somewhat of a glare on her face, "What do you want Kenji?"

The boy ignores her and continues staring at me.

I put my hands in my pocket and slouch my shoulders, giving me a relaxed look, "What do you want with me?"

He smiles as I feel a pair of arms pin me against the floor.

Satoshi grabs hold of Momo, "Just calm down, Momo."

I turn my head and see Issei on top of me pinning me down.

Kenji walks over and squats next to me, "So, I know you are new here, and you don't know the pecking order, but let me tell you something. In our class, you listen to me. So stay away from Momo. You've been with her all day and it's been pissing me off."

Once again the voice goes, 'Destroy him, rip him apart, or let me do it.'

I tell it to shut up, but this time I say it out loud.

"What did you say punk?"

'Aw shit.'

Kenji kicks me in the stomach and spit flies out of my mouth. Issei lets go of me, and Kenji picks me up then throws me against a wall.

'Two against one, plus the third guy that is holding Momo. Tch, am I that weak to be beaten by these guys?'

The voice in my head goes, 'Let me take over. I can beat them.'

Steam spurts from Kenji's elbow, he punches me and it flies into my stomach. I almost fade into unconsciousness but something pulls me out and I feel a change come over me.

*Issei POV*

I watch as Kenji beats the defenseless Shiro and the guy looks half-unconscious.

I grab Kenji's shoulder, "Kenji, I think that you made your point."

He looks towards the beaten Shiro, "That should teach him, lets go guys."

Satoshi lets go of Momo and she immediately rushes over to Shiro's side. We start to walk away, when we hear a voice behind us, "Damn they roughed him up good."

We all turn and Shiro is still on the ground but he's slowly standing up. He cracks his neck and stretches out his beaten body.

Kenji grins and cracks his muscles, "Oh, you want another beating?"

Surprisingly Shiro laughs, "Kehehehe, I'd rather not be touched by a pig."

'Something about him is off, his tone and mannerism seem way too different.'

Momo stands up and is about to stop him, but something comes over her and she feels like she should let this play out.

Kenji growls and charges at Shiro, "Alright you asked for it. Take this!"

He throws a jet-powered punch straight for Shiro's face, and surprisingly Shiro ducks under his blow and touches Kenji's elbow.

Kenji looks down at his elbow and sees that it is covered in a pinkish substance and tries to rip it off, but to no avail. The rubbery substance stuck to his elbow and didn't budge.

'Is it not sticky? I thought it was like glue.'

Kenji turns and looks at the grinning Shiro, who points out, "Based on what I've seen, your quirk is the jets on your elbow that are powered by steam. Steam can build up to a lot of pressure, so you might wanna try building up pressure to burst the gum."

Kenji seems very confused but takes his advice anyway. He starts to push steam into his elbow and tries to blow it off, but it doesn't work.

Shiro grins, "I wonder what would last longer, my bungee gum or your elbow."


But the answer arrives very quickly, with a loud BANG, the steam explodes and covers Kenji's figure.


Shiro is still smirking and I can tell that something is wrong, the steam clears and everyone is shocked.

Instead of the Bungee gum being blown off, the vent on Kanji's arm had given way and exploded, leaving a bloody mess and scrap metal.

Kenji falls to his knees and grabs his ruined elbow.

Shiro is still grinning and slowly walks forward to Kenji, "Ah, I knew it, you look like a pig, so you have the brain of a pig. Steam explosions tend to be dangerous you know."

Realization dawns on me, 'Oh shit, he caused Kenji to self-destruct.'

Shiro puts his hand on Kenji's shoulder and the boy almost jumps.

He starts to whimper and cry, "Please don't hurt me, please."

Shiro sits down in front of him and gently touches Kenji's forehead. Kenji seems confused, but I see a line of pink above his eyebrow. Kenji sees it too and panics. He tries to run but at some point, Shiro had stuck bungee gum to his feet and stuck him to the ground. He only fell backward and a pink string was connected to Shiro's finger.

