
Showing Them Who’s Boss

From the shadows that formed a girl appeared out of them. She stood motionless while she waited for the darkness to fully disappear. Slowly and carefully raising her head. She just laughed. "Upupupu, that despair! I didn't expect 'they' would carry so much. Haaa.. just thinking about it makes me feel so… liberated!" Her face was glowing bright pink whilst she was also salivating from the mouth.

Her time of glee was cut short as soon as a familiar ear-wrenching buzz rang out bringing her to her knees…

—He was aware of everything that he saw and did, the actions, thoughts and feelings of a psychopath. He was never like this, but the game made him this way, the system forced his brain to think it was normal. He wanted to play the villain, but he feared that this game-born personality would take over him. In this one moment of control, he began to regret his decision. As his avatar was crouched against the floor, head falling, a foot slid into his sight. His body switching back on again he gazed towards the figure. It was.. her.—

-LOV Hideout: 3rd POV-

The bar was filled with people of various sizes. Criminals of various notoriety. They had all arrived to hear about the plan to kill All Might. Their attention fixed on the faceless voice from the television screen. "Once we receive the signal, we shall jam their communication with the outside. Then, Kurogiri will warp the main unit into the center. The other units will be sent into the zones where their quirks work best. Your job is to stall the students while Tomura and Nomu deal with All Might. Do you all understand?"

All of them replied with "Yes", in which All For One chuckled with Joy. "I see, that's good. So does anyone have any more questions?" They all looked around at each other in the express understanding that they all knew what they had to do. That was until a hand shot up and expressed their concerns, making everyone turn their head to see the individual responsible.

"Oh yes I do. I came a little late into this plan so I don't know which unit I'm in. Am I in Handboy's unit?" A rather flamboyant looking girl questioned All For One. They all wondered who she was.

"Yes you are." In reply to All For One's answer she simply hummed. The All For One fanatics did not take her calm demeanour lightly. One burly man with a shiny bald head armed and loaded with countless weapons on his back, his red jumpsuit making him look stupid. He marched over to her, looking down in superiority.

"Who even are you? Are you sure you're not here for a dress up party? This is serious business, go home to your mommy, girly." Even with the saitama wannabe's provocation, the girl sat there keeping a smile on her face. The other residents of the bar tried to get him to stop.

Meanwhile, Tomura and Kurogiri remained in their spots. They thought it would be best to let the confrontation play out to show everyone the mysterious girl's abilities. To let them learn the hard way. 'She's probably the strongest in the room… except for me of course.' Tomura thought to himself.

"Are you even listening to me? Shouldn't you be in school right now?" The skin headed man continued with his rant. However, his excessive talking finally got her to make a move. Jumping off her seat, positioning herself in front of his face she pierced right into his eyes. Her smile remained on her face the entire time.

"Oh don't worry sir I know exactly why I'm here." Her playful tone switched a more bitter one. "How about you? Are you here to die? I can definitely help with that." It took the bald man and even everyone else to register what she had said. Once they had, their attention focused back to the man in the red jumpsuit. The audience awaited the man's reaction and it was certainly ugly.

His face twisted into unbridled anger, his veins forcing their way out of his forehead, anybody would expect them to burst. He grabbed a large silver greatsword off his back, then as a showcase of his anger the entire sword shook violently. "I guess you do want to die… Well, don't say I didn't warn you." Before the man could react, a glowing fist was hurled into his face. Instead of knocking him back, the blow seemed to have been absorbed by his body increasing the damage.

He fell to knees. In everyone's eyes, it looked like he was in pain and couldn't move… except he wasn't. Invisible to their eyes, his consciousness was filled with energy, enough to make it slip out of his body. He was unaware of this occurrence. 'Hyahaha, what a stupid girl. Giving power to her enemy right before she is killed.. that's what you get for being too confident.'

His body flashed from one spot to another, over and over until he stopped right behind her head. Cocking his arm back with all his power, he discharged it right towards the back of her head. 'Rest in pieces.' His body moved at blinding speeds. Expecting feedback from his punch, he looked back towards the girl. Her face emotionless, the aura slowly built up around her fist, ready to make the finishing blow to his body.

Even with his confusion, he didn't let it weigh him down. He needed to get back to his body before he is… killed. Shooting her fist straight down, it collided with his skull. His over excited consciousness being forced into his body, the pain now registering. To everyone else, it also seemed like slow motion, they witnessed the sorry man's face bend to the force of the girl's punch.

Time sped up and in a fraction of a second, his head met the cold hard floor. The resulting force split the floor in its vicinity into several pieces. In addition, the whole building shook, the weakest of them unable to remain standing.

The girl stood upright and turned towards them with a psychotic look in her eyes, "I'm Junko…The Ultimate Despair. I hope you don't forget that, upupupu."

The spectators nodded repeatedly, they now all feared for their at this point. "As amusing as that was, the signal has been received. I trust that you are all ready for what's to come… Kurogiri, send them in." He followed All For One's order, filling up the entire room in his warping shadows.

'Let's go spread some despair.'

-USJ: Junko's POV-

Walking out of the warpgate, Shiggy did his iconic reach-his-hand-out-of-the-portal thing like an edgy villain, seriously… What a weirdo.

Up the tall stairs resided Class 1-A in all of their glory. As per usual All Might was not present, instead it was just Eraserhead and Thirteen. Immediately, Eraserhead alerted his students to head to safety, in which they quickly listened.

One thing was different, two students had charged towards us. One flew in the air with his bright and colourful wings whereas the other ran at a superhuman pace. The former being someone who I already met before and the latter was a brand new face. Their fellow students and teachers were watching in concern.

Once these two stopped in front of us, I was the one who spoke up. "Nice to see you again Marco and who are you supposed to be?" The new face looked a lot like Elizabeth from Seven Deadly Sins, the silvery white hair and her hero costume resembling the pink bar maid outfit forced on her by Meliodas. The one thing that was different was her azure blue eyes, they looked familiar.

I checked out her stats.

'Name: Elizabeth Liones

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Quirk: Limitless (Six Eyes)

Occupation: UA Student, Hero In Training

Titles: Untouchable, The Honoured One.'

My theory was proven correct, this player has the power of Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. Well, that just means it will be more fun.

Despair is all that awaits us… I just know it.


Author: Hey there! I'd just like to say that I've released a new story about the webtoon Jungle Juice. Go and read it. I know I said I'd do the Genderbend Chuuya in unOrdinary, but I felt like my new idea is much better. I'll still do it eventually. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The real stuff starts next chapter, I hope you'll look forward to it.