
Chapter 10: Operation and First Minions

One week later and I was on a surgical bench awaiting for my surgery. I couldn't say I was super nervous as I knew this was possible looking at the Titan shifters in AoT but couldn't be confident either as they never went fully in depth of how they extracted the spinal fluid and plus this is the MHA world so a whole set of other problems could arise if I am not careful.

I was in a standard operation room with state of the art medical equipment around me either monitoring my vital signs or checking other stuff about my body that I didn't even know about. in the center of the room was the surgical bench with a blue spread sheet covering the mattress. I was lying on the bed face down with my back exposed so that the surgeons could get to my spine. I was not sedated as I wanted to experience the feeling of having my spinal fluid extracted to see if I could incorporate an extraction system within my future hero suit, but that's for the future lets keep talking about the surgery.

I was hooked up to all sorts of systems and was practically a cyborg with all the wires going in me like some sort of computer. As I was trying to remain calm before the realization of my surgery deepens, I hear the doors of the room slide open. There, with what I could see with the minimal head movement due to being hooked up to a vital scanner, 5 doctors came in wearing the standard surgical suit, ready to begin the surgery.

Before I could do anything, the surgeons spoke, informing me of my condition and what was going to happen to me during the operation.

"Hello Mr. Takeyama, how are you feeling today?" one of the surgeons asked in a respectful manner as he addressed me. I couldn't blame him though as I WAS the only son of the Takeyama family as well as the future heir so they couldn't help but change their attitude in front of me. It's not like I mind it, but it gets pretty tiring and stifling at times constantly hearing people treat me as a young master.

Besides the point, I replied to the surgeon.

"Everything is fine Doctor, also you can just call me Kodai as I don't want to be treated as a young master during the operation." I said to the surgeon's who nodded in response. If their going to be working with my spine, then I want to be relaxed as fucking possible. I don't want the surgeons screaming out young master if something goes wrong (which is pretty unlikely as my parents hired the world's leading surgeon, but anyway). Bottom line is I don't want to be pressured with my title when things go haywire.

Back to the surgery. Once I've given the ok for the surgeons to start operating on my spine, the surgeons went into their respective positions. Two was checking my vitals at a machine hooked up to me while another was at the emergency station ready to request back up once things go wrong. The other two were at the machine which had a needle hooked up to it to pierce my spine and extract the fluid that it contained. The needle was basically a blood extraction needle but a little bit bigger so it could be fitted to the machine. Once everyone was in position, I gave the go ahead and the operation went underway.

The needle slowly descended and once it reached my back, I felt a slight pinch before the needle pierced through my skin and went towards my spine. As the needle passed through my spine and reached the fluid, I felt something within me going away. I felt exhausted and tired without even doing anything and felt super stiff. I endured the exhaustion and the stiffness as I wanted to experience the whole process that would make me decide whether to include this is my hero suit or not.

After extracting 24 ml of my spinal fluid, that's when I couldn't hold it anymore and passed out before hearing the surgeons asking if I'm alright and an intense beeping noise before everything went black.

[1 day later].

My eyes started to wrinkle as they could feel the sunlight hitting them. My body started to squirm trying to recover from the stiffness I experienced while getting the fluid extracted. After making sure every muscle in my body was flexible and rid of their stiffness, I slowly opened my eyes. The sight that greeted me was the familiar ceiling I am used to after waking up every morning. Looking at the ceiling, I knew that I was in my bedroom and I slowly got up and finally felt a weight on my legs. I looked down and saw a mess of slightly curly platinum blond hair and I immediately knew the owner without looking at their face.

The mess of hair that was resting on my lap belonged to my sister Yu who I haven't seen in almost 3 years. When I was 10 my sister left over sees to do her hero intern as one of the heroes over there has partial expansion quirk and decided to train with him as she also mastered partial expansion. Just by learning this skill I knew that she will definitely place higher on the Hero billboard chart than in the cannon, as her one way gigantism quirk couldn't get to places where it mattered most and having a skill where she can fight in a smaller form will come in handy. Next year she would be debuting as a hero so I cant wait for that.

Anyways, once I moved my legs a bit to wake her up, I saw her eyes fly open and immediately looked towards my direction. Once she saw me awake she looked at me for a few seconds then pounced on and embracing me in her bountiful chest. Although the feeling was good, it was getting harder and harder to breath so I lightly tapped her arm to release me from her giantess hug. When she released me from her hug she looked at me with teary eyes as she was trying hard not to cry. She then yelled at me which caused me to shiver from fear.

"KODAI TAKEYAMA, HOW DARE YOU UNDER GO SUCH A DANGEROUS OPERATION!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN PARALYSED OR KILLED! Never, and I mean NEVER do that operation again without my permission! Do you hear me young man!" my sister yelled almost causing the room to shake from how loud her voice was.

