
melly citra devani

Romansa Kontemporer
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What is melly citra devani

Leia o romance melly citra devani escrito pelo autor Melly_Citra_Devani_7609 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Rise My Elementals!

All the Humans from Earth were suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. They were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and were forced to live in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. For 50 years, Humans lived in endless suffering and torment. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Human race was finally able to slowly develop its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after 50 years. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power suddenly started doing everything to destroy Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name of Leo Heart had his Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a Red Cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Human Race existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery in which Magic and Mana had become every race's foundation of existence. A young man who had lost his family for the Human Race's existence has his Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such an encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so-called unprecedented doom? Would the Human Race's existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits go to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and want to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING! --------------------------------- I am back! 4/22/2024

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The Ylem Trilogy

When not writing or doing book covers, Tatiana Vila can be found binge-watching series, painting cool abstract stuff, eating way too many candies, and fantasizing about interior design makeovers. Her motto: let the mind run wild. Check out some of her cool book cover designs at her website: www.viladesign.net An ancient book, a seventeen-year-old girl and an exotic boy from a supernatural world hold the key to freedom for a long-oppressed race, but that freedom could come at the cost of the human world. Seventeen-year-old Kalista is suffering from a broken heart, so when her playwright father proposes they move their lives from New York to New Mexico because he is in need of inspiration Kalista is 100% on-board with him. New Mexico proves to be the perfect balm for her wounds and she is just starting to feel some of her old spunk when Tristan Winfield comes into her life and pulls all of her barriers down. Kalista is captivated by Tristan's unusual silver eyes and feels an inexplicable connection to him, which begins to manifest itself in her dreams with bizarre images of a waterfall and an orb. While searching for an explanation for her troubling dreams, Kalista discovers an ancient book which holds the secrets of a supernatural race of creatures. But when Killings hit town, she realizes her finding has come at a high price. She's in the middle of a power struggle now, a struggle that seems to be linked to the secret wrapped within the pages of that book. A secret she and Tristan are part of...

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I live on Gronos, a place full of terrible wars, skillful assassins and god-like emperors. Emperors fall like flies, people die in great numbers. Empires, however, they never fall. Life here is spent quickly. You are born, live a life with whatever goals and ideals you have and then die from lead/iron/laser(etc.) poisoning. I, for example, have been an ordinary teenager until the attack that ruined my life. Never gave a shit. Now, I go here and there and harvest lives of good and bad, rich and poor, foul and holy. You pay they die. It's that simple. Or they just die, ask my mood. But after me only emptiness is left. I also go on to complete a task that ends me. But who cares? As for you, dear person who reads this, I have only one thing to say: I know where you sleep, for I am more than I seem to be. My peace is at the same place as my memories, lost to the winds of times. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It may be weird how I decided do make my MC a partially schizophrenic madman who slaughters his way through life. It is on purpose. And do not worry, it all ends up well :} Watch for the twists and turns. I'm bad at keeping my mouth (and thought process) shut (and undistracted). So you could end up with a spoiled thing. What a joker I am. Chapters in range of around 1.6k-2.4k words. They will not be going under 1.6k words. The book is changing it's overall direction in meantime so it's changing it's plot rather often. If you are not willing to read some quite complicated shit, then go around this one. WARNING!!! It's on hiatus and in rewriting process. I'll republish it as another novel in due time. More at the end of the novel. (may seem shitty and confusing now but I hope that rewriting will solve those probs)

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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