
We'll see about that

Ye Ju's paced quickened as she walked across the fifth floor's large corridor. Her heartbeat was ringing inside her ears as she, for the first time in her life, struggled to walk in heels. This never happened before since high heeled shoes were what she wore every day. It was clear this was the result of her trembling.

She tried to calm herself when she reached the door of Li Jisheng's condo unit . With trembling hands she checked if the door was lock by slowly turning the doorknob and when it opened her suspicion further increased.

When Ye Ju opened the door she was met with silence. No shuffling, moans and groans, nothing at all. All there was calm silence that she didn't expect.

Maybe…maybe Ye Qingqing was wrong?

"Brother Li?" when she called out no one answered but she was somehow used to that.

Li Jisheng had an aloof personality and was never known in City B for being sociable. He was the young master of Li family and from a young age had been studying to take over the family business. Parties and hang-outs were more of his younger brother's thing, the same could be said about scandals. Out of the two young master Li, it was the elder one who was sensible and capable while the younger did nothing but bring shame to the family. Li Jisheng's clear reputation made him a target of gossips and conspiracy theories one of which was that he could be a closeted gay which explains his disinterest in women. These rumors quickly came to a halt when Ye Ju entered the scene but others still speculated that Ye Ju was just a cover up and that Li Ji-sheng's secret lover is a man.

Ye Ju went to check kitchen and like she always expected, it was clean and was quite gathering dust since this is the part of the condo Li Jisheng never goes into. It was Ye Ju who only used this place and it happens rarely too.

I think it's time this place gets cleaned again, but first I need to find Brother Li. Where is that guy?

She walked towards his room but stopped near an antique tabletop clock she gave him last year on his birthday.

9:45 a.m.

This was a serious cause for alarm since Li Jisheng always starts the day at 7 or 8 in the morning. Seven if it's a work day, and eight on weekends but what's alarming about the whole situation is that he never oversleeps especially on weekdays.

In her hurry combined with her anxiety she didn't notice the time at all and didn't find it odd at first that Li Jisheng hadn't still showed up to work when she called his assistant to ask for his whereabouts.

"Brother Li, are you there?"

Ye Ju pushed open the bedroom door and was flabbergasted at the sight.

In the bed lay the topless, unconscious Li Jisheng and beside him was a stark naked woman who was about to go on top of him. This woman was someone Ye Ju know so well and even treated like her real sister.

Shen Jingfei!

Her mind was about to go blank but the vicious part of her prevented it and with a speed that she didn't know she had, she was quickly standing on the bedside grabbing a fistful of the woman's hair. Before the woman could scream Ye Ju took the panties hanging on the bedside lamp and in a swift manner shoved it into her mouth to shut her off, dragging her by the hair towards the living room leaving the still unconscious Li Jisheng who had no idea was just happened.

Shen Jingfei tried to take off the gag on her mouth but Ye Ju tightened her hold in her head and she was afraid to end up with a bald spot.

"Mmmmp! Mmmmp!"

"Stop struggling you whore!"

Ye Ju continued to drag her outside the place and because Shen Jingfei didn't have the strength to fight back she was dragged mercilessly like a sack of potatoes on the floor. She realized the vicious Ye Ju's intent on humiliating her when they got out of the condominium unit and tried to fight back by digging her nails on the other's arms. Unfortunately for her Ye Ju that day wore a long sleeved coat and had a sweater underneath so her efforts were wasted.

Her scalp was in so much pain that Shen Jingfei stopped struggling and just let herself be dragged. Ye Ju without a word dragged her towards the elevator and she couldn't help the large volume of tears that started spilling from her eyes.

"Nmmmp! Hrssssssss!" (No! Please!)

The elevator opened and Shen Jingfei thanked her lucky stars no one was inside. She and Ye Ju entered the elevator and as Ye Ju pressed the button for ground floor, Shen Jingfei gathered her last remaining strength and focused it on her legs. She successfully managed to stand up and was about to grab Ye Ju's hair but the latter immediately realized her plan and quickly shoved her to the side. As she stumbled she spit out the gag on her mouth and let out a curse towards Ye Ju.

"B*tch I'll make sure you'll end up in prison for this!"

When Ye Ju heard this she couldn't stop the wicked laughter that erupted from her.

"I'd like to see you try, Miss Shen."

Shen Jingfei knew exactly what she meant just by addressing her as Miss Shen. No one in City B haven't heard the power and prestige the Ye family holds. Unlike other new money families out there who couldn't hold a candle against old money families, the Ye family was different because they hold the monopoly of the entire City B and was also known for the many connections they had both locally and internationally to very powerful people.

Although Ye Ju was born from a mistress, she was the one only miss of the family so naturally she was spoiled and had a penchant for getting whatever she wanted. But as of late Ye Ju was said to be on bad terms with her father and step-mother and was rumored to have been chased out of the family so that's Shen Jingfei had the confidence to voice out her threat.

"Li Jisheng is mine! You think you can scare me? You aren't as powerful as you were before. Right now you have nothing but your surname, I will destroy you!"

"Shen Jingfei you have the guts to say that to me when you were nothing but a mere dog following me around and wagging her tail obediently. You think you can destroy me?"


The elevator stopped moving.

"We'll see about that."

The doors opened and the flock of people in the lobby who were all coincidentally paparazzi turned their heads towards the elevator to see who arrived.

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