
love qoutes

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – ...

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. ...

"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." – ...

"Love is the magician that pulls a man out of his own hat." –

You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die." —

"True love is putting someone else before yourself." — .

"The love we give away is the only love we keep." —

"Love understands love; it needs no talk." ..

Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." "There is always madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." "Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold."

I don't need a thousand reasons to feel special. All i need is you to live in this world. You are the sunshine of my life

Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return. The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love.

The supreme happiness of life consists in the conviction that one is loved..." Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong. ...

. "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." ...

. "We accept the love we think we deserve."

If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor." ...

"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."— Charles Swindoll.

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. ...

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood

True love fosters a connection that goes beyond the superficial. It's a bond that often involves understanding each other's core values, beliefs, and life goals. This connection creates a sense of companionship, where both partners feel they're on the same team, working towards common dreams

Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow." — ...

"Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. ...

"When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return.