

'Remember my little one. Humans are despicable beings. No matter how kind you are to them. They will always betray your trust. NEVER ever get involve with them.'

"-ea? Asthrea? Wake up! It's already afternoon!" A sound of curtains being pulled can be heard as a woman tries to wake up the sleeping lady. It was already past 2 in the afternoon and the lady was still deep in her sleep.

"Hmm- five more minutes." Asthrea mumbled as she shifted and got more comfy.

"Young lady wake up this instant or I swear to the heavens I will smack your behind out of bed! You've been sleeping for almost a day!" the woman then pulled of the bed sheets from Asthrea.

Defeated, Asthrea grumpily got out of bed and head towards the kitchen.

Asthrea is an entity that is a little different from what you call humans. Her kind is called Elirious. They have the power to heal. Because of this, they can live for thousands of years.

"After eating you should head over the falls to take your bath. You really need to take a bath."

"Alright aunt Jevi." Asthrea said as she continued to eat.

"I heard that humans are being savages again. They.. they captured another Elirioun. They.. They're despicable,,,!" Aunt Jevi said shaking with anger.

Asthrea grew quiet as she heard the news.

Not too long ago Elirious people or Eliriouns have lived a peaceful life together with humans, but the jealousy of humans for the eternal life of Eliriouns made them do despicable things. Eliriouns were cornerned and was forced to flee their homes. Now they lived inside a forest away from humans.

"I'm going to the falls aunt Jevi." Asthrea said. as she took her robe.

"Don't forget to bring this." Aunt Jevi said as she handed Asthrea a dagger,

"Be careful Rea. We never know if those savages find this place."

"I will." She said as she grip the dagger in her hands and head off to the falls.

As Asthrea arrived in the falls, she quickly removed her clothes and slowly entered the waters. She sat at the edge and looked at the sky.

"Mom, Dad, Are all human beings savages? Are there really no humans who are kind and are willing to live with us?" She whispered, 'I must be joking.' She thought as she started swimming letting the cool waters wash away her ridiculous question.

When she got tired of swimming she took her robe and put it on. She sat under the tree and started humming.

"Mom. Dad. I miss you both." She said and hugged her knees, imagining that she is hugging her parents. This calmed her as she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up to the sound of rustling behind her. She quickly got up and grabbed her dagger. Preparing for the worst.

"Don't take another step! Back away! I am warning you!"

"P-please. I won't hurt you." A voice of a man can be heard as the rustling sound continued.

"I don't trust you. Go away!" she said but the man emerge from the bushes. Asthrea was astonished. She have never seen a man so beautiful before. The person who was standing in front of him was tall, Lean muscle can be traced in his fit clothing, brown wavy hair glistened with sweat. and those blue eyes, she have never seen such ocean blue eyes before. She snap back to reality when she saw no Elirious mark on the beautiful man in front of him. She pointed the dagger at him, making him raise both his hands.

"Wait. I won't harm you. I just-"

"Don't take another step! Y-you-you're a h-human!" she stuttered for words. She has never seen a human, let alone a beautiful one.

"Uhh- are you not human yourself?" the man stated like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I-I..." She could not utter anymore words for the fear of being decieve by the human in front of him.

"I don't mean any harm. I was just riding my horse and stumbled upon this gigantic forest. aaaand I got lost." He explained.

"You should not be here. This is no place for a human such as yourself. Please leave or I am afraid something bad might happen to you." Asthrea said still gripping on her dagger.

"Okay. but can you- wooah wait. I said I won't harm you. Please stoo waving that dagger...!"

Asthrea kept swinging the dagger with closed eyes wishing the man would just go away.

A hand gripped her forearm making her stop waving her dagger. She stared in the ocean blue eyes of the man in front of him.

The man noticed her shaking figure. He let out a sigh and pat her head. She stared at him, seeing his gentle smile calmed her down. She took a step back and put her dagger in it's place. She don't know why but she feels comfortable around him.

Are humans really savages? She thought as she stared at the man. He was still smiling. Asthrea feels like she's being sucked in in his eyes.

"Zenier..." the man stated still smiling his handsome smile.

"What...?" She questioned.

"My name is Zenier. What about yours?"

"I-I'm... Iowa."

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