"Yes Nee-Chan I understand, but could you yell a little quieter, anymore and I think the next city could hear you." I joked trying to ease the atmosphere but what came in response was an intense glare that could pierce my soul.

Yu glared for a little bit then just sighed and calmed down. I felt touched that someone cared for me that much which even my past parents would only give me a reminder. I never had an older sibling so this is what it feels like huh. Well, before I could start getting lost in my thoughts, my stomach rumbled which caused me to kneel over in hunger. My sister clearly heard that as she chuckled at me and went out to get some food for me. As my sister left, my parents came in shortly after and had the same concerns as my sister and then walked out to check on the spinal fluid that was extracted. Yu came back with some onigiri she made and some tea to wash it down. I finished my meal and quickly went downstairs towards the lab to get my spinal fluid.

Once I reached the lab, I could see 8 vials of amber looking liquid and I could feel a connection to each of the vials. I made sure that no one was foolish enough to steal some of my spinal fluid but thankfully all of it was here thanks to the connection I felt with all of them. I picked a vial up and looked at it curiously trying to examine the changes of it and my body. My body does appear to be overly exhausted so I guess this is a no go for the extraction mechanism feature on my suit. I also felt some of the power weakening of the fluid when exposed to air so I guess I have to transfer the liquid into a quirk resistant vial to keep the power from dissipating. I put the vial down and decided to do the experiment that we all were waiting for, does my spinal fluid work on animals. I took one of the vials to the testing area which was already prepared with rodents, insects and the like for experimentation. I loaded half a vials worth of fluid in the humidifier (Authors note: I don't know what the machine for turning a liquid into a gas is so I'm calling it a humidifier. Tell me if it is wrong in the comments) and placed it inside the cage of rats. Just for basic experimentation, I took notes on the behavior of the mice before I turned the humidifier on to make sure I notice the changes. After I took my notes and made sure the cage is closed, I turned the humidifier on and waited for the spinal fluid gas to get inhaled by all the rats.

One point of observation is that once the rats inhaled the gas, they had a flash of intelligence in their eyes and started to calm down from all the scurrying they were doing before. They also looked at me with what looks like extreme awe and loyalty. How did I know this? Well from when they first inhaled the fluid, I felt a faint connection forming between me and them but quickly broke off. As they kept inhaling the gas, the connection became stronger and stronger until the bond permanently formed which gave me access of their thoughts and control their actions. I tried seeing if I could turn them into titans but it turns out that command is missing. I tried searching for it for almost an hour before I gave up and hypothesized that the command only appeared and worked on humans who ingested the fluid.

I waited until all the fluid was used up and already circulating within the rats bloodstream. They all looked extremely intelligent and loyal and were waiting for commands to be issued. I looked at them for a little while then issued a command.

"Rats! Line in formation!" I ordered and once the command was issued all the rats stood up surprisingly and lined in formation akin to how soldiers would do it. I tried other basic commands like move forward and backward, roll over and speak, or more in this case, squeak. They all followed commands to perfection and they were intelligent enough to follow long term orders. I then ordered them to fall in formation while I tried the experiment with insects.

With the insects it was a little different as once they inhaled the gas, I felt resistance as if another control was fighting for dominance. This must be the hive mind as I felt numerous cases of this with other insects of the same species. Once i forced for control, the insects head exploded killing it on the spot. After this happened for a couple of times, I knew this was not going to work and turned off the humidifier. I thought of something that might work and immediately ordered a queen ant for experimentation through the inter com. After waiting for 5 mins, the door opened and a doctor provided me with a fire ant queen. I put the queen in a separate container and gave it a drop of my spinal fluid as I'm only testing it on one creature. I immediately found less resistance and I felt a bond forming the more she drank and when she was done, she was completely loyal to me. I felt the hive mind of the fire ants in the container next to hers and ordered them including the queen to line on formation. They preformed exactly like the rats and I knew my experiment was a success, my spinal fluid can control animals but more experimentation would be needed before I use them for my goals.

After this was over, I started preparing myself for the next big thing in my life and that would be the UA Recommendation Exam.


Hey guys! Here is a new chapter. I think I finally have a fixed schedule for releases and that would be Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Also, this chapter was rushed so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Comment if you need answers or couldn't understand something.

I'm also thinking of his hero suit so If you have any ideas comment them and I will shoutout the person who piques my interest. Remember, it has to be a suit where I can install ODM mechanisms (Something like Kenny ODM gear).

As always, keep supporting the novel and send those powerstones!

Abyss_123creators' thoughts
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