
3: Quirks


The next day, Inasa's parents go to the Doctor to register Inasa's quirk.

It was named, [Whirlwind]. The quirk was a combination of Ryu and Kiyo's quirks, [Wind Burst] and [Vortex].

[Whirlwind: It grants the user of the quirk the ability to freely manipulate the air around him into a whirlwind.]


A month passed from Inasa's quirk awakening, and Saeko and Yusuke were on their way to the daycare.

"Are you excited to go to the daycare today, Yusuke?" asked Saeko with a smile, when she saw the boy practically skipping.

"Yeah! I made a new friend!" he replied excitedly.

"Really? Who is it?"

"Her name is Mina! She looks so cool! She's pink and even has cute little horns on her head!" he answered with a huge smile.


A few minutes of walking later, they arrived at the daycare.

After giving Yusuke a huge kiss on the cheek, Saeko left to go to work.


Yusuke was building a gun with legos alongside other kids, getting ready to have a gunfight, when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Good morning, Yusuke!" a person greeted.

"Ah! Mina-san. Good morning!" he greets back, recognizing the girl.

'Kids really get along easily. In just one week of going here, I already made friends with everyone in my daycare!'

"What'chu doin'?" she asks innocently, taking a peek over the boy's shoulder.

She then exclaims, "A gunfight? I wanna join too!"


A few minutes of the building later, they take their lego guns outside and start voicing out, "Pew Pew Pew!", while running away from each other.

Yusuke ran away while looking back. That's why he didn't notice the rock that tripped him.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, pointing his hands to the ground, trying to catch his fall. Suddenly, air came out of his hands, but still did nothing to slow down his fall.

As his chest landed on the ground, Yusuke thought 'Huh? Was that my quirk? Wait... Let me try something...'

The boy stood up and then closed his eyes, feeling the air move around the surroundings. He focused on the feeling, and a few seconds later, his hair was blowing upwards, and he could feel a cool breeze hitting his face.

"Yes!!!" Yusuke shouted.

"Are you alright?" asked one of the children he was playing with.

"I'm better than alright!"



It was afternoon and Saeko picked up Yusuke from Daycare. And after the boy told her the news, they immediately went to the Quirk Doctor to register Yusuke's new quirk.

After some tests, his quirk was registered as [Aerokinesis].

[Aerokinesis: It allows the user to create, shape, and manipulate air.]

Yusuke was smiling, and his eyes were filled with stars, the whole time. While Saeko looked uncomfortable when they inquired about her quirk... and the boy's father's quirk.

She answered [Air Stream] for her quirk, but for the other one... she said nothing.


Two days pass and you could see two boys, one with black hair, while the other had blonde, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I heard from Mama and Papa that you also got your quirk, Yusuke!" the black-haired boy shouted.

"Yeah, it's called Aerokinesis! Uhm, okay Ina-chi, use your quirk. I wanna show you something cool!"

Inasa nodded eagerly and held out his hand. A few seconds later, the air started swirling on his hand, forming a small whirlwind.

Yusuke then pointed his hands at the whirlwind... and the whirlwind, still swirling, moved away from Inasa's hand. As Yusuke pointed his hands up in the air, the whirlwind also gradually became larger.

After a few moments, it stopped swirling and dissipated, leaving a smiling Yusuke sweating and panting, on the ground.

"Awesome!!!" shouted Inasa in admiration.

"*Pant* I know, *Pant* right?" Yusuke answers between pants.


{Yusuke POV}

That was the extent of my quirk for now... and it's very tiring!

Hoo... Just thinking about it... Developing and training my quirk will be really fun!

But, right now, I'm just going to play~



{𝕿𝖜𝖔 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗...}

It's been two years since I awakened my quirk, and I have been training it... I think?

Well, I really don't know how to train it, but I have been using it every chance I get, by swirling air on my hands or trying to imitate... Ahem... Rasengan...

Anyway, that did the job! The stunt I did back then with Inasa's quirk? I can do that more effortlessly now! Though, I still get tired if I do it for a long time. Hmm... I should probably increase my stamina next...

Alright! It's decided! I'm going to increase my stamina, and after that, I'm going to see if I can do Air-Telekinesis... or was it Aero-Telekinesis? If I CAN do that, then I must also be able to fly!


Suddenly, my train of thought was broken when I heard a familiar voice...

"Eh!??? Is that you, Yusuke-san!?" shouted a feminine voice.

I turn back, and I see Mina Ashido with a huge smile, waving her hand.

"Hello, Mina-chi!" I greet her.

"Hi!! I haven't seen you for a year!"


We chat for a while, but stopped once we heard the bell ring.

Since we were in different classes, we had to end the conversation.


Just as I thought! Learning is still fun because the way we learn in this school is different from my past life!

But... Sigh...

If Inasa were here, it would be even more entertaining... Too bad they live in a different prefecture...


What did you think of the chapter?

Also... Uhm... Did I mention that there's a new love interest?...

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