Shiro continues talking, "Bungee Gum has the Properties of both rubber and gum, so I wonder, what would happen if I were to make the Gum contract? Would I be pulled towards you, or would you be pulled towards me? Or would something give way?"

Shiro doesn't give Kenji time to answer as he suddenly contacts the Bungee gum, and Kenji's end flies towards him, along with… blood.


Blood sprays from Kenji's forehead and drips down onto his face. Shiro grins and spins his Bungee Gum in a few circles before letting it hang from his finger.

My eyes follow the thread of gum to the bottom and see a small tan patch of something dangling at the bottom.

I see the blood spraying from Kenji's forehead, hear his cries of pain, 'Holy shit, he ripped off his skin. This bastard is crazy.'


Shiro's grin widens as he watches the skin dangle from his finger, and watches Kenji struggle.

"Shiro, look man we are sorry. We won't bother you again, I swear. Right, Satoshi?"

Satoshi hurriedly nods, saying, "Look, Kenji forced us to come here, we just follow him around cause he tells us to."

Shiro looks towards us with a wide grin, "Shiro isn't home right now, my name is Kuro."

*Kuro POV*

I slowly walk towards them and both of them start to take steps back. Both of them turn to run, but I whip forwards two cards laced with Bungee Gum towards them.

The one on the left connects to Issei's shoulder, but the other one flails in the air halfway and Satoshi manages to escape.

"Tch, I guess throwing with the right-hand needs some practice."

"S-Satoshi! Help me!"

Issei desperately calls out for help. Satoshi turns back and looks at his friend, then he looks further back at me, who is quickly approaching.

Making up his mind, he turns, closes his eyes, and sprints as fast as he can away from me. A look of despair falls on Issei's face as he realizes that he's been abandoned.

I put my hand on top of his head, and now his body is physically shaking.

"How sad, your friend abandoned you to save his own hide. Well, I can't blame him, after all, look at what happened to him."

I gesture towards Kenji who is still sobbing on the ground, but Issei doesn't turn to look.

"I said, look what happened to him!"

Using the Bungee Gum I had placed on top of him, I whip his head in my direction and make him look at Kenji. He cries out in pain but I ignore it.

"You know, I heard that ripping off skin hurts a lot, but I wonder what would happen to your scalp if I did the same thing?"

"N-no, p-please, l-let m-me g-go."

I kiss my teeth a few times, shaking my head a few times, "Now now, you can't say that. After all, look what you did to this poor body. I am hurting all over you know."

Issei, who is pretty much sobbing at this point, says "I-i a-am s-sorry."

Behind me, Momo puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "Shiro, that's enough. He got the point"

Not taking my gaze off of Issei, "I told you Momo, I ain't Shiro. I'm Kuro."

"Ok, Kuro. You don't need to pull off his scalp, he apologized already didn't he."

"Ah, Momo, you are quite naive aren't you. Say I let him go, then he'll just grab more of his friend and maybe some older siblings to come back and beat me up. You need to drive fear into them, to make it so they never go against you."

In my hand, I can feel Issei's body go slack and wet spots start to show on his pants.

"Ah, nevermind, I guess I did drive enough fear into him. Well, whatever."

Tossing his unconscious body aside, I walk towards Shiro's bag and toss it over my shoulder, "Let's go Momo."

She doesn't move.

"C'mon, Momo."

"Let me talk to Shiro."

I sigh, "I think it's better if we walk away from here before you talk to him."

Standing her ground, she firmly says, "No! Let me talk to Shiro."

A small smirk appears on my face, "I warned you."

The color fades in my eyes for a brief second, then comes back and immediately Shiro throws up on the ground.

'Told you.'

AN: I need an idea for his fighting style. Something that is fast and has lots of contact points. Either that or I'll just go with a street-fighting approach. No set style and just effective strikes. If you guys got any recommendations, I'll take them into consideration.